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POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (short form) You learned these last year my mi(s) nuestro(a) our nuestros (as) your tu(s) xxxxxxxxx his/her su(s) su(s) their/your.

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Presentación del tema: "POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (short form) You learned these last year my mi(s) nuestro(a) our nuestros (as) your tu(s) xxxxxxxxx his/her su(s) su(s) their/your."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (short form) You learned these last year my mi(s) nuestro(a) our nuestros (as) your tu(s) xxxxxxxxx his/her su(s) su(s) their/your Remember, you must have gender number agreement. WHAT is being possessed is a noun. You must match the adjective with the gender (masc/fem) & number (sing/plur) of that noun.

2 EXAMPLES Mi libro Mis libros My book My books Tu hermano Tus hermanos Your brother your brothers Su zapato Sus zapatos His/Her shoe His/Her shoes Nuestro amigo Nuestros amigos Our friend Our friends Nuestra tía Nuestras tías Our aunt Our aunts SuSus Same as previous Su/Sus Short form possessive adjectives come before the noun that is possessed

3 THESE ARE NEW POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (LONG FORM) mío(a) nuestro(a) míos(as) nuestros(as) tuyo(a) tuyos(as) suyo(a) suyos(as)

4 Long form possessive adjectives come after the noun that is possessed Examples El libro mío / Los libros míos La clase mía / Las clases mías El hermano tuyo / Los hermanos tuyos La hermana tuya / Las hermanas tuyas El zapato suyo / los zapatos suyos La camisa suya / Las camisas suyas El amigo nuestro / Los amigos nuestros La amiga nuestra / Las amigas nuestras Same as previous suyo/suyos

5 Click here to see examples

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