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Los Verbos en Español There are three types of verbs in Spanish. Some verbs end in –ar, some end in –er, and others end in –ir.

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Presentación del tema: "Los Verbos en Español There are three types of verbs in Spanish. Some verbs end in –ar, some end in –er, and others end in –ir."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Los Verbos en Español There are three types of verbs in Spanish. Some verbs end in –ar, some end in –er, and others end in –ir.

2 Verbos de -ar BailarTo danceCantarTo sing BorrarTo eraseCaminarTo walk CocinarTo cookDesayunarTo eat breakfast DibujarTo drawEscucharTo listen to HablarTo talk/speakLavarTo wash LimpiarTo cleanLlevarTo carry/wear MirarTo look at/watch MontarTo ride NadarTo swimPrestarTo lend

3 Verbos de -er AprenderTo learnBarrerTo sweep BeberTo drinkComerTo eat ComprenderTo understand CorrerTo run VenderTo sellLeerTo read

4 Verbos de -ir VivirTo liveSubirto climb/get into RecibirTo receiveEscribirTo write AsistirTo attendAbrirTo open

5 Las Personas PERSON YoI TúYou (familiar) ÉlHe EllaShe UstedYou (formal) NosotrosWe VosotrosY’all (you informal plural) EllosThey EllasThey

6 Endings VERB-ar endings-er endings-ir endings Yo-o Tú-as-es Él-a-e Ella-a-e Nosotros-amos-emos-imos Vosotros-áis-éis-ís Ellos-an-en Ellas-an-en Ustedes-an-en

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