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Mediterranean Music (Catalan Music) Estefanía Zarco Mayorgas 4t ESO A.

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Presentación del tema: "Mediterranean Music (Catalan Music) Estefanía Zarco Mayorgas 4t ESO A."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Mediterranean Music (Catalan Music) Estefanía Zarco Mayorgas 4t ESO A


3 He was born on December 27, 1947 in Barcelona, in “Poble Sec” a popular, working class neighbourhood. He is the smaller of his two brothers. He studied from the three up to ten years in the “ Pias school of San Antonio”. He continued his studies in the High School Mila and Fontanals of Barcelona. While he studied, in his free time he played the guitar. Serrat was one of the first singers that sang in Catalan language after Franco´s dictatorship. In 1968 he was asked to represent Spain in the Eurovision Festival with the song “La, la, la ",but finally Massiel represented it because he refused to sing in Spanish language, and she won a prize with Serrat's song. In 1969 his first son was born and he made his first tour in South America, he repeated it one year later. Some of his records : ' Dedicated to Antonio Machado ' and in 1970 ' My childhood '.

4 In 1971 he published one of his more important records: 'Mediterráneo'. At that moment, Serrat had become one of the main symbols of freedom, both in Spain and in Latin America. In 1981 he published ' In traffic ', and he managed to be at the top of the Spanish lists. In 2003 he composed another album " Serrat sinfónico " in which there is a summary of his well known songs. In 2006 Serrat launched a new record in Catalan, "Mô".

5 Manolo García

6 Manolo García was born in Férez (Albacete), though he moved to Barcelona, Poble Nou, when he was small. His interests are music and painting. In 1982 he coincided with Quimi Portet, when Quimi was playing the guitar in the group ' Los Rápidos '. They joined and formed the group ' Los burros ', which finally would be ' El último de la fila'. In 1998 they decided to separate and he continued his career in solitary. The same year, Manolo García announced the publication of his first album in solitary, ' Arena en los bolsillos'. In 2001 he composed a new record 'Nunca el tiempo es perdido' Manolo García's last work is called ’ Para que no se duerman mis sentidos’

7 Manolo García CD´s Manolo García CD´s

8 Habaneres Habaneres They are popular, traditional, catalan songs that were sung in taverns in the old times interpreted by fishermen. Their lyrics are always about the Mediterranean Sea, fishermen and about the life of those Catalans who migrated to Cuba looking for a better life. Calella, a beautiful village on the Costa Brava, is well known for habaneres and every July they celebrate a music festival.

9 EEEEl meu avi va anar a Cuba a bordo del "Català" el millor barco de guerra de la flota d'ultramar. El timoner i el nostre amo i catorze mariners eren nascuts a Calella de Palafrugell. Quan el "Català" sortia a la mar els nois de Calella feien un cremat mans a la guitarra solien cantar: Visca Catalunya. Visca el "Català! AAAArribaren temps de guerres de perfídies i traïcions i en el mar de les Antilles retronaren els canons. I els mariners de Calella -el meu avi enmig de tots- varen morir a coberta, al peu del canó. Quan el "Català" sortia a la mar cridava el meu avi: Apa, nois, que és tard! però els valents de bordo no varen tornar, tingueren la culpa els americans El meu avi (My grandfather)) by Joan Ortega Monasterio

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