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Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester

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Presentación del tema: "Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Revistiendo con Realeza a Ester
Génesis 3: La Distorsión Del Ser y la Función

2 Bosquejo Introducción
La Tentación y la respuesta del Ser Humano: Génesis 3:1-7 La confrontación de Dios y la respuesta del Ser Humano: Génesis 3:8-13 La Caída y la Corrupción de la Autoridad

3 La caída produjo una distorsión en el entendimiento humano del ser y la función.

4 Quebrantamiento de la Relación Primaria entre Dios y la Humanidad
Grupo # 1 Génesis 6:5-6 Romanos 1:21-23 Romanos 3:23 Grupo # 2 Isaías 44:9-20 Habacuc 2:18-20 Small Group Work Study one set of verses What does these verse reveal about the nature of mankind’s rebellion against God? Feedback With their rebellion against God, the woman and the man were separated from God. They began to lose sight of the nature and character of God and began to create god’s after their own image and after created things. Because the primary relationship was broken, all of the secondary relationships began to suffer:

5 Todas la Relaciones Secundarias están Quebrantadas
Ya no sabían quienes eran individualmente e intrínsicamente. Ya no sabían quienes eran en su relación el uno con el otro, como hombre y mujer. Ya no sabían su propósito y su relación con el resto de la creación. Priory to the fall of creation was in harmony with God, with itself. The rebellion against God not only impacted humankind’s relationship with God, it also impacted his relationship with creation and with one-another in the human family. Man not only begins to war against God, but he begins to war against his own nature, and male and female begin to war with one-another. Eventually humankind will turn to pagan gods and as they do so, everything about life changes. This includes, but is not limited to seeing how marriage and male-female relations were distorted and often destroyed They no longer knew who they were, individually and intrinsically. While the imago Dei did not cease to exist, it began to fade and was distorted. Who am I? They no longer knew who they were in relationship to one-another, as male and female. Marriage began to suffer. Infidelity began to occur. Eventually sexual relations were distorted to men conquering of woman; eventually sex became a form of entertainment and recreation. Eventually sexual confusion abounded. Men having sex with other men, women having sex with other women, men having sex with both men and women. Men and women having multiply sexual partners. They no longer knew what their purpose was and their relationship to the rest of creation. They lost all sense of why they were put here on this earth. The concept of stewardship, of creating godly culture was lost. Humankind began to either worship creation as if it were god or they moved to the other extreme and began to abuse and rape creation for their own selfish ends. Of course, all of this did not happen immediately. It was progressively dawning or getting worse.

6 Cambio de Patrones Sociales
DESDE – El Orden Trinitario: Unidad de Ser y Diversidad de Función A – Atomismo – Diversidad Absoluta – Sexismo A – Monismo – Unidad Absoluta – Feminismo Radical Because human beings lost site of the Trinitarian nature of the living God they failed to understand the pattern of their own making. The pattern of Unity and Diversity was forgotten. The pattern of the harmony of the Unity of Being and the Diversity of Function was los New patterns formed. In terms of human understanding of Being and Function people gravitated towards Absolute Diversity – Atomism Because men and women are different in function, men are superior to women in their being. This is the foundation of Sexism. This idea has impacted Christians as well. They have used scripture for men to ‘lord’ it over women. This pagan foundation leads to Chauvinism in the church. Women are denied the value in both their being and function as women. Men end up crushing women. Absolute Unity – Monism Men and women are equal in being, therefore there can be no difference in function. All aspects of humanity are interchangeable. This includes sexual identity. This is the foundation of Radical Feminism. The idea has impacted the church as well. In many circles of evangelicalism around the world today, Egalitarianism reigns. The idea of loving –serving-headship of a husband in his family and of eldership in the church is challenged. Ultimately the masculine (Father-heart of God) and feminine (Mother-heart of God) spirits, and male and female role distinctions disappear. An artificial masculinity dominates in which men are emasculated and women are maculated. Women end up disappearing.

7 La Tentación y la Respuesta Humana
Lea Génesis 3:1-7 Preguntas: ¿Qué hizo Satanás? ¿Cuál fue la respuesta del hombre? ¿Cómo respondió la mujer? ¿Quién es finalmente responsable por la decisión? ¿Cuáles fueron las consecuencias inmediatas? Small group work Read Genesis 3: 1-7 Answer the questions? Feedback This is perhaps the saddest and certainly the most consequential moment in human history. All of the brokenness that has been experienced by human beings throughout history stem from this moment

8 La Rebelión Contra Dios
Es una rebelión contra el Orden Divino. Conlleva a la creación del des-orden – es decir un orden falso. The rebellion against God is also a rebellion against His order and His ordinances The Order of paradise was perfect and reflected what might be called the Kingdom Culture of Truth, Justice and Beauty. In the fall, man and the woman abandoned worship and obedience of the true and living God for what would become gods of their own making. . In doing so, they begin to institute a counterfeit order. And they are the ones responsible for that distorted order, the dis-order. And this is exactly what happened. One of the results of the new order was enmity between men and women

9 ¿Quién es responsable por la Caída?
Grupo # 1: Génesis 3:9 Preguntas: ¿A quién llamó Dios a cuentas? ¿Por qué llamó a esta persona a dar cuenta de sus hechos? Grupo # 2: Romanos 5:12,14,17-19; 1 Corintios 15: Según Dios, ¿quién es el responsable de la caída? ¿Quién no es responsable? ¿Por qué? Read the scriptures Answer the questions Feedback God called Adam to account because he was the “head” of the woman and the representative man. Eve may have been deceived, but Adam was not. He sinned fully aware of what he was doing. Eve being first did not make her “the worst” as many Christians and theologians have argued over the centuries

10 Adán, NO Eva es el responsable de la Caída
Adán fue llamado a rendir cuentas: “¿Pero el SEÑOR Dios llamó al hombre y dijo: “¿Dónde estas? Adán es representativo de toda la humanidad: “la muerte reinó desde Adán hasta Moisés,... Porque si por la ofensa de aquel uno murieron muchos,” Too often Christian’s use Eve’s response as a reason that women are inferior to man. This has then become the rational, in many Christian circles for seeing woman as inferior to man and in other cases laying a foundation for male tyrannical domination of women. This corresponds more with paganism and sexism than with Biblical Theism. This is completely in appropriate. The Bible is clear that it is Adam who is responsible for the fall. While Satan addressed Eve, God did not address eve first. It was Adam who was first addressed by God, because as the headship of the family, he was primarily accountable. In Genesis 3:9 we read that Adam and Eve were walking in the garden; but it was towards Adam that God addressed His gaze and question . Adam was called to account (Genesis 3: 9): “But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”

11 El Hombre Representativo
Adán no sólo fue el primer hombre, él fue el hombre representativo – la cabeza de la humanidad. Similarmente, Eva es la mujer representativa – la madre de todos los seres vivos Jesús es el Segundo Adán – el 2ndo hombre representativo Adam was not only the first man, he was also the representative man. As Eve is the mother of all the living, Adam is the representative head of the entire human race. Because Adam, and not Eve, rebelled against the living God, the human race is fallen and in sin. We can be grateful that the Jesus is the Second Adam, representing all the redeemed Romans 5:17): “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

12 La Biblia pone la responsabilidad primordial de la introducción del pecado en el mundo, no a los pies de Eva, sino a los pies del Hombre. No place here to blame Eve for the fall Christian men should humbly take heed of this fact and confess there sin when they, in thought, word or deed have sought to put the burden of the fall on women.

13 La Des-integración Falta de integración personal – integridad
Separación ente lo trascendente y el cuerpo físico Espíritu masculino y varón (macho) Espíritu femenino y hembra Before the fall there was not dis-integration between the body and spirit, between the masculine spirit and male and between the feminine spirit and woman. Now they lack personal integration, body and spirit And there seems to begin a double measure of shame for the feminine and the womb. Women now become second class to male and masculine.

14 Irresponsabilidad de Adán
Lea Génesis 3:8-12 Preguntas: ¿Qué hizo Dios? ¿Además de vergüenza qué más sintió Adán? ¿Qué hizo Adán? ¿A quién lo hizo? Small Group Work Read the passage Answer the questions Feedback God confronted Adam. Here we find, not only is there shame, but there is fear. For the first time fear has entered the world. Then we witness the first case of abdication in history. Adam may have been acting irresponsibly, abandoning his leadership when Satan approached Eve. But here we can clearly see he “passed the buck.” . Adam who was the accountable party because of his role as the head of the family, rationalizes his decision by passing the blame First to “The woman … she gave me some fruit from the tree, …” He first blamed Eve. Previously Adam was enraptured with his bride Eve. He called her “bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh.” And now he wants to distance himself from her and blame her for his own actions. But does not stop with blaming Eve. Second, “The woman you put here with me - …” Here Adam blamed God. God, His Creator and intimate Friend is now responsible for Adams decision. If God had not given him his wife, Eve, he would not have been tempted to sin. Therefore, he reasoning is, it is God’s fault. Here we find the first example of the blame game. And this has been the continuing patter of all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.

15 Irresponsabilidad de Eva
Lea Génesis 3:13 Preguntas: ¿Qué hizo Eva? ¿Qué no hizo Eva? Eve passes the buck, but she showed some wisdom in not blaming God. It was the serpent’s fault. If the serpent had not tempted her, Eve is saying she would have not sinned. This is the second human being to seek to show a lack of responsible for her own decisions and blame someone else. Likewise, today, too often, Christians blame Satan for things that they are responsible for.

16 Las Maldiciones La primera es sobre Satanás – Génesis 3:14-15a
La segunda es sobre la tierra – Génesis 3:17b Nota: Ni Adán ni Eva fueron maldecidos To often we think that the man or the woman were cursed. But a simple reading reveals that neither are cursed. In fact they have been blessed (Genesis 1:28) and have the continuance of God’s grace – common grace, over their lives (Genesis 3:23-24). But there circumstances will now be very different.

17 La Esperanza para el Futuro
“Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.” Génesis 3:15 Genesis 3:15 pulls back the curtain on the future victory of the woman’s offspring: Note, this is the first of many references in the O.T. to the coming of the Redeemer. God is going to use that which comes from a woman’s womb to seal Satan's fate. We find this prophecy fulfilled in Christ’s conquering Satan at the cross. While Satan struck Christ at the cross, Jesus crushed Satan’s head (Romans 16:20; 1 Corinth. 15: 25-27; Col. 2:14; 1 John 3:8)

18 El Impacto de la Maldición
Aunque el hombre y la mujer no fueron maldecidos, cada uno fue sujeto a las consecuencias de la maldición. Hay simetría en el régimen de trabajo: El hombre en el campo – Génesis 3:17b-19 La mujer al dar a luz – Génesis 3:16a There is symmetry here in that each, in their primary sphere of labor, the man in the field and the woman in bearing children, there will now be pain. The Hebrew word for pain or painful is the same in both verses 3:16 and 3:17 and is translated variously “pain,” “labor,” “hardship,” ‘sorrow,” or “toil.”[1] Each has a complementary but differing responsibility in fulfilling the mandate. The mandate itself has not changed. What has changed is the level of difficulty in fulfilling the mandate.

19 A la Mujer “... Multiplicaré en gran manera los dolores en tus preñeces; con dolor darás a luz los hijos;...” (Génesis 3:16a)

20 Al Hombre “...con dolor comerás de ella todos los días de tu vida. Espinos y cardos te producirá, y comerás plantas del campo. Con el sudor de tu rostro comerás el pan hasta que vuelvas a la tierra, porque de ella fuiste tomado; pues polvo eres, y al polvo volverás.” (Génesis 3:17b-19)

21 Perversión de la Relación – Varón - Hembra
Génesis 3:16b “...tu deseo será para tu marido, y él se enseñoreará de ti.” Small Group Work How do people normally apply this passage? Feed back! Remember the hermitical principles What does it say? What does it mean? How does it apply? Before we can interpret and apply this passage, we must first look at what is says.

22 Tu deseo Hebreo teshucá: (hq'WvT. ) “estirarse hacia, anhelo” “deseo,” o “desear con ardor”: del hombre para la mujer de la mujer para el hombre de la bestia para devorar Utilizado tres veces en el A.T. Génesis 3:16; 4:7; Cantares 7:10

23 1ra Interpretación La mujer se inclina ante su esposo y es totalmente dependiente en él: “La propensión del hombre para dominar a su mujer, parece compulsivamente emparejado por el deseo - destructivo de la mujer por el hombre - para asegurar las relaciones, aun cuando no sean sanas, cueste lo que cueste.” Psicóloga Mary Stewart Van-Leeuwen The new context: There has been a shift in man from loving-serving-headship to a man who is a tyrant or to one who abdicates his authority. Two interpretations have been suggested for the meaning of the text. The first is of the woman’s groveling before her husband, her utter dependence upon him. Lecturer, Mardi Keyes, quotes psychologist Mary Stewart Van-Leeuwen as writing; “The man’s fallen propensity to dominate the woman, seems compulsively matched by the woman’s fallen destructive ‘desire’ for the man – for securing relationships, even unhealthy ones, no matter what the cost.” [1] From now on men will tend to run the spectrum of abdicating responsibility to functioning as tyrants. Women respond on an equally destructive spectrum from being servile towards men to seeking to usurp their rightful authority in marriage. [1] Keyes, Mardi; unpublished paper, Christianity and Feminism; ????; pg. 9.

24 2da Interpretación La mujer usurpa la autoridad de su esposo.
Existe una fraseología paralela entre Génesis 3:16 y 4:7 Gen. 4:7 “… el pecado está a la puerta; con todo esto, a ti será su deseo, y tú debes dominarlo”. Como el pecado desea devorar a Caín así Eva desea dominar a su esposo. Caín debe resistir el dominio del pecado y asimismo Eva debe resistir su deseo de dominar a su esposo. The second, different, yet equally dysfunctional perspective is a combative desire to usurp the husbands authority TO DEVOUR Here the woman is hostel and aggressive against any authority of her husband. In either case, the woman is likely responding to a sexism where man as the loving-serving-headship has been distorted by the fall. The loving-respectful-helper has turned into servility or slavish dependence on the one hand or an attempt to power grabbing authority on the other. The war on women, as we have discovered in the early sessions shows the tyrannical way that fallen men treat women and the abetting that women do because of as a result of this longing for a man, any man. They will submit themselves to beating, physical rape, emotional and psychological violence all for the longing to be with a man. [1] Krabbendam, Henry; A Biblical Pattern of Preparation for Marriage; Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA; 2000; pg.23

25 El se Enseñoreará Hebreo mashal (lv;m' ): gobernar, reinar, dominio, gobernador Utilizado 81 veces en el AT.

26 Descripción no Prescripción
Descripción: Lo que ES – ¡las cosas como son! Prescripción: Lo que DEBERÍA de ser El deseo de la mujer y el dominio del hombre es una descripción de lo que es, no lo que debería de ser. ¡Lo que debería de ser es la dirección de un siervo-amante y la ayuda idónea de una respetuosa amante! Too often people think that the fall is normal. No the fall is abnormal. To often Christians and non-Christians alike assume that Genesis 3: 16b, “Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” as prescriptive – this is the way it was meant to be. But this is not a prescription of what should be but it is a description of how things are since the fall. Illustration of weeds in the garden Too often Christian men use this text as a justification for treating their wives, mothers, sister as second class citizens. They allow their own cultural stories to be justified by a gross misunderstanding of this text.

27 ¡Las Consecuencias de la Caída!
La caída no destruyó el orden creado sino ¡lo distorsionó! Distorsionó el Orden Trinitario y lo reemplazó con: Un Orden Atomístico – Sexista – con gobierno tiránico masculino y servilismo femenino. Un Orden Monístico – Feminismo Radical – hostil y agresivo contra cualquier autoridad masculina.

28 Resumen “El pecado ha corrompido ambos, la sumisión voluntaria de la esposa y la dirección amante del esposo. Por eso, el gobierno de amor establecido en el paraíso fue reemplazado por la lucha, la tiranía, la dominación y la manipulación” Susan T. Foh Teóloga In the next session we will witness the growing consequences of the sin as we explore the place of women in the O.T. [1] Foh, Susan T.; Women and the Word of God; Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. 1979; pg. 69

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