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Verbos reflexivos. A reflexive verb tells that the person who is performing an action is also in some way receiving or benefiting from that action. Think.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos reflexivos. A reflexive verb tells that the person who is performing an action is also in some way receiving or benefiting from that action. Think."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos reflexivos

2 A reflexive verb tells that the person who is performing an action is also in some way receiving or benefiting from that action. Think of a mirror. When you look in a mirror, what are you looking at?

3 A mirror reflects the image of the person looking at it. You see yourself when you look in a mirror. When we use a reflexive pronoun with a verb we are doing the same thing that a mirror does. When a reflexive pronoun is used, the person doing the action also receives or benefits from the action. The reflexive pronouns mean ”self”.

4 How do we recognize a reflexive verb? All verbs that are reflexive have an “-se” on the end if the infinitive. Lavarse Maquillarse Acostarse Afeitarse Secarse Ponerse

5 Remember that the “se” means “self” Lavar = to wash Lavarse = to wash self Afeitar = to shave Afeitarse = to shave self

6 How do you form a reflexive verb? LAVARSE Remove the reflexive pronoun and you are left with the infinitive: LAVAR Form the verb as you normally would in the present tense: Add the ending that agrees with the subject to the end of the stem:

7 Lavar YoLavoNosotrosLavamos TúLavasVosotrosLaváis Él, EllaLavaEllosLavan UstedLavaUstedesLavan Yo lavo = I wash (something)

8 Then add in the reflexive pronouns Lavar YomeLavoNosotrosnos Lavamos TúteLavasVosotrosos Laváis Él, Ella seLavaEllosse Lavan Usted seLavaUstedesse Lavan Yo me lavo = I wash myself (or some part of myself)

9 Vocabulary Levantarse Cepillarse Peinarse Lavarse Acostarse (ue) Afeitarse Bañarse Secarse Ponerse Maquillarse Vestirse (i) Most reflexive verbs are actions that you do to get ready daily: habits of personal care

10 I get up early. I get my children up later. I brush my teeth. I brush my children’s teeth. I get dressed. I get my children dressed. I brush my hair. I brush my children’s hair. I take a bath. I give my children a bath.

11 Which sentences are reflexive? Yo me cepillo los dientes. Pablo cepilla al gato. Nosotros nos maquillamos. Mis hermanos no se maquillan. Tania se afeita las piernas. Carlos afeita al perro. Las estudiantes se ponen el uniforme. Las estudiantes ponen los libros en la mochila.

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