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Identifica las siguientes actividades y lugares en una oración:

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Presentación del tema: "Identifica las siguientes actividades y lugares en una oración:"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Identifica las siguientes actividades y lugares en una oración:

2 Identifica 5 de las siguientes actividades y lugares en una oración:
El lago El hotel de lujo bucear La catedral La habitación doble El campo/montar a caballo La vista

3 The Spanish Subjunctive: An Introduction
(El subjuntivo español: una introducción) Quiero que Ud. pase por el Control de Agricultura.

4 El subjuntivo

5 The Spanish Subjunctive
Until now, you have been using verb tenses (present, preterit, and imperfect) in the indicative mood (or mode). The indicative is used to express real, definite, or factual actions or states of being. In this chapter, you will learn about the subjunctive mode. It is used to express the hypothetical or subjective, such as a speaker’s attitudes, wishes, feelings, emotions, or doubts. Unlike the indicative, which states facts, the subjunctive describes reality subjectively, or refers to actions or states that are not yet reality at all (and maybe never will be).

6 Are the following sentences in the INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE or IMPERATIVE?
Our grandmother tells us scary stories. Jeanne hopes you remember her. Stay home this evening, please. Vic wants Claire to come out and play. We prefer that she take fewer photos. Daisy speaks three languages. The teacher wants all of us to learn.

7 ¿Cuándo se usa el subjuntivo?

8 The Spanish Subjunctive
Notice the following examples: Creo que Luis va a Cartagena. I believe that Luis is going to Cartagena. (Certainty: indicative) No creo que Luis vaya a San Andrés. I don’t think that Luis is going to San Andrés. (Uncertainty: subjunctive)

9 How do you form the subjunctive?
Start with the “YO” form Comer = como / HACER = hago Take off the “o” COM-/HAG- Add the opposite endings (coma, haga) -AR: -e -emos -es -éis -e -en -ER / -IR: -a -amos -as -áis -a -an NOTE: -ar verbs: have an “e” w/ the present subjunctive -er/-ir verbs: Have an “a” 9

10 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Before we learn usage, we must learn the forms we will be working with. Think of it as learning the mechanics or “nuts and bolts” before assembling the tool. For all but six verbs in Spanish, we can apply a simple three-step process with which to construct the forms. Step 1: Start with the yo form of the verb in the present tense (this applies to all three conjugations): hablo como vivo

11 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Step 1: Start with the yo form of the verb in the present tense (this applies to all three conjugations): hablo como vivo If we are careful to begin with this step, verbs with irregular stems and yo forms will be included and will not be considered irregular in the subjunctive: conocer → conozco oír → oigo tener → tengo decir → digo pedir → pido traer → traigo dormir → duermo perder → pierdo venir → vengo hacer → hago querer → quiero ver → veo

12 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Step 2: Take off the final o of the yo form: habl o com o viv o Step 3: Add the “opposite” endings: For -ar verbs: Add -er verb endings. habl e habl emos habl es habl éis habl e habl en Notice that the first- and third-person singular forms are identical.

13 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Step 3: Add the “opposite” endings: For -er and -ir verbs: Add -ar verb endings to both. com a com amos com as com áis com a com an viv a viv amos viv as viv áis viv a viv an Again, first- and third-person singular forms are identical.

14 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive Stem-changing -ar and -er verbs have the same stem changes as in the present indicative. recordar (o  ue) recuerde recuerdes recordemos recordéis recuerden perder (e  ie) pierda pierdas perdamos perdáis pierdan Remember, however, that stem changes do not apply to nosotros and vosotros forms.

15 Subjunctive review hablar (-ar) comer (-er) salir (-ir) pensar
Yo…………... Tú…………... Usted………. él, ella Nostotros/as. Vosotros/a Ustedes…….. Ellos, ellas hablar (-ar) comer (-er) salir (-ir) pensar hable coma salga piense Hables comas salgas pienses hablemos comamos salgamos pensemos habléis comáis salgáis pensáis hablen coman salgan piensen

16 The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit dormir dormí dormiste durmió dormimos dormisteis durmieron u These changes occur only in stem-changing -ir verbs. The same changes occur in the nosotros and vosotros forms of the subjunctive. duerma duermas durmamos durmáis duerman present subjunctive

17 The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit mentir mentí mentiste mintió mentimos mentisteis mintieron i mienta mientas mintamos mintáis mientan present subjunctive

18 The forms of the subjunctive
You may recall the third-person singular and plural changes that occur in the preterit of stem-changing -ir verbs. preterit servir serví serviste sirvió servimos servisteis sirvieron i sirva sirvas sirvamos sirváis sirvan present subjunctive

19 The forms of the subjunctive
3/23/2017 The forms of the subjunctive The following spelling changes occur in all forms of the present subjunctive with verbs whose infinitives end in -car, -gar, and -zar. -car c  qu -gar g  gu -zar z  c buscar llegar empezar busque llegue empiece busques llegues empieces busque llegue empiece busquemos lleguemos empecemos busquéis lleguéis empecéis busquen lleguen empiecen

20 The forms of the subjunctive
There are only six truly irregular verbs, that is, verbs to which we cannot apply our three-step process. When listed in the following order, the initial letters of each verb form the acronym DISHES, a useful memory device. dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den Dar  Ir  Ser  Haber  Estar  Saber  vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

21 Verbs ending in “-car”, “-gar”, “-zar”, “-ger” & “-guir”
Verbs ending in “-car”, “-gar”, “-zar”, & “-guir” have spelling changes: Ending Formal Command ending example Formal Command sacar llegar -car -que saque -gar -gue llegue -zar -ce organizar organice -ger -ja recoger recoja Seguir (I) siga -guir -ga

22 Calentamiento On the verb sheet: Put your name on the front
Fill out WEIRDO and DISHES acronyms (front and back) Give the first person subjunctive for each verb in DISHES

23 ¿Cuándo se usa el subjuntivo?

24 The forms of the subjunctive
There are only six truly irregular verbs, that is, verbs to which we cannot apply our three-step process. When listed in the following order, the initial letters of each verb form the acronym DISHES, a useful memory device. dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den Dar  Ir  Ser  Haber  Estar  Saber  vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

25 The usage of the subjunctive
The subjunctive normally occurs in the subordinate clause of a two-part sentence (hence the term subjunctive) and generally is preceded by the relator que or an adverb such as cuando, donde, etc. Normally, the main clause has a different subject and verb than the subordinate clause. main clause subordinate clause Yo quiero que Juan vaya a la fiesta. S1 V1 S2 V2

26 The usage of the subjunctive
If there is no change of subject, that is, if the subject of the main clause is the same as that of the subordinate clause, the subjunctive is generally not used, especially with verbs of volition, such as querer, and verbs that express emotion. main clause subordinate clause Yo quiero que yo vaya a la fiesta. S1 V1 S1 V2 Although there are two different verbs . . . . . . there is only one subject.

27 The usage of the subjunctive
If there is no change of subject, that is, if the subject of the main clause is the same as that of the subordinate clause, the subjunctive is generally not used, especially with verbs of volition, such as querer, and verbs that express emotion. In these cases only one clause is necessary . . . Yo quiero ir a la fiesta. S AV INF . . . utilizing a subject, auxiliary verb, and infinitive.

28 The usage of the subjunctive
The verb or expression in the main clause determines whether to use the subjunctive or the indicative in the subordinate clause. Three simple principles can be applied in almost every case. If the main clause expresses . . . 1. Cause or prevention. 2. Personal bias or emotion. 3. Falseness or unreality. . . . the subjunctive is used in the subordinate clause.

29 The usage of the subjunctive
1. Cause or prevention: When the subject in the main clause uses a verb that tends to cause or prevent something in the subordinate clause, the subjunctive is always used in the subordinate clause. (Notice that que unites the two clauses.) Benjamín quiere que Antonio ponga la mesa. (indicative: pone) Yo insisto en que tú hagas el trabajo. (indicative: haces) Prohibimos que los clientes fumen en la oficina. (indicative: fuman)

30 The usage of the subjunctive
Following are some common verbs and expressions that might be used to cause or prevent. Cause querer insistir recomendar mandar pedir permitir aconsejar obligar necesitar sugerir ser importante, imprescindible, permisible, necesario, innecesario, preferible, mejor, urgente Prevention impedir prohibir no permitir

31 The usage of the subjunctive
2. Personal bias or emotion: When the verb in the main clause expresses a feeling, emotion, or personal bias, the subjunctive is usually (but not always) used in the subordinate clause. NOTE: It is in this area of Spanish that the subjunctive is most quickly falling into disuse, and is being replaced by the indicative. Nevertheless, for instructional purposes, we will always use the subjunctive in these cases.

32 The usage of the subjunctive
2. Personal bias or emotion: When the verb in the main clause expresses a feeling, emotion, or personal bias, the subjunctive is usually (but not always) used in the subordinate clause. Me alegro de que tú saques buenas notas. (indicative: sacas) ¡Qué lástima que ellos no sepan su número de teléfono! (indicative: saben) Lamento que hayas perdido tu dinero. (indicative: has perdido) Me gusta que Alfredo te ayude. (indicative: ayuda)

33 The usage of the subjunctive
But, again, just as with verbs of volition, if there is no change of subject, a single clause with infinitive is used rather than the subjunctive. Me alegro de sacar buenas notas. Lamento haber perdido mi dinero. Me gusta ayudarte.

34 The usage of the subjunctive
Following are some common verbs and expressions that express personal bias or emotion. gustar alegrarse (de) apenar asombrar sorprender entristecer temer esperar sentir ser triste ser una lástima ser maravilloso ser bueno, terrible, horroroso, fantástico, etc. estar alegre, contento, triste, etc. ojalá

35 The usage of the subjunctive
3. Falseness or unreality: If the main clause indicates that something is true or indeed exists, the indicative is used in the subordinate clause. Es verdad que los niños comen demasiado. Estoy seguro que Alonzo tiene su pasaporte. By contrast, if the main clause indicates doubt, falseness or unreality, the subjunctive is used in the subordinate clause. No creemos que vaya a nevar mañana. Mis amigos dudan que yo pueda pilotear el avión. No hay nadie que sepa la verdad.

36 The usage of the subjunctive
But, once more, if there is no change of subject, one clause with an infinitive can be used in many cases. No estoy seguro de tener mi pasaporte. (No estoy seguro de que yo tenga mi pasaporte.) No creo saber la verdad. (No creo que yo sepa la verdad.) Dudo poder pilotear el avión. (Dudo que yo pueda pilotear el avión.)

37 The usage of the subjunctive
Following are some common verbs and expressions that express truth or falseness. Truth creer estar seguro jurar afirmar confirmar asegurar ser cierto ser indudable ser evidente ser obvio ser verdad ser (estar) claro Falseness no creer negar no estar seguro dudar no poder creer ser (im)posible ser (im)probable no ser verdad no ser cierto

38 The usage of the subjunctive
Finally, the subjunctive is always used after the following phrases (and a few other similar ones). When listed in the order shown below, they form the acronym ESCAPA, a useful memory device. E en caso de que (in case) S sin que (without, unless) C con tal (de) que (provided that) A antes (de) que (before) P para que (so that, in order that) A a menos que (unless)

39 FIN

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