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Department of Modern Languages. Gramática nueva The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do …” (something).

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Presentación del tema: "Department of Modern Languages. Gramática nueva The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do …” (something)."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Department of Modern Languages

2 Gramática nueva

3 The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do …” (something). For example: to speak, to eat, to write… etc. The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do …” (something). For example: to speak, to eat, to write… etc. The Spanish infinitive always ends in r

4 The ending: The last two letters of the infinitive always consists of two letters. hablar comer escribir cantar aprender hablar comer escribir cantar aprender There are three types or categories of verbs in Spanish: those that end in ar,those that end in er,and those that end in ir

5 The stem or root: Whatever is left after removing the ending from the infinitive. The stem can consist of a variable number of letters, depending on the length of the verb in question.

6 El infinitivo – el sufijo = la raíz salir conocer costar correr hablar comer escribir cantar Voluntarios

7 When we conjugate any verb we always begin with its stem. To conjugate a verb To put a verb in its correct person and number so that we know who is doing the action.

8 aahbloa ah asa ahblaa hablmosa áhablisá ahblana All persons and numbers are based on the stem. Notice which vowel gets the emphasis! yo tú Ud. él ella nosotros/as vosotros/as ellos ellas Uds. hablar

9 auestdiou uestdiasu uestdiau estudimosa áestudiisá uestdianu Its stem? The emphasis? Voluntarios estudiar

10 estudioestudiamos estudiasestudiáis estudiaestudian estudioestudiamos estudiasestudiáis estudiaestudian La biblioteca es un buen lugar para estudiar. Verb forms that refer to people that are within the conversation flip to their “opposite” form. ¿Qué estudias tú? Yo estudio matemáticas. ¿Qué estudian ustedes?

11 Gramática nueva

12 The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form of the verb. responder The fundamental parts of the verb The ending: The last two letters of the infinitive. The stem: What is left after taking the ending from the infinitive. -er respond-

13 The following verbs are regular -er / -ir verbs and they are conjugated according to the pattern that follows: aprenderto learn beberto drink abrirto open creerto believe escribirto write venderto sell (+ a + infinitive) (to do something)

14 All persons and numbers are based on the stem. aprender eeaprndoe eaprndese eaprndee aprendmose éaprendisé eaprndene The emphasis?

15 All persons and numbers are based on the stem. escribir iiescrboi i besi iescrbei escribmosi íescribsí iescrbeni The emphasis?

16 The verb ver (to see or to watch) is irregular only in its yo form. Also notice that the vosotros/as form has no written accent because it is only one syllable. ver veo ves ve vemos veis ven (not vo)

17 viv o es viv e imos vivís viv en Its stem? vivir Voluntarios

18 ¿Qué forma del verbo es correcta? 1.¿Tú ____ a países diferentes en el verano? a. viajob. viajac. viajas 2.Yo ____ en los restaurantes de Oxford. a. comemosb. comoc. comes 3.Nosotros ____ en un apartamento grande. a. viveb. vivenc. vivimos

19 Adiós y hasta luego

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