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Publicada porGermán del Río Sandoval Modificado hace 9 años
Quasimodo: Practice Memory Verse “Por lo demás, hermanos míos, fortaleceos en el Señor, y en el poder de su fuerza. Vestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis estar firmes contra las asechanzas del diablo.” Efesios seis versículos diez y once Plan: Lunes: Practice Shopping Experience/Intro into regular preterit Martes: Practice Shopping Experience/Intro to Project Miércoles: Oral portion of exam/Project work day (media lab) Jueves: JUNIORS GONE Viernes: Say memory verse/Project work day (media lab) Lunes: Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL) Martes: Projects Due Miércoles: Review sheet work day Jueves: Review for Exam Viernes: Review for Exam
Practice for Shopping Experience: We’ll form groups of 3. Each pick a role: Dependiente, Comprador(a), Amigo/a Use your imagination! You’re in a shop looking at clothing I’m putting on the board. Have a conversation with your group ENTIRELY IN SPANISH. Work from when you first enter the store to the point you have left with a purchase!
El pasado en español: 2 aspectos In Spanish, like in English, there are the past, present, and future tenses. In the past tense there are 2 different aspects. Where tense worries about when an action occurs, aspect distinguishes what kind of action occurs (one time event, continuing action, habitual action, etc.) 2 different past tense aspects mean 2 kinds of past tense conjugations to learn: the Preterite and the Imperfect.
Preterite vs. Imperfect Overly simplified explanation of the difference between the two: The Preterite aspect: Actions that are viewed as completed The Imperfect aspect: Actions that are viewed as on-going TIMELINE: Preterite Imperfect
Preterito: Verbos regulares Subject-AR verbs-ER verbs-IR verbs YoCompréComíViví TúComprasteComisteViviste Usted / él / ellaCompróComióVivió NosotrosCompramosComimosVivimos VosotrosComprasteisComisteisVivisteis Ustedes / ellos / ellas CompraronComieronVivieron
NOTE: The nosotros forms of the -AR and -IR verbs are the same in the present tense and the preterite. You figure out the differences based on CONTEXT. En invierno compramos ropa. Anoche compramos unos zapatos NOTE: -AR and -ER Stem changers in the present do not have stem changes in the past tense and follow the regular conjugation rules. –IR stem changers do stem change in the past tense as well as the present.
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