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Spanish Language collection development

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Presentación del tema: "Spanish Language collection development"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Spanish Language collection development
Diana Miranda-Murillo Austin Public Library

2 Things to consider: Every Spanish speaking community is very unique, their needs and preferences vary from library to library. There is not a perfect provider where you can find all the different formats and types of materials for your community. Remember, people in your community are going to question your decision to buy Spanish materials. The more you buy the more the collection will circulate and the more patrons you will attract.

3 How do i know what to buy? Talk to community members
Keep circulation statistics of Spanish materials electronically, using the catalog, or when reshelving Have a suggestion box near the Spanish collection Look for information and reviews on sites like America Reads Spanish and Críticas. Search on line “los más leídos” or “los más vendidos”

4 What reference books to buy?
Reference materials: “Diccionarios enciclopédicos”: Océano, Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado. Enciclopedia Hispánica Dictionaries: everything by Real Academia Española, VOX, Everest, Océano Atlas: geography, anatomy, astronomy, and other topics.

5 What Fiction books to buy?
Classic Literature Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes El Cantar de Mio Cid La Celestina Lazarillo de Tormes Works of Pedro Calderón de la Barca Works of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer Books by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

6 What fiction books to buy?
Fiction classics Gabriel García Márquez Isabel Allende Mario Vargas Llosa Jorge Luis Borges Octavio Paz Pablo Neruda Julio Cortázar Carlos Fuentes Benito Pérez Galdós Federico García Lorca Mario Benedetti Ernesto Sábato Reinaldo Arenas “Martín Fierro” by José Hernández “María” by Jorge Isaacs Gabriela Mistral Horacio Quiroga César Vallejo Rubén Darío José Martí

7 What fiction books to buy?
Other relevant fiction authors Alberto Ruy Sánchez Carlos Ruíz Zafón Francisco Martín Javier Moro Gioconda Belli Ildefonso Falcones William Ospina Roberto Bolaño Andrés Neuman J.J. Benítez Marcela Serrano Paco Ignacio Taibo II Julia Navarro Ángeles Mastreta Gustavo Bolívar Claudia Piñeiro Zoe Valdés Laura Restrepo Sergio Ramírez Jaime Bayly

8 What fiction books to buy?
Translated fiction John Grisham Stephenie Meyer Paolo Giordano Nora Roberts Agatha Christie Danielle Steel Stieg Larsson Dan Brown José Saramago Mario Puzo Humberto Eco Paulo Coelho Gao Xin Jian Michael Crichton Anne Tayler

9 What fiction books to buy?
Parallel text materials Short stories, classics, and poetry Publishers: Dover Publications, and Penguin (Amazon)

10 What Non-fiction topics to buy?
“how to” books: carpentry, electricity, car repair, plumbing, etc. baby names, heraldry astrology cooking floral arrangements and crafts Self-help parenting sexuality business health philosophy sociology religion psychology

11 Relevant non-fiction authors
Jorge Ramos Fernanda Familiar Eduardo Galeano Don Miguel Ruíz Alberto Cutie Walter Riso Rhonda Byrne Robert Kiyosaki Deepak Chopra Robin Sharma Brian Weiss Og Mandino

12 Where to buy? Amazon Barnes and Noble Baker and Taylor
OCLC Language Sets Multicultural Books and Videos Language Sets

13 Who are the best publishers?
Alfaguara Anaya Planeta Grupo SM Albatros Blume Editorial CEAC Editoarial Diana Ediciones Drac EDAF Ediciones B Espasa Calpe Fondo de Cultura Económica Gedisa Everest HASA Editorial Imaginador Norma Lectorum Oceano Paidós Plaza y Janés RBA Seix Barral Santillana Tusquets Ediciones Tutor

14 Promote your Spanish collection
You are the selling point Displays of materials in Spanish Get in touch with local organizations working with the immigrant community Bilingual staff or bilingual volunteers Spread the word in churches, and stores nearby. Flyers Contact local newspapers/radio in Spanish and English.

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