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Nutrilite Carb Blocker 2

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Presentación del tema: "Nutrilite Carb Blocker 2"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Nutrilite Carb Blocker 2

2 ¿Qué es Carb Blocker 2? Es un suplemento alimenticio diseñado para bloquear la digestión de Carbohidratos evitando que las calorías de estos estén disponibles.

3 ¿Cuáles son sus ingredientes?
Es una combinación exclusiva de dos ingredientes vegetales: Extracto de Frijol Blanco Faseolamina Extracto de Soya Touchi En una base de concentrado de: Perejil rico en fitoquímicos To confirm this enzyme-inhibiting action,we completed a series of laboratory studies. Results indicate that combining these two plant extracts as we did in our product as a synergistic effect. That is, the combination has more enzyme-inhibiting activity than either extract alone. Next, we searched the scientific literature for well designed human studies and found more encouraging results. First, we found that when people ate starch containing test meals with either plant extract, their ability to absorb simple sugars after the meals was significantly lower than when they ate the meals without either plant extract. These findings confirm the enzyme-inhibiting or blocking action we found in our own laboratory studies. Second, we found that people who consumed white kidney bean extract while on a low-calorie diet lost more weight…about a half a pound a week more…than people who didn’t use the extract. So, overall, the evidence suggests that the unique combination of plants extracts in this product can enhance the benefits of a sensible, weight loss program and help people achieve their weight loss goals faster. What enzymes does Carb Blocker 2 inhibit? The white bean extract in Carb Blocker 2 binds to alpha-amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch molecules. The soybean extract binds to alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down simple sugars like the sucrose in table sugar into monosaccharides. Are test tube studies relevant to Carb Blocker 2’s action in humans? Yes, results from test tube experiments can offer insight into Carb Blocker 2’s anti-enzyme ability. Access Business Group scientist recently completed one such study to measure the anti-enzyme activity of a 3-tablet dose of Carb Blocker 2 (3 tablets). Results indicate that this amount of Carb Blocker 2 has enough anti-enzyme action to inhibit the breakdown of over 1,600 carbohydrate calories. However, this impressive anti-enzyme activity is unlikely in humans because, unlike a test tube, human digestion includes several factors that could limit Carb Blocker 2’s action. For example, the acidic environment of the stomach may impair the anti-enzyme activity of Carb Blocker 2 before it enters the intestine. The body’s large pool of digestive enzymes can reduce the action of Carb Blocker 2. Fiber, fat, protein or other food factors may interfere with the action of Carb Blocker 2. Our researchers considered all these factors to calculate an estimate of the action of Carb Blocker 2 in humans based on the test tube data. They estimate Carb Blocker 2’s action in humans to be no more than 500 calories per 3-tablet dose.

4 Exclusivo Concentrado de Perejil de Nutrilite
5 Vitaminas B Vitamina C Vitamina E Carotenoides 10 Minerales Terpenos Flavonoides Concentrado de Perejil The NUTRILITE Parsley Concentrate contains macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate), Micronutrients (B vitamins - (B1, B2, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, B6) vitamin C minerals - (Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Manganese, Sodium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Zinc, & Magnesium) phytonutrients (terpenes, carotenoids, flavonoids)

5 ¿Qué son los carbohidratos?
Son nutrimentos que proporcionan la principal fuente de energía.

6 Hay dos tipos de Carbohidratos:
Complejos (cadenas largas) Simples (cadenas cortas)

7 Beneficios de Carb Blocker 2
Bloquea la actividad de enzimas claves necesarias para desintegrar carbohidratos. Evitar que las calorías de los carbohidratos sean absorbidas por el cuerpo. Al no haber carbohidratos en exceso no se almacena en forma de grasa lo que podría ser un mecanismo de control de peso. Complementa un plan de reducción de peso que incluya alimentación y ejercicio. Brinda una opción para mantener un peso saludable. Permite tener una dieta completa y saludable.

8 Usuarios Potenciales Cualquier persona que este en un programa de restricción de calorías (deberá consultar con su nutriólogo o médico) Cualquier persona que desea mantener su peso saludable. Personas que desean moderar los efectos de los alimentos con carbohidratos. Who can benefit from Carb Blocker? Who should use Carb Blocker? Carb Blocker 2 is targeted to weight-conscious consumers who are concerned about their overall health and the metabolic effect of carbohydrate-containing foods. Who should NOT use Carb Blocker 2? People who are taking insulin or oral anti-hyperglycemic agents to control blood sugar should check with their physician before taking Carb Blocker 2. Carb 2 acts like an anti-hyperglycemic agent. Thus, combining it with drugs with a similar action may reduce blood sugar to an abnormally low level. The product is formulated for adults who fall into two categories: those who are actively trying to loss excess weight and those who want to maintain a healthy body weight. For those people interested in weigh loss, CJC2 may be used with Positrim Diet Supplement for additional supplement support. For those interested with maintaining their new weight, CJC2 may be added to their regular Nutrilite supplement program. What is CarbBlocker2? CarbBlocker2 provides a unique combination of two plant extracts — white kidney bean extract and soybean extract. Who should use CarbBlocker2? Like Positrim Diet Supplement, CarbBlocker2 is formulated to meet the needs of health-conscious consumers interested in achieving and maintaining a health body weight. However, CarbBlocker2 is particularly beneficial for consumers who regularly choose carbohydrate-rich foods as part of their reduced-calorie diet plan. Q: How can I tell if Carb Blocker is working? A: You may find that you feel fuller for a longer period of time after you eat, and you may feel less tired between meals. Q: How does Carb Blocker compare to all the other products that claim to block carbohydrate digestion and absorption? A: Most other “carb blocking” products on the market target the digestion of starch. Carb Blocker is a unique combination of two enzymes, so it has the ability to inhibit the digestion and absorption of both starch and sugar calories.

9 Uso del Producto 90 tabletas por envase Recomendaciones de consumo:
1 a 3 tabletas con agua Tomarlas al inicio de las comidas. No exceder 9 tabletas al día. Why does Carb Blocker 2 have an “herby” smell? The main ingredients in Carb Blocker 2 are from natural sources — white kidney beans and soybeans — so it’s normal for the product to have an “herby” smell. A clear coating has been used to minimize this odor. Recommended Intake 1 to 3 tablets with CHO-rich meals Weight maintainers  CHO-rich meals contain about 80 gm or more. Weight reducers  CHO-rich meals contain about 50 gm or more. Example of CHO-containing meal: Pasta, soups broth or cream based, noodles, rice dinner Weight maintainer  2 cups pasta, 2 dinner rolls (90 gm CHO) Weight reducer  1 cup pasta, 1 dinner roll (45 gm CHO) No more than 9 tablets daily Minimizes any GI upset in sensitive people. Q: How often can I use Carb Blocker? A: Carb Blocker may be used daily as part of a sensible diet and supplement program. Q: Can I take nine tablets of Carb Blocker throughout the day, instead of taking three at every meal? For example, two tablets for breakfast, one for a granola bar and milk snack, two for lunch, two for dinner, and two for late-night chips and soft drinks? A: Yes, taking two tablets with meals and one tablet with carbohydrate-containing snacks for a daily intake of no more than nine tablets would be appropriate. Q: I take CLA - will Carb Blocker still help me? A: Carb Blocker is an ideal complement to a CLA-containing product. Carb Blocker addresses carbohydrate digestion and absorption, while CLA addresses fat metabolism and promotion of lean body mass (not a fat blocker/burner). Las pruebas sugieren que 3 tabletas de Carb Blocker 2 pueden bloquear la absorción de hasta 500 calorías de una comida rica en carbohidratos.

10 Carb Blocker 2 /Dosis Recomendadas
Ración Alimento Kcal de los Carbohidratos Recomendaciones de consumo de tabletas CEROCARB 1 taza Atole con agua 70 1 1 pieza Torta de tamal 350 3 Hamburguesa con o sin queso 140 70 gramos Papas a la francesa 1 ración Pay de manzana Malteada de Chocolate 60 1 rebanada Pizza 2 tacos Al pastor, carne Torta de carne 210 2 355ml Refresco 360 250 Cerveza 320 Chocolate en barra 120 1 bola Helado de leche

11 Advertencia Uso con Precaución: Mujeres embarazadas o lactando
Alergias a alimentos Diabetes / Hipoglucemia Does Carb Blocker 2 have any side effects? Carb Blocker 2 is well tolerated. However, some sensitive people may experience mild gastrointestinal upset. Is Carb Blocker 2 supported by research? Yes, human studies suggest that the white bean extract and the soybean extract improve blood glucose control,,,,, In addition, results from unpublished and published preliminary human studies indicate that white bean extract promotes weight loss and improves body composition. SOURCE: . Vinson, JA. Dose-response pilot study of phase 2 efficacy as an inhibitor of glucose absorption with a full meal. Unpublished data supplied by manufacturer. May 13, 2002. . Vinson JA, Shuta DM. In vivo effectiveness of a starch absorption blocker in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with normal subjects. Unpublished data. University of Scranton. November, 20, 2001. . Fujita H, Tomohide Y, Kazunori O. Long-term ingestion of a fermented soybean-derived Touchi-extract with alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity is safe and effective in humans with borderline and mild type-2 diabetes. J Nutr. 2001;131: . Fujita H, Tomohide Y, Kazunori O. Efficacy and safety of Touchi extract, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor derived from fermented soybeans, in non-insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus. J Nutr Biochem. 2001;12: Fujita H, Yamagami T, Ohshima K. Fermented soybean-derived water-soluble Touchi extract inhibits alpha-glucosidase and is antiglycemic in rats and humans after single oral treatments. J Nutr. 2001;131:

12 Recomendaciones de Guardado:
Ver fondo del envase. Guardar en un lugar freso y seco a menos de 24˚ C. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Cualquiera que esté en una dieta con restricción de calorías deberá consultar con su médico o nutriólogo.

13 Preguntas Frecuentes ¿?
¿Pueden las personas con diabetes tomar Carb Blocker 2? R= Deben consultar con su médico antes de tomar Carb Blocker 2, especialmente si requieren de insulina o de agentes orales que ayudan a bajar los niveles de glucosa en la sangre. Carb Blocker 2 actúa como un agente anti-hiperglicèmico. De este modo, combinarlo con medicamentos de acción similar puede reducir el azúcar en la sangre a un nivel anormalmente bajo. ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para tomar Carb Blocker 2? R= Para una máxima actividad bloqueadora de enzimas, es mejor tomarlo al inicio de una comida que contenga carbohidratos. ¿ Carb Blocker 2 aporta calorías? R= Contribuye con una cantidad mínima (6.6 calorías por cada 3 tabletas).

14 ¿Si olvido tomar Carb Blocker 2 al inicio de una comida, puedo tomarlo durante o después de la comida? R= Es probable que al tomarlo durante la comida, éste proporcione cierta actividad bloqueadora, pero tomarlo después tendrá muy poco o ningún efecto. ¿Existe algún efecto secundario? R= Carb Blocker 2 es bien tolerado, sin embargo algunas personas sensibles pueden experimentar malestar gastrointestinal leve. ¿Están bien investigados los ingredientes de Carb Blocker 2? R= Sì, existen estudios bien controlados en humanos. ¿Con qué frecuencia puedo consumir Carb Blocker 2? R= Se puede usar como parte de un programa balanceado de alimentación y complementos.

15 ¿Cómo se sabe que Carb Blocker 2 puede bloquear hasta 500 calorías?
R= La estimación se basa en estudios de tubo de ensayo que midieron la actividad inhibidora de enzimas de una dosis de 3 tabletas y los resultados indican que puede bloquear aproximadamente 500 calorías de una comida rica en carbohidratos. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre POSITRIM y Carb Blocker 2? R= Actúan de diferente manera; Carb Blocker 2 ayuda a bloquear las calorías provenientes de los carbohidratos. POSITRIM controla la ingesta calórica al sustituir una o dos de las comidas al día.

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