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Promoviendo con el ejemplo

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Presentación del tema: "Promoviendo con el ejemplo"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Promoviendo con el ejemplo
VII Semana de la Calidad “Semana Dominico-Española” Promoviendo con el ejemplo Aeval ha utilizado su propia experiencia de autoevaluación para implantar modelos de Excelencia como Caf en las Administraciones Públicas Españolas Apollo 17 Eloy CUÉLLAR MARTÍN Resp. en Departamento de Calidad de AEVAL

2 España cuenta con una Agencia Estatal de Evaluación de las Políticas Públicas y la Calidad de los Servicios Ley 28/2006de 18 de julio, de Agencias Estatales para la mejora de los Servicios Públicos Misión: Promoción de la cultura y la práctica de evaluación de las Políticas Públicas y la calidad en la gestión de los Servicios Públicos AEVAL is a State Agency created in 2007 with two main purposes: the evaluation of public policies and the promotion of quality management of public services. The specific services that AEVAL renders to different stakeholders (politicians, public organisations applying for a quality award and recognition or for training and advising in quality management) turn AEVAL a singular public organisation and cannot be considered as a classical public administration organisation.

3 ACTIVIDADES (I) Evaluación de Políticas Públicas EVALUACIÓN
CALIDAD Evaluación de Políticas Públicas Evaluación de Servicios Públicos Informe sobre percepción social de SS.PP. Informe anual sobre Calidad en Ministerios Informe anual sobre Agencias Estatales ESQUEMA DE RECONOCIMIENTO Premios a la Calidad e Innovación Certificación de niveles de excelencia Certificación de Cartas de Servicios FORMACIÓN Formación y asesoramiento

4 ACTIVIDADES (II) Alianzas Red Interadminsitrativa
COOPERACIÓN Alianzas Red Interadminsitrativa Entidades promoción de calidad INNOVACIÓN Y APRENDIZAJE Guías y metodologías Documentos de trabajo Asistencia Técnica Asesoramiento Tutorización CONSULTORÍA INFORMACIÓN, COMUNICACIÓN E INTERCAMBIO Publicaciones Web Conferencias y Jornadas

“Intentando que nuestra experiencia sirviera para la difusión en otras organizaciones públicas” Trabajando en grupo-No fue necesario un facilitador externo CLAVE: BAJO COSTE Y RESULTADOS PRÁCTICOS CLAVE: APLICACIÓN FÁCIL EN CUALQUIER ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA  CAF (Common Assessment Framework) did not arrive to Spain at a favorable moment. By the time CAF model was published in Spanish, many public organizations had already started to work with other reference models like EFQM. Due to this fact, Spanish National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Polices and Quality of Services (AEVAL) developed an implementation strategy for CAF. This strategy was based on bringing CAF to the same level of the most used models at that time (EFQM and EVAM). In 2010, the AEVAL Quality Plan included the application of the CAF Model through a self-assessment process. For a public organisation devoted to the evaluation of other public organisations an experience of self-assessment was a challenge of checking to which extent AEVAL has assumed the concepts of excellence.

Como apoyo a las organizaciones que se Autoevalúan  CAF (Common Assessment Framework) did not arrive to Spain at a favorable moment. By the time CAF model was published in Spanish, many public organizations had already started to work with other reference models like EFQM. Due to this fact, Spanish National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Polices and Quality of Services (AEVAL) developed an implementation strategy for CAF. This strategy was based on bringing CAF to the same level of the most used models at that time (EFQM and EVAM). In 2010, the AEVAL Quality Plan included the application of the CAF Model through a self-assessment process. For a public organisation devoted to the evaluation of other public organisations an experience of self-assessment was a challenge of checking to which extent AEVAL has assumed the concepts of excellence.

At the moment of facing the CAF self-assessment process there were a feeling of self-satisfaction with our work: we were experts in evaluation and we knew how to be an excellent organization. So, we had to fight against the idea of we know everything about ourselves and we do not need to provide a more in-depth analysis about our areas of improvement. So we had to overcome our own comfortable situation and try to break the routine of our work in order to carry out the self-assessment process. Besides, as I have mentioned the Agency is not the classical and bureaucratic organization. We have special customers: Ministers/politicians; public organizations and it was important to take it into account during the self-assessment. Si es bueno para nosotros, también lo es para nuestros clientes

Puntuación Global: 305 You can see here the timing of the self-assessment project. During five months, we worked both individually and in group and we met once a week to reach a consensus about the results of the individual analysis. The Agency was deeply analysed following the 9 criteria of the CAF Model. This process allowed the organisation not only reflecting on the organisation and learning about it, providing an input for the strategic plan, but also, and this is the most important, about the stakeholders and the quality of services the organisation were delivering to them. Now let me show you the results of this analysis:

Consenso acerca de la visión global de la gestión Mayor conocimeinto de la organización Identificación de prioridades y áreas de mejora Documentación de los procesos Personas: mapa de competencias y estudio de satisfacción Revisión de los indicadores de gestión Mejora de las relaciones con los clientes, revisión de los procesos críticos We were surprised and a little disappointed with the scoring. We thought that we were in a higher level of excellence. In fact, we should have got scores over above 50 points. We are “experts” in implementation quality management systems but we did not applied it to ourselves. The results of the CAF self-assessment process showed that AEVAL has strong, committed to quality leaders, a management based on processes and a clear strategy on the development of evaluation, both in public policies and quality of public services. But, on the other side, even the score in criteria 6 was not one of the worst, and the stakeholders were quite satisfied with the services provided by AEVAL, there were still a long way of improvement in this field, mainly providing support, advising and ready answer to practical questions to the organisations applying for AEVAL recognition scheme. AEVAL ´s employees both in evaluation and services quality are aware of the fact that our work, our activities depend on the demand of the stakeholders and customers. If the organizations don´t ask for help, advice or recognizing, AEVAL will not have the possibility of develop its mission.

10 PLAN DE ACCIÓN: Principales iniciativas
I. Elaboración de la Carta de Servicios de AEVAL: compromisos concretos de servicio de la Agencia. II. Aprendizaje mediante la progresiva incoporación de Modelos de Excelencia como referencia de la gestión. III. Gestión de los procesos añadiendo valor para los clientes VI. Mejora Continua: Comité de Calidad y mecanismos de seguimiento VII. Búsqueda del reconocimiento externo; certificación del nivel de excelencia para liderar con el ejemplo.  Actions developed to achieve this objective are:  1. We have drawn up our Citizen´s Charters. 2. Opening up a new way of advising for those organisations that need learn more about how to apply for AEVAL excellence label. That includes: Providing documentation and guides Visiting organisations and developing a day`s work workshops. Developing specific training activities in how to drawing up the required Memoir in the recognition process. 3. Providing a new methodology –Integrated Methodological Framework– for implementing a quality management system in public organizations.

11 Lecciones aprendidas en AEVAL
La Autoevaluación con CAF ha permitido: - Un consenso acerca del nivel de excelencia de la organización basado en datos objetivos - Información acerca de las diferentes áreas - Una oportunidad para explorar el potencial colaborativo con otros agentes Y sobre todo, mejorar los resultados de AEVAL Más clientes satisfechos Mejores resultados clave CAF self-assessment has provided the opportunity to reflect on the organisation and learning about it, providing an input for the strategic plan and the balanced scorecard, but also, and this is the most important, about the stakeholders and the quality of services the organisation were delivering to them. Now I´ll be pleased to answer your questions.

MEJORANDO LAS RELACIONES CON LOS CLIENTES CARTA DE SERVICIOS/COMPROMISOS DE AEVAL COMPROMISOS: Difundir los resultados de las evaluaciones de AEVAL Emitir informe preceptivo sobre Cartas de Servicios Tramitar y resolver las Certificaciones del nivel de excelencia en 5 meses (+ 300) o en 3 meses ( ) Entregar el informe de evaluación a las organizaciones candidatas a los Premios a la Calidad – AEVAL

13 Certificación del Nivel de Excelencia en las Organizaciones Públicas
MEJORANDO LAS RELACIONES CON LOS CLIENTES (USUARIOS CAF) Certificación del Nivel de Excelencia en las Organizaciones Públicas AEVAL ORGANIZACIONES PÚBLICAS Admisión en el Proceso de Certificación y solicitud de Plan de mejora / Memoria Autoevaluación con Modelo CAF Homologación De la puntuación Evaluación Plan de mejora / Memoria Visita a la organización This is the process of the recognition scheme. Once the applicant organization has carried out the self-assessment, they have to look for a inspector that validates the score reached in the self-assessment. Then the organization applies for the AEVAL excellence Label and submits to AEVAL an improvement plan (if they apply for less than three hundred points) or a memoire (if the want to certificate a level of more than three hundred points). In this last case the AEVAL´s assessor have to visit the organization to check the thing, the activities or the results that are not clear enough in the Memoire. So, In the frame of this recognition process, AEVAL has developed the potential of the AEVAL´s assessor visit to applicant organization Solicitud de la certificación del nivel de excelencia Certificación del Nivel de Excelencia SELLO

MEJORANDO LAS RELACIONES CON LOS CLIENTES CARTA DE SERVICIOS/COMPROMISOS DE AEVAL Compromiso: A tramitar y resolver, en un plazo de 5 meses ( a contar desde la recepción en AEVAL de la correspondiente memoria), el procedimiento completo de certificación del nivel de excelencia, incluyendo el informe de evaluación con puntos fuertes y áreas de mejora y la emisión del sello, respecto de las solicitudes de las organizaciones cuya valoración requiera la evaluación de memorias (nivel de excelencia EFQM o CAF de 300 puntos en adelante).

Apoyo en la autoevaluación y posterior certificación Formación en Redacción de Memorias Asesoramiento personalizado Jornadas de trabajo Formación Elaboración de Guías metodológicas This is the process of the recognition scheme. Once the applicant organization has carried out the self-assessment, they have to look for a inspector that validates the score reached in the self-assessment. Then the organization applies for the AEVAL excellence Label and submits to AEVAL an improvement plan (if they apply for less than three hundred points) or a memoire (if the want to certificate a level of more than three hundred points). In this last case the AEVAL´s assessor have to visit the organization to check the thing, the activities or the results that are not clear enough in the Memoire. So, In the frame of this recognition process, AEVAL has developed the potential of the AEVAL´s assessor visit to applicant organization

VISITA A LA ORGANIZACIÓN: Jornada de trabajo Motivación y Aprendizaje: comentar, aclarar, mostrar PDCA/REDER This is the process of the recognition scheme. Once the applicant organization has carried out the self-assessment, they have to look for a inspector that validates the score reached in the self-assessment. Then the organization applies for the AEVAL excellence Label and submits to AEVAL an improvement plan (if they apply for less than three hundred points) or a memoire (if the want to certificate a level of more than three hundred points). In this last case the AEVAL´s assessor have to visit the organization to check the thing, the activities or the results that are not clear enough in the Memoire. So, In the frame of this recognition process, AEVAL has developed the potential of the AEVAL´s assessor visit to applicant organization

AEVAL ha desarrollado en el entorno proporcionado por INAP una red on-line de usuarios del CAF que permite compartir información y conocimiento This is the process of the recognition scheme. Once the applicant organization has carried out the self-assessment, they have to look for a inspector that validates the score reached in the self-assessment. Then the organization applies for the AEVAL excellence Label and submits to AEVAL an improvement plan (if they apply for less than three hundred points) or a memoire (if the want to certificate a level of more than three hundred points). In this last case the AEVAL´s assessor have to visit the organization to check the thing, the activities or the results that are not clear enough in the Memoire. So, In the frame of this recognition process, AEVAL has developed the potential of the AEVAL´s assessor visit to applicant organization

18 CONCLUSIONES En AEVAL se ha utilizado la experiencia propia con la Autoevaluación para integrar la perspectiva del usuario y ofrecer un mejor asesoramiento (Liderando con el ejemplo) CAF es uno de los modelos disponibles para la certificación de organismos públicos. Esta es una de las estrategias más relevantes para la consolidación del Caf en España (Equiparación). AEVAL está liderando una red de usuarios del CAF en España utilizando la plataforma INAP. CAF es un modelo de referencia que se analiza en dos informes clave de AEVAL: Informe Anual sobre el seguimiento de los Programas del Marco General para la Mejora de la Calidad en los Ministerios españoles Informe al Congreso de los Diputados sobre Agencias Estatales. Before I stop, Let me summarize the main advantages we got in the application of CAF Model: In a few weeks you have an complete analysis of the level of excellence of yours activities and results. All the employees can participate in this project and learn about the organization. The organization´s leaders could be more visible for the people and improve the communication through the whole organization.

19 Hagámoslo! Está bien tener ideas pero es mucho mejor implementarlas
VII Semana de la Calidad “Semana Dominico-Española” Está bien tener ideas pero es mucho mejor implementarlas Hagámoslo! Apollo 17 Eloy CUÉLLAR MARTÍN Resp. en Departamento de Calidad de AEVAL

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