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Daily Routines & Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Middle School, 6 th -7 th grade By Ms. Alessandra Bivona.

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1 Daily Routines & Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Middle School, 6 th -7 th grade By Ms. Alessandra Bivona

2 Introduction Today we will go over the following standards and cover them in class: 1. Content: Vocab 2. Structures: Grammar, sentence structure 3. Communication: Oral Practice We will also go over “Daily Routines” in Spanish” and explain the grammar rules behind reflexive verbs Introduction to Lesson

3 Vocab: Daily Routines Cepillarse los dientes To brush teeth Peinarse To comb ones hair Ducharse To shower Afeitarse To shave Maquillarse To put on make-up Vestirse To get dressed Banarse To Bathe Despertarse To wake up Acostarse To go to sleep Arreglarse To get oneself ready Secarse el pelo To dry ones hair Content: Standard I

4 Vocab/examples of Reflexive Verbs Content: Standard I

5 Cepillarse los dientes: to brush ones teeth Content: Standard I

6 Peinarse: to comb ones hair Content: Standard I

7 Ducharse: To shower Content: Standard I

8 Afeitarse: To shave Content: Standard I

9 Maquillarse: To put on make- up Content: Standard I

10 Vestirse: To get dressed Content: Standard I

11 Bañarse: To bathe Content: Standard I

12 Despertarse: To Wake-Up Content: Standard I

13 Acostarse: To go to sleep Content: Standard I

14 Arreglarse: To get oneself ready Content: Standard I

15 Secarse el pelo: To dry ones hair Content: Standard I

16 Semantics: Subject Pronouns Ex: Lavar Yo lavo Tu lavas El, ella, usted lava Nosotros/as lavamos Vosotros/as lavais Ellos, ellas, ustedes lavan Remember when you first learned to conjugate in Spanish? You needed to know a set of pronouns called “subject pronouns”: Semantics: Standard II

17 What is a reflexive verb?  A verb is reflexive when the subject and action are the same. I scratch myself. Subject: I Verb: scratch Object: myself Semantics: Standard II

18 In order to conjugate reflexive verbs you need to learn a set of pronouns called “reflexive pronouns”: Ex: Lavarse Yo me lavo (I wash myself) Tu te lavas (you wash yourself, informal) él se lava (he washes himself) Ella se lava (she washes herself) Usted se lava (you wash yourself) Nosotros nos lavamos (we wash ourselves) Ustedes se lavan (yourselves, formal) Ellos se lavan (they wash themselves, informal) Semantics: Standard II

19 Reflexive Verbs: Grammar  A verb is reflexive when the object and subject are the same, such as “I wash myself”  “Me, te, nos, os, se”  These pronouns are set before the verb, whereas the ending “se” is dropped and the verb is conjugated normally  When a verb is reflexive the infinitive ends in “se” Semantics: Standard II

20 Reflexive Object Pronouns Reflexive object pronouns shows that the action of the verbs stays with the subject Jose se lava la cara Jose washes his face (reflexive) Jose lava su carro Jose washes his car (non- reflexive) Semantics: Standard II

21 How do you form these verbs? 1. Conjugate the verb as always.. 2. Add the reflexive pronouns Por ejemplo: Levantarse Me levanto Nos levantamos Te levantas Os levantais Se levanta Se levantan Semantics: Standard II

22 Posición de los pronombres reflexivos: Sentence Structure 1. In front of a conjugated verb: “Me acuesto a las once de la noche “Me quiero acostar a las nueve de la noche” 2. Attached to a gerund: “Maria está cepillandose los dientes” “Estoy acostándome ahora mismo” 3. Attached to an infinitive: “Maria va a cepillarse los dientes” “Voy a acostarme ahora mismo” Semantics: Standard II

23 Communication & Culture: Oral Activity Now we will watch a video clip of Paco’s daily routine in Spain: videos/beginner/mi-rutina/ Communication & Culture: Standards

24 Communication: Oral Activity Now pair with a partner next to you, and ask each other about your daily routines - Use 5 verbs from the list we looked over - Use the grammar rules and sentence structure we reviewed together (Ex of questions on the next slide) Communication: Standard III

25 Communication: Oral Activity Some examples of questions to use: 1. ¿A qué hora te despiertas? -Yo me despierto a las seis de la manana. 2. ¿Tú te levantas temprano? -Si, siempre me levanto muy temprano. 3. ¿Él se baña todos los dias? - Si, él se baña solo antes de ir a la escuela. Communication: Standard III

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