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-Ojalá- The subjunctive with ¡Ojalá! The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala! ¡Ojalá que nosotros (tener) lluvia! B. tengamos A. tenemos If a sentence has an "ojalá"

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Presentación del tema: "-Ojalá- The subjunctive with ¡Ojalá! The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala! ¡Ojalá que nosotros (tener) lluvia! B. tengamos A. tenemos If a sentence has an "ojalá""— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 -Ojalá- The subjunctive with ¡Ojalá!

3 The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala! ¡Ojalá que nosotros (tener) lluvia! B. tengamos A. tenemos If a sentence has an "ojalá" phrase, choose the present subjunctive. If not, choose the present indicative. Great work! "Ojalá" triggers the subjunctive mood. The first person plural of "tener" present subjunctive is "tengamos."

4 ¡Ojalá que tú (comprender) el subjuntivo! A. comprendas B. comprendes ¡Muy bien! "Ojalá" expresses emotion and triggers the subjunctive mood. The second person singular familiar present subjuntive of "comprender" is "comprendas." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

5 Creo que los mosquitos (ser) los insectos más asquerosos del mundo entero. A. son B. sean Correct! The expression "creo que" expresses a belief in the veracity of the statement that follows (i.e. "that mosquitoes are the most revolting insects in the entire world"). Because of this belief, the statement is presented as an objective fact by means of the indicative, "son." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

6 ¡Ojalá que mi gato no se (comer) mi tarea ! B. coma A. come Nice work! "Ojalá" is an expression of hope (hopefully) and triggers the subjunctive mood. The third person singular present subjunctive of "comer" is "coma." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

7 ¡Ojalá que Raúl (tener) el libro! B. tenga A. tiene ¡Muy bien! The expression "ojalá" is used to express a wish for something. Because the statement that follows only describes an event or action that is wished for (i.e. that Raul might have the book) and not necessarily one that will occur, it falls into the realm of hypothetical situations and requires the subjunctive, "tenga." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

8 Es evidente que la computadora (estar) dañada. A. está B. esté Well done! The expression "es evidente" expresses a perception which leads to a belief in the veracity of the statement that follows (i.e. "that the computer is broken"). Because of this belief, the statement is presented as an objective fact by means of the indicative, "está." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

9 Ojalá que todo (salir) bien. B. salga A. sale ¡Muy bien! The expression "ojalá" is used to express a wish for something. Because the statement that follows only describes an event or action that is wished for (i.e. that everything might turn out well) and not necessarily one that will occur, it falls into the realm of hypothetical situations and requires the subjunctive "salga." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

10 ¡Ojalá que (nosotros - poder) llegar a un acuerdo en relación a la custodia de los hijos! B. podamos A. podemos ¡Muy bien! The expression "ojalá" is used to express a wish for something. Because the statement that follows only describes an event or action that is wished for (i.e. that we might be able to reach an agreement regarding the custody of our children) and not necessarily one that will occur, it falls into the realm of hypothetical situations and requires the subjunctive "podamos." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

11 Ojalá que mis estudiantes (terminar) de hacer la tarea. A. terminen B. terminan ¡Bien hecho! The expression "ojalá" is used to express a wish for something. Because the statement that follows only describes an event or action that is wished for (i.e. that my students might finish their homework) and not necessarily one that will occur, it falls into the realm of hypothetical situations and requires the subjunctive "terminen." The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala!

12 Termi namos

Descargar ppt "-Ojalá- The subjunctive with ¡Ojalá! The Subjunctive with ¡Ojala! ¡Ojalá que nosotros (tener) lluvia! B. tengamos A. tenemos If a sentence has an "ojalá""

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