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Publicada porPrudencio Mare Modificado hace 10 años
Pronominalized Definite Articles Forms Definite articles agree in gender and number with their referent. ellos lalas They occur in three sentence patterns. article + de article + relative pronouns que, quien(es), and cual(es) preposition + article + relative pronoun Functions To refer to a noun already established in the context En el Caribe hay una mezcla de culturas: la de los indígenas, la de los colonizadores, la de los esclavos y, ahora, la de los turistas. Los que terminan primero, ganan el premio. ¿Puedes dar las razones por las cuales Hernán Cortés pudo conquistar a los aztecas?
Review of Object Pronouns - Part 1 Forms INDIRECT OBJECTDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNSPRONOUNS menosmenos teosteos le (se)les (se)lo/lalos/las When both direct and indirect object pronouns are used together with the same verb, the indirect object pronoun precedes the direct object pronoun. When both pronouns begin with the letter l, the indirect object pronoun becomes se.
Review of Object Pronouns - Part 2 Functions Direct object pronouns answer the questions what or whom in relation to the subject and verb. Indirect object pronouns usually answer the questions to whom, for whom, to what, or for what. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Los estereotipos en general me ofenden. La película me divirtió mucho. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Algunos estereotipos nos dan perspectivas falsas. El presidente les entregó el premio. DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS Ah, ¿el suéter? Mis hijos me lo regalaron para mi cumpleaños. ¿Las composiciones? A la profesora Díaz se las entregaron sus estudiantes.
Review of Preterite Forms The preterite is a past tense formed by adding the following endings to the verb stem. -ar VERBS -er/-ir VERBS -é-amos-í-imos -aste-asteis-iste-isteis -ó-aron-ió-ieron Many verbs have irregular stems in the preterite. These are presented in the Manual. Functions To narrate events or actions that took place at one specific time in the past.
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