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Publicada porOlalla Velarde Modificado hace 11 años
TNT1-64 KEY MESSAGE: This is Technet session TNT 1-64.
Administración de proyectos empresariales con Microsoft Project Professional y Server 2002
KEY MESSAGE: This Microsoft TechNet session on Enterprise Project Management with Microsoft Project Professional and Server 2002. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: Hello and Welcome to this Microsoft TechNet session on Enterprise Project Management with Microsoft Project Professional and Server My name is {insert name} SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s take a look at what we will cover in this session. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Bob Carver 3 Leaf Solutions LLC
Lo que vamos a cubrir Microsoft Project Professional 2002
Microsoft Project Server 2002 Crear proyectos empresariales Administración de tareas Administración de recursos Administración de proyectos empresariales KEY MESSAGE: This is what we will cover in this session. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s look at the prerequisites for this session. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Conocimientos previos
Familiaridad con la administración de proyectos Familiaridad con la administración de recursos Familiaridad con recursos compartidos Familiaridad con Windows 2000 o XP KEY MESSAGE: To get the most out of this session, you should meet the prerequisites outlined on this slide. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: To get the most out of this session you should be familiar with project management, resource management, document sharing, and Windows 2000 or XP SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at the agenda for this session. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Nivel 200
Agenda Crear un proyecto Asignar recursos
Colaborar con los miembros de equipo Administrar recursos Tareas ejecutivas KEY MESSAGE: This is the agenda for this session, the first agenda topic is Crear un proyecto. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: This session will cover Crear un proyecto, Asignar recursos, Colaborar con los miembros de equipo, Administración de recursos, and tasks executives would perform. The first agenda item is Crear un proyecto. SLIDE TRANSITION: The first thing we need to look at is how Microsoft Project 2002 Professional can be used for managing projects in your enterprise. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Crear un proyecto Microsoft Project 2002
Actualizaciones desde Project 2000 Versiones Standard y Professional Integración con Office Importar tareas desde Outlook/Excel Soporte de Etiquetas inteligentes Muchos asistentes Proyecto nuevo, Calendarios y Seguimiento de instalaciones Funciones fáciles de usar KEY MESSAGE: Microsoft Project Professional 2002 has the following features that make enterprise project management easier. SLIDE BUILDS: 6 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD1] You can upgrade from Microsoft Project 2000 to Microsoft Project 2002 Standard or Professional. [BUILD2] Microsoft Project comes in Standard or Professional versions. Professional comes with additional features for managing projects in the Enteprise. [BUILD3] Microsoft Project 2002 has a consistent look and feel that’s similar to other Office products. A project manager can begin their project plan in Excel or Outlook’s Task List, and then easily move their tasks into Microsoft Project. [BUILD4] A new feature of Project 2002 is Smart Tags. Smart Tags are available in other Office applications. Smart Tags in Projects give users feedback when they make certain changes to a project plan, especially those that may affect scheduling. For example, when a resource is added to a task, a smart tag will ask for clarification and offer alternative scheduling calculations that may be more appropriate. [BUILD5] There are lots of wizards that allow users go get started quickly with Project 2002, such as the New Project Wizard, New Calendar Wizard, and Tracking Setup Wizard. The Wizards help you choose the appropriate options for your project and prompt you to add enterprise and collaboration features. [BUILD6] Many ease-of-use features were added. For example, the delete key no longer deletes a row; just the cell selected will be cleared, lots of nice changes that users have requested that make the product easier to work with. SLIDE TRANSITION: Lets look at the features of Microsoft Project Server. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 7-9. Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 1.
Crear un proyecto Microsoft Project Server 2002
Centralizar los datos de administración de proyectos Plantillas, recursos, documentos, tareas Permite la colaboración Compartir datos de recursos Analizar tendencias en varios proyectos Sustituir recursos en toda la empresa Acceda a los datos de la administración del proyecto desde cualquier sitio Datos almacenados en SQL Server Acceda desde Project Professional o el cliente de Web Access KEY MESSAGE: Microsoft Project Server centralizes project management data and fosters collaboration. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD1] Centralized project management data allows you to easily organize, track and store project-related details in a shared, central location – the Project Server. You can centrally maintain and access organzitionwide templates and documents. Centrally store all resource information including assignments, usage and availability across the organization. [BUILD 2] The collaboration tools and shared data enable workgroups and stakeholders to stay informed and initiatives to stay aligned with company goals. The new Resource Center lets users easily view and edit information about resources across their organization. In addition, resource usage and availability across the organization’s project portfolio can be evaluated quickly, so users can better determine resource workload and capacity requirements. With the new Portfolio Analyzer, stakeholders can view real-time project and resource information across an organization. This portfolio management tool enables users to interact with time-phased data easily through PivotTables® and charts. The Substitution wizard analyzes the types of resources needed on a project or group of projects and matches resources from the enterprise resource pool to tasks based on criteria such as skills, availability and location. [BUILD 3] Microsoft Project Server stores its data in a SQL Server database, so the data is reliably available. Microsoft Project Web Access provides team members and stakeholders with access and edit rights to personalized views of project information without requiring them to have a copy of Microsoft Project on their desktop. All these users need is a Microsoft Project Server CAL and a Web browser to view, analyze and interact with project information. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at how the features of Project Professional and Project Server combine to make Enterprise Project Management more effective. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade -- EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 1 Microsoft Project Versions_EPM.doc, Pages 4 and 5. Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 3.
Crear un proyecto Roles de usuario
Miembros del equipo Project Server permite accesibilidad y colaboración KEY MESSAGE: Microsoft Project allows individuals at all levels to participate in the project management process. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD1] Project managers can take advantage of the ease-of-use features of Project Professional, in creating project plans, assigning tasks, retrieving resource information, and getting status reports and updates from their team members. [BUILD 2] Team members can access project plan data on Project server so they can see task assignments, update tasks, send status reports, update working and non-working hours, and configure notifications. [BUILD 3] Stakeholders such as executives and resource managers can review ongoing projects and perform analysis to make sure projects are on track, and workload is distributed, so projects are not at risk of failure. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at Microsoft Project Server clients. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade -- EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 1 Microsoft Project Versions_EPM.doc, Pages 4 and 5. Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 3. Administradores de proyectos/negocios Administración del proyecto fácil de usar Interesados Administración de recursos basados en cartera y habilidades
Crear un proyecto Clientes de Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Professional 2002 Funciones completas Se enfoca en los gerentes de proyecto y de recursos Project Web Access Con suficientes funciones Se enfoca a los miembros de equipo y los ejecutivos KEY MESSAGE: Microsoft Project Server centralizes project management data and fosters collaboration. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Microsoft Project Professional has all the features and functionality found in Microsoft Project Standard and it includes enterprise resource management capabilities and portfolio management features such as real-time reporting and scenario analysis tools, enabling project managers and business decision-makers to view project and resource information across their department or entire organization. Managers can plan, manage and track projects and resources with portfolio management tools and an enterprise resource database. Microsoft Project Professional features allow resource managers to manage a centralized resource and skills database and ensure that resources are efficiently allocated across projects. [BUILD 2] Microsoft Project Web Access provides team members and stakeholders with access to Project information through a web client. Users can easily navigate through the simple layout, which is consistent with other Microsoft Office Web applications. Team members and other stakeholders can update project information, create and respond to status’s, and can customize the Web Access interface by saving views using sorting, grouping or filtering options. Web access is an easy and quick way to review and analyze project data pertinent to their role within the organization. SLIDE TRANSITION: Lets look at how Project Server and Professional interoperation ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 1, 2 and 4.
Microsoft Project Professional
Crear un proyecto Interacción entre el servidor y el cliente de Project Microsoft Project Professional Project Server SQL Server Recuperar Publicar KEY MESSAGE: This is how the components that make up a Microsoft Enterprise Project Management solution interoperate. SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD1] Microsoft Project Server stores project data on SQL Server. [BUILD2] Microsoft Project clients can login to Project server. [BUILD3] Once logged in, project clients can publish and retrieve project data. [BUILD4] Project clients can retrieve project plans, resource data, publish and retrieve assignments, calendar information, enterprise templates and so forth. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at how the features of Project Professional and Project Server combine to make Enterprise Project Management more effective. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Planes del proyecto Datos de los recursos Asignaciones Calendarios Plantillas
Crear un proyecto Microsoft Project Server y Professional
Plantillas empresariales Publicar datos del proyecto Almacenados en la base de datos de Project Server Grupo de recursos empresariales Integrar un equipo de la empresa Asistente para la sustitución de recursos Funciones de análisis Analizador de cartera Modelador de cartera KEY MESSAGE: Project Server and Professional combine to make enterprise project management more effective. SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Administrators can create project templates that contain codes, custom fields, and other information used across the enterprise. [BUILD 2] Projects that are created can be published to the project server where the data is stored centrally, and is accessible to all team members. [BUILD 3] Resource information is securely stored and managed centrally in the enterprise resource pool. Project manages can get accurate, up-to-date information about resources, including assignments, usage and availability across the organization. Project manages can assign enterprise resources by using the Build Team from enterprise feature, or the Resource substitution wizard. [BUILD 4] Project 2002 has some new analysis features as well. With the Portfolio Analyzer, stakeholders can view real-time project and resource information across an organization in PivotTables and charts. The Portfolio Modeler can be used to interactively modify project schedules and staffing, and see the effect of potential changes on projects in progress. This allows executives to model “what-if” scenarios and identify potential solutions for at-risk projects within an organization’s portfolio. SLIDE TRANSITION: Microsoft Project Server is also secure. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Pages 3 and 4. Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Page 33.
Crear un proyecto Microsoft Project Server y Professional
Seguro Autenticación integrada con Windows Autenticación de conexión de Project Server Ambos Acceso controlado Vistas Funciones Proyectos Integrar con correo electrónico corporativo Notificaciones para las tareas próximas y vencidas Integrado con Sharepoint Team Services KEY MESSAGE: Project Server and Professional combine to make enterprise project management more effective. SLIDE BUILDS: 5 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Access to project information is secure through user logins. You can use Windows logins, Microsoft Project Server logins created on the Project Server, or both to access project data. [BUILD 2] Administrators can control what access team members have to project data. Access to views within Project Web Access can be restricted. Access to features and project data can also be controlled. [[BUILD 3] Microsoft Project Server can generate SMTP notifications when there’s a change in the information for managers and resources. Team members can receive an describing the changes, such as project name, task details and hyperlinks to the appropriate section in Microsoft Project Server. [BUILD 4] Integration of SharePoint™ Team Services and Microsoft Project Server allows users to centrally store and organize project-related documents and track issues on a Sharepoint Team Services server. SLIDE TRANSITION: You can also integrate Microsoft Project Server with Microsoft Sharepoint Team Services. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 51, 58, 67 and 68. Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 5.
Crear un proyecto Integración de Project Server y Sharepoint
SQL Server KEY MESSAGE: By integrating Sharepoint Team Services with Microsoft Project, allows you to share documents using document libraries, and create and update issues. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD1] By integrating Sharepoint Team Services with Microsoft Project Server you get additional document management and collaboration features. [BUILD2] You can create document libraries to share project related documents. Document libraries allow you to link supporting documents such as project justification, project feasibility analysis, and budget estimation, to a project plan, a task in a project plan or a task list. There is a Public document space where documents can be posted and shared across the organization, and you can also create per-project document libraries where documents specific to the project plans will be stored. Subwebs can be created manually or automatically Project Server when a project plan is first published. Microsoft Project Server automatically adds resources associated with the project plan to its respective sub-web if the users are using Windows Logon accounts. Information in Sharepoint Team services is accessed directly from project clients, and is secure. [BUILD3] Integrating Sharepoint Team Services also allows you to track issues related to project and tasks. We’ll talk more about issues later. SLIDE TRANSITION: A new feature the will help you start using Project Server and Professional quickly, is the Project Guide. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Sharepoint Team Services
Crear un proyecto Guía de proyectos
Nuevas funciones de Project Professional Integradas en la interfaz Guía paso a paso de tareas comunes Creación de proyectos Asignación de recursos Útil para principiantes Familiariza a los usuarios con las funciones del proyecto Personalizable para las empresas KEY MESSAGE: The Project Guide provides an intuitive interface that guides you through common tasks. SLIDE BUILDS: 5 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Managers can quickly and easily create and manage project plans with the new Project Guide. [BUILD 2] The Project Guide is can be accessed from the toolbar, and is available as a window in Microsoft Project, so you never have to leave the project interface. [BUILD 3] The Project Guide provides step-by-step interactive instructions to help users quickly accomplish tasks such as defining projects, entering tasks, and Asignar recursos. [BUILD 4] The Project Guide helps you navigate through the project management process while allowing you to learn, explore, and discover its available features. [BUILD 5] The Project Guide can be customized to effectively promote an organization’s best practices from within the application. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets create a project. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Tips and Tricks.doc, Pages 1 and 2. Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 12. Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 3.
Demo 1 Crear un proyecto Crear un proyecto nuevo La Guía del proyecto
KEY MESSAGE: In this demonstration, you’ll see how to create a new project using the project Guide. SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: In this demonstration, you’ll see how to create a new project using the project Guide. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s move on to the next agenda item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Agenda Crear un proyecto Asignar recursos
Colaborar con los miembros de equipo Administrar recursos Tareas ejecutivas KEY MESSAGE: Now lets move on to the next agenda item, Asignar recursos. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: Now lets move on to the next agenda item, Asignar recursos. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at how enterprise resources allow project and resource manages to manage workload more effectively. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Asignar recursos Recursos empresariales
Grupo de recursos empresariales Igual que los recursos normales de Project Almacenados en la base de datos de Project Server Se pueden asignar tareas en varios proyectos Se da seguimiento efectivamente al flujo de trabajo y a la disponibilidad Campos personalizados Agregue campos específicos a los recursos Permite la búsqueda y el seguimiento Ejemplo: Seguimiento de recursos por habilidades de trabajo KEY MESSAGE: Enterprise resources are centrally stored and assigned for more effective resource management. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Enterprise Resource Pool provides a single repository for all enterprise resources used with a Microsoft Project Server. Resource records and summary resource assignments are stored in the enterprise database. The enterprise resources use the base calendars and enterprise resource fields defined in the Enterprise Global template. Microsoft Project opens enterprise resources when the user opens an enterprise project or when the user checks out one or more resources. Enterprise resources may be assigned to tasks in one or more projects in the enterprise database. Project managers, resource managers, and executives can track workload and availability for resources across multiple projects. [BUILD 2] Administrators can add custom fields associated with resources. These custom fields can track additional enterprise data about a resource such as skill-set, cost center, direct reports or other information you wish. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at the types of resources that can be added to the Enterprise Resource Pool. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages
Asignar recursos Tipos de recursos
Recursos genéricos Defina una habilidad necesaria Ejemplo: Programador VB Se utiliza como marcador de posición Recursos de trabajo Personas a las que se les pueden asignar tareas KEY MESSAGE: Generic resources define a required skill-set, whereas working resources are individuals that must complete tasks. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Generic resources are a new type of resource added to Microsoft Project. Generic resources support skill-based resource assignment and replacement by allowing you to define and save frequently used skill/code profiles. An example of a generic resource would be a VB Programmer. You can assign a generic resource to a task as a placehold, and substitute a working resource later. [BUILD 2] A working resource is a person that will perform a task. If Adam Barr is a VB Programmer, hes a working resource. When it comes time to assign my task, I could replace the Generic VB Programmer resource with Adam Barr, assigning him a task to perform. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at how you can build you project team from enterprise resources. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 31.
Asignar recursos Integrar un equipo de la empresa
Encontrar recursos Desde el grúpo de recursos empresariales Buscar recursos Agregar recursos a su proyecto Reemplazar recursos Seleccionar un recurso en su proyecto Encontrar un reemplazo con los mismos criterios Ejemplo: Promueven al programador VB de su proyecto Le asignan otro Programador VB con base en la disponibilidad KEY MESSAGE: The Build Team from Enterprise feature allows project managers to quickly find the resources they needs based on search criteria. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Build Team feature helps project managers select resources from the enterprise resource pool, allowing them to find resources who are available and have the right skills to work on their projects. Users can filter and query the enterprise resource database to fine-tune their project resource assignments. Once resources have been found, they can be added to the project. [BUILD 2] While building your team, you can replace resources currently assigned in your project plan and the new resource takes on the old assignments of the replaced resource. You can find a replacement resource with the same criteria as the current resource. A custom filter is built automatically, from the enterprise custom outline code fields used to define the generic or working resource. [BUILD 3] So if a VB Programmer on your project gets promoted, you can use resource substitution to find another resource to handle his tasks, based on availability. SLIDE TRANSITION: If you need to assign resources in bulk, you can use the Resource Substitution Wizard. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 3.
Asignar recursos Asistente para la sustitución de recursos
Project Server SQL Server KEY MESSAGE: The Resource Substitution Wizard is enterprise aware and allows you to assign resources to tasks in bulk, based on criteria.. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: BUILD 1] The Resource Substitution Wizard allows you to assign and replace resources in bulk. First you assign tasks to generic or even working resources. Then you run the Resource Substitution Wizard, configuring the options that are required. The Resource Substitution Wizard is enterprise aware. The Wizard allows you to refine where in the resource breakdown structure resources are chosen from. So you can replace resources on a project with personnel from a specific location or working for a specific cost code. It also takes into account other projects that are related to the project where resources are being assigned, and different projects can be assigned different priorities so the wizard knows how to account for workload and availability [BUILD 2]. The Wizard will then find suitable resources to assign the tasks to based on the criteria of the existing generic or working resources that are being replaced, and allow you to review and approve them. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s look at managing enterprise templates and resoruces. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Demo 2 Asignar recursos Revisar recursos Integrar equipo de la empresa Sustituir recursos Colaborar y publicar KEY MESSAGE: In this demonstration you will review enterprise resources, see the Build Team from Enterprise feature, and see the Resource Substitution Wizard. SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: In this demonstration you will review enterprise resources, see the Build Team from Enterprise feature, and see the Resource Substitution Wizard. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s move on to the next agenda item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Agenda Crear un proyecto Asignar recursos
Colaborar con los miembros de equipo Administrar recursos Tareas ejecutivas KEY MESSAGE: The next agenda item is Colaborar con los miembros de equipo. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: The next agenda item is Colaborar con los miembros de equipo. SLIDE TRANSITION: One of the important new features of Microsoft Project Server that fosters collaboration is Microsoft Project Web Access. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Colaborar con los miembros del equipo Project Web Access
Interfaz basada en el Web Ver, administrar y actualizar proyectos Enfocado en los miembros de equipo y los ejecutivos Requiere licencias de Project Server Rápido, fácil y centralizado Cada miembro del equipo tiene una página principal Configure las notificaciones por correo electrónico Tareas próximas y fechas límite Tareas vencidas KEY MESSAGE: Project Web Access provides team members and executives with the features and functions they need most, through a web based interface SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Microsoft Project Web Access provides a web based interface for each team member. [BUILD 2] Project Web Access targets team members and executives who need to review, update and respond to project assignments and issues, but don’t need all of the power of the Microsoft Project Professional client to perform tasks like managing enterprise tempates, and adding enterprise resources. [BUILD 3] Each team member’s home page displays items pertinent to the current session, such as newly assigned tasks, action items and indicators highlighting items changed since the last session. [BUILD 4] Team members can configure notifications through the web access client. Team members can configure the types of notifications they get. They can be notified of upcoming and overdue deadlines, or every time there is a change in the information for managers and resources. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at some of the things you can do as a team member ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 5, Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 4.
Colaborar con los miembros del equipo Administrar tareas y la hoja de tiempo
Ver y responder a tareas Tareas visibles asignadas para usted Responder y actualizar tareas Transferir tiempo sin actividad desde Outlook Delegar tareas Notificar a los administradores de los cambios Actualizar la información de la hoja de tiempo Enviar/recibir informes de estado KEY MESSAGE: Team members can view, update and respond to tasks, update timesheets, and send and receive status reports. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Using Project Web Access, you can view and respond to tasks. All tasks assigned to you, managed by you, or containing resources you manage are visible to you.. You can respond and update tasks. You can also manage your schedule by transferring non-working time from Outlook, or even delegating tasks. You can notify project and resource managers of any changes from the Web Access interface as well. [BUILD 2] You can update all or just selected rows in your Timesheet from the timesheet view. You can make changes to a specific record or row and only those rows within the selection will be sent for updating. Updating all records sends only those rows that have been changed. [BUILD 3] You can request and receive team member status updates. These updates are published to the Project Server so that other team members can see them. SLIDE TRANSITION: Team members can also track issues. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Page 10, 54, 58. Microsoft Project Versions_EPM.doc, Page 3.
Colaborar con los miembros del equipo Seguimiento de los asuntos
Hardware recibido para la tarea 1 del proyecto Hardware pedido para la tarea 1 del proyecto Project Server SQL Server KEY MESSAGE: Issues that may cause tasks to go over budget, or be delayed can be tracked from Project Web Access. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Issues are anything that might cause tasks to be delayed, go over budget or perhaps not be completed at all. For example, if the first task of your project is to setup the hardware for the project… [BUILD 2] You have an issue if the vendor shipped the wrong hardware. [BUILD 3] You could create an issue to notify the project manager and other team members that the associated task will be delayed. This allows projects to be managed more efficiently and effectively, it improves team communications, and allows issues to be tracked until resolved. Anyone can create an issue. Once an issue is created, an owner is assigned which means someone will be accountable for getting the issue resolved. If the owner can’t resolve the issue, he can escalate it. SLIDE TRANSITION: Tracking issues is important and provide values at different levels. \ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Let’s look at hou Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Page Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 5.
Colaborar con los miembros del equipo Seguimiento de los asuntos de la empresa
Gerentes de proyecto Ver todos los asuntos relacionados con el proyecto Reasignar recursos Modificar las prioridades para compensar Ejecutivos Ver los asuntos de toda la empresa Localizar tendencias Seguimiento en SharePoint Team Services KEY MESSAGE: Program managers are concerned with issues affecting their projects, while executives will be interested in trends that are affecting multiple projects. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Project Managers can view all issues related to a project by clicking on the project name. The project manager can reassign the resources, and re-prioritize tasks to keep the project moving forward while issues are resolved. [BUILD 2] Executives can view a list active, closed and postponed issues associated with each project. Executives can review issues across multiple projects and spot trends. ould use this to view issues across the enterprise and to spot trends or common problems that are impacting projects enterprise-wide. [BUILD 3] Issues are tracked on SharePoint Team Services. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s look at using Project Web Access from a Team Members perspective. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 67, Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 5.
Demo 3 Colaborar con el equipo Project Web Access Configurar notificaciones de correo electrónico Tareas y hojas de tiempo Vinculación de asuntos KEY MESSAGE: In this demonstration you’ll see how team members collaborate with Project Web Access, configure notifications, update tasks and timesheets, and link issues. SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: In this demonstration you’ll see how team members collaborate with Project Web Access, configure notifications, update tasks and timesheets, and link issues. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s move on to the next agenda item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Agenda Crear un proyecto Asignar recursos
Colaborar con los miembros de equipo Administrar recursos Tareas ejecutivas KEY MESSAGE: The next agenda item is Administración de recursos. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: The next agenda item is Administración de recursos. SLIDE TRANSITION: A new feature of Microsoft Project server designed to help resource managers is the resource center. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Administrar recursos Centro de recursos
Ver en Web Access Para administradores de recursos y proyectos Búsqueda y agrupación robusta de los recursos Habilidades, disponibilidad, centro de costos, etc. Determinar la disponibilidad de los recursos Encontrar recursos de reemplazo Distribuir la carga de trabajo de manera uniforme KEY MESSAGE: The Resource Center provides resource managers with tools necessary to manage resources across multiple projects, substitute resources effectively, and distribute workload evenly. SLIDE BUILDS: 5 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Resource Center is access through Project Web Access and lets resource managers easily view and edit information about resources across their organization. [BUILD 2] The resource center has robust search and grouping which allows project and resource managers to locate resources based on skill sets, availability, cost center or other criteria. [BUILD 3] The Resource Center allows project and resource managers to quickly locate substitute resources if current resources need to be replaced. [BUILD 4] By examining hours and availability, project workload can be evenly distributed so resources aren’t overworked, and can complete tasks within specified timeframes. [BUILD 5] Resource usage and availability can be evaluated across the entire organization so resource managers can better determine resource workload and availability. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at a graphic that shows where resource managers fit in. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 4.
Demo 4 Administrar recursos Administrar recursos Centro de recursos
KEY MESSAGE: In this demonstration you will see how you can use the Resource Center to manage resources. SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: In this demonstration you will see how you can use the Resource Center to manage resources. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets move on to the last agenda item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Agenda Crear un proyecto Asignar recursos
Colaborar con los miembros de equipo Administrar recursos Tareas ejecutivas KEY MESSAGE: The last agenda item is Tareas ejecutivas. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: The last agenda item is Tareas ejecutivas. SLIDE TRANSITION: The Project Center provides executives with the information they need to facilitate projects across the enterprise. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Tareas ejecutivas Centro del proyecto
Ayuda a los ejecutivos a dar seguimiento Ver todos los proyectos que se están llevando a cabo Ver en forma gráfica el estado de los proyectos Indicadores tipo “semáforo” en rojo, amarillo y verde Vea los proyectos que han excedido el presupuesto o están demorados KEY MESSAGE: The Project Center helps executives keep track of the big picture graphically by showing what projects are delayed and overbudget. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Project Center allows executives view their portfolio of projects in a Gantt Chart through either Microsoft Project or Web Access and see a status of all projects are currently underway. [BUILD2] The project Center is designed to provide information quickly to executives and stakeholders. [BUILD 3] A graphical display shows executives the current status of projects in the organization. A simple red, yellow, green “stoplight” indicator lets’ them know when projects are over- budget or delayed. Executives can drill down into the project information, group projects using outline codes, filter and search on data in those projects. SLIDE TRANSITION: Another feature of the Project Center are Server To-Do lists. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 2.
Tareas ejecutivas Lista de pendientes del servidor
Listas personales de tareas Una sola lista de tareas administrada desde Project Se almacena en Microsoft Project Server Centralizada y accesible Se puede cargar en Project Se puede administrar como un plan de proyecto plan KEY MESSAGE: Server To-Do lists provide a simple task list within a project, and stored with the project. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The To-Do Task List feature has been added to allow users to start a to-do task list that can be managed in Microsoft Project Server. It’s a simple task list associated with a project plan. [BUILD 2] The task list is stored in Microsoft Project Server like project plans, making it centralized and accessible. The task list can be loaded into Microsoft Project and managed as a true project plan, utilizing Microsoft Project’s scheduling engine. SLIDE TRANSITION: There are some differences between Server to-do lists and projects. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 66 and 67.
Tareas ejecutivas Lista de pendientes del servidor
Las listas de pendientes pueden: Aparecer en los lugares esperados en un Proyecto Soportar un recurso en una tarea Tener un tipo de tarea de duración “fija” Soportar los informes de estados de los recursos Las listas de pendientes NO pueden: Soportar bosquejos, limitaciones, calendarios Soportar dependencias Todas las tareas tienen fechas fijas de inicio y fin Soportar tareas de duración variable (esto es, no “trabajo”) Nivelación, línea base, recursos materiales KEY MESSAGE: Server to-do lists are not projects, but are designed to give project team members a place to develop sub tasks. SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] To-Do List are stored like project tasks but they are designed to give team members a place to develop sub tasks. To-Do lists show up in views and other areas you would expect to work with a project, support single assignments (one resource on one task), have the “fixed” duration task type, and support resources reporting the status of their tasks. [BUILD 2] To-Do Lists don’t support outlining, constraints, or calendars. To-do lists also don’t support dependencies, that means that all tasks have fixed start/end dates. To-do lists also don’t support variable duration tasks, leveling, baselines, material resources. SLIDE TRANSITION: Another feature that executives will like is the portfolio analyzer. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 66 and 67.
Tareas ejecutivas Analizador de cartera
Los ejecutivos analizan su cartera de proyectos Analizan datos en PivotTables y Charts Los administradores crean vistas Analizan el rendimiento del proyecto Rendimiento de los recursos Costos Calendarios dentro de los proyectos Calendarios entre proyectos Entran en los datos para obtener información específica KEY MESSAGE: The portfolio analyzer allows executives to analyze their projects and measure performance, cost, resource utilization and other data. SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Portfolio Analyzer provides executives and functional managers with easy access to detailed information about their projects and resources. In addition, this feature also allows fast and powerful analysis capabilities from Project Web Access. [BUILD 2] There is a choice between three modes in which an Analyzer view can be defined; PivotTable, Chart and a combination of both. The PivotTable control provides users with a sheet view of the data, whereas the Chart control shows a graphical representation. [BUILD 3] The Portfolio Analyzer allows executives to analyze project performance by viewing data on resources, costs, and schedules in relation to one-another, across projects, and over time. [BUILD 4] Executives can drill into data, as they would with an Excel PivotTable to get more information. SLIDE TRANSITION: Lets look at what types of views are available in the Portfolio Analyzer. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages 46 and 47.
Tareas ejecutivas Analizador de cartera
Tareas ejecutivas Modelador de cartera
Permite que los ejecutivos modelen proyectos Les permite plantear preguntas “¿qué pasaría si…?” Modelar recursos y cambios en la asignación de personal Gráfica de Demanda/Capacidad/Utilización Informa sobre los escenarios de el mejor y el pero de los casos Muestra la forma en que los cambios afectan a los proyectos Permite que los ejecutivos vean dónde pueden ser útiles los cambios KEY MESSAGE: The Portfolio Modeler allows executives to model their projects based and ask “what if” type of questions about their projects. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] The Porfolio Modeler is a tool that allows executives to create and evaluate what-if scenarios based on resource and scheduling changes. [BUILD 2] The Portfolio Modeler allows users to interactively modify project schedules and staffing, to see the effect of the changes on a project portfolio. The Demand/Capacity/Utilization Chart helps visualize the analysis resource utilization. It shows the best and worst case scenarios based on the schedule and staffing changes. [BUILD 3] Modeling what-if scenarios allows executives to identify potential solutions for at-risk projects within an organization’s portfolio. An executive might discover she can finish a project two months ahead of schedule by increasing staff, or determine that increasing staff will not have a significant impact on the project completion date. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s look at the data displayed in the portfolio modeler. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Product Enhancement Guide.doc, Pages Fact Sheet – EPM (Pro plus Server).doc, Page 4.
Demo 5 Administrar recursos Project Center Analizador de cartera Modelador de cartera
KEY MESSAGE: In this demonstration you’ll see how an executive would use the Project Center to view the status of ongoing projects, analyze them in the Portfolio Analyzer, and run “what-if” scenarios in the Portfolio Modeler. SLIDE BUILDS: SLIDE SCRIPT: In this demonstration you’ll see how an executive would use the Project Center to view the status of ongoing projects, analyze them in the Portfolio Analyzer, and run “what-if” scenarios in the Portfolio Modeler. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s review what we’ve covered in this session. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Resumen de la sesión Project Standard y Professional son más fáciles de usar Project Server centraliza los datos Planes del proyecto Información de los recursos Documentos Project Server ofrece servicios de análisis y modelado Project Web Access es un cliente estupendo para los miembros del equipo y los ejecutivos La integración con Sharepoint Teams Services mejora la colaboración KEY MESSAGE: These are the key points you should take away from this session. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: Project Standard and Professional have many enhancements and are easier to use. Project Server centralizes data such as project plans, resource information, and documents. Project Server provides analysis and modelling services. Project Web Access is a great client for team members and executives. Sharepoint Teams Services integration enhances collaboration and document sharing. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now let’s see where you should go for more information. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
Para mayores informes…
Sitio Web de TechNet en Para obtener la información más reciente y las actualizaciones para esta sesión, visite la página de la sesión en KEY MESSAGE: See these web sites for more information. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: For more information about this and other IT pro related information please visit the TechNet web site. For more information about Project and Project Server please visit the session page at the URL on the slide. SLIDE TRANSITION: To read more about Project and Project Server, have look at these MS Press titles ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
¿Dónde puedo obtener TechNet?
Visite TechNet Online en Regístrese para TechNet Flash /flash.asp Únase al foro de TechNet Online en Conviértase en un suscriptor de TechNet en Asista a más eventos de TechNet o véalos en línea KEY MESSAGE: Purpose of this slide is to educate IT Pros on where to go and how to be a part of TechNet. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: There is one place you should go to start: WW.MICROSOFT.COM/TECHNET There is one communication you should subscribe to: TechNet Flash. Twice monthly for the IT Pro community - focuses on news, information, resources and events. Post questions on the discussion forum. Subscribe online Look for TechNet branded events - feature SLIDE TRANSITION: Last slide in the deck. Round off however you like. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:
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