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Grammar Point: Direct Object Pronouns

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1 Grammar Point: Direct Object Pronouns
Singular Plural me me nos us te you (informal) lo it, him, you (masc. formal) los them, you all (masc.) la it, her, you (fem. formal) las them, you all (fem.) Direct object pronouns tell who or what receives the ACTION of the verb. Direct object pronouns can be placed in FRONT of the conjugated verb. Direct object pronouns can also be ATTACHED to infinitives, commands or present participle forms of verbs.

2 Grammar Point: Direct Object Pronouns
EXAMPLES My mom takes ____ to the movies. = Mi madre _____ lleva al cine. Whom does my mom take to the movies? What’s the most logical answer? I’m going to the party with John. He called____ yesterday to invite ___. = Yo voy a la fiesta con John. Él ______ llamó ayer para invitar____. Whom did John call? Whom did he invite? You are excited because your dad is taking ____ to get your license. = Tú estás entusiasmada porque tu padre ____ lleva para obtener tu permiso de manejar. Whom is your dad taking to get your driver’s license? The teacher believes _____because we always tell the truth. = La profesor _____ cree porque nosotros siempre decimos la verdad. Whom does the teacher believe?

3 Grammar Point: Affirmative tú Commands
To form the command of a verb that is not irregular, use the él/ella/Ud. form of the verb in its conjugated form. Be sure you know your verb endings for –ar, – er and –ir verbs in the present tense. command form -ar verbs -er/-ir verbs a e

4 Grammar Point: Irregular Affirmative tú Commands
These verbs are irregular in the affirmative tú command: poner = pon salir = sal tener = ten ir = ve venir = ven decir = di hacer = haz ser = sé

5 Grammar Point: Attaching Pronouns
Direct and indirect object pronouns can be attached to the end of - infinitives - affirmative commands - present participles Sometimes it’s necessary to add an accent mark. You can cover up the direct object pronoun and count back 2 vowels to decide where to put the accent mark.

6 Grammar Point: Present Progressive
The present progressive involves implies that an action is taking place at that exact moment. Part Part 2 Estar present participle form of verb You MUST have BOTH PARTS for the verb to be complete!

7 Grammar Point: Present Progressive PART 1: Conjugate estar for the subject of the sentence
Yo estoy Nosotros Nosotras estamos ___ y yo Tú estás Ud. Él está Ella 1 person 1 thing Uds. Ellos están Ellas 2+ people 2+ things

8 Grammar Point: Present Progressive PART 2: the present participle form of the verb
To form the present participle (the same as the -ing form of a verb in English): -ar verbs: drop off -ar → add -ando -er and -ir verbs: drop off the -er/-ir → add –iendo *see next slide for a list of irregular present participles

9 Grammar Point: Present Progressive Irregular Present Participles
These verbs are irregular in the present progressive: decir: diciendo vestir: vistiendo pedir: pidiendo dormir: durmiendo repetir: repitiendo creer: creyendo seguir: siguiendo leer: leyendo servir: sirviendo traer: trayendo

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