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Lesson One: Singular Possessive Nouns & Singular Possessive Pronouns Lesson Two: Noun/Adjective Placement.

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Presentación del tema: "Lesson One: Singular Possessive Nouns & Singular Possessive Pronouns Lesson Two: Noun/Adjective Placement."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Lesson One: Singular Possessive Nouns & Singular Possessive Pronouns Lesson Two: Noun/Adjective Placement

2 Singular Possessive Nouns & Singular Possessive Pronouns
Lesson One Singular Possessive Nouns & Singular Possessive Pronouns

3 Possessive Nouns Using a possessive singular noun in English:
Adela’s car Using a possessive singular noun in Spanish: El coche de Adela In Spanish the possessive noun is not in front.

4 Possessive Nouns ¿Cómo se dice…? Mishelle’s brother Liz’s sister
Emily’s friend Amanda’s dad Alina’s aunt Izzy’s cousin is studious. Sarah’s mom is happy.

5 Possessive Nouns: Practice with SER
Using “ser” and each of the words from the word banks below, create five sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: hermano/a sobrino/a tío/a abuelo/a perro Daniella Kiara Jasmin Kristen Michelle bonito/a trabajador/a atrevido/a famoso/a cómico/a

6 Possessive Nouns: Practice with ESTAR
Using “estar” and each of the words from the word banks below, create five sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: hermano/a sobrino/a tío/a abuelo/a perro Brittney Anika Ilyssa Angelica Renee feliz enfermo/a cansado/a triste emocionado/a

7 Possessive Pronouns There are four possessive pronouns in Spanish: Mi
Tu Su Nuestro

8 Possessive Pronouns Using possessive pronouns:
To whom do you think each of these refers? Mi libro Tu libro Su libro Nuestro libro

9 Possessive Pronouns ¿Cómo se dice…? My pen Her shoe Their phone
Your mom Our class Keep in mind masculine/feminine agreement Her backpack is green. My dog is angry.

10 Possessive Pronouns: Practice with SER
Using “ser” and each of the words from the word banks below, create five sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: tu nuestro/a mi su libro clase reloj camisa verde pequeño/a blanco/a grande

11 Possessive Pronouns: Practice with ESTAR
Using “estar” and each of the words from the word banks below, create five sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: tu su mi nuestro/a gemelo/a padrastro amigo/a profesor/a enojado/a aburrido/a sociable divertido/a

12 Noun/Adjective Placement
Lesson Two Noun/Adjective Placement

13 Noun/Adjective Placement
Using adjectives with nouns in English: My favorite food Using adjectives with nouns in Spanish: Mi comida favorita In Spanish the adjective follows the noun.

14 Noun/Adjective Placement
¿Cómo se dice…? The black cat The red pen A red pen My favorite fruit Your favorite book Our new house His new friend

15 Noun/Adjective Placement: Practice with SER
Using “ser”, choose three items from the list below and create three sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: El gato negro La pluma roja Mi fruta favorita Tu libro favorito Nuestra casa nueva Su amigo nuevo

16 Noun/Adjective Placement: Practice with ESTAR
Using “estar”, choose three items from the list below and create three sentences. Keep in mind feminine/masculine agreement: El gato negro La pluma roja Mi fruta favorita Tu libro favorito Nuestra casa nueva Su amigo nuevo

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