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Publicada porAntonio Cebrián Martínez Modificado hace 5 años
Andrea Martínez Díaz Mª Dolores Ortega Coy María Lizán Moreno Paola García Alcolea COMPARISON BETWEEN LOMCE AND LOE
First new articles Article 2.bis “Spanish Education System” : the Spanish Education System is governed by the principles of quality, cooperation, equity and equal opportunities. The third part of the article 3 “Basic Education”: nowadays the basic education is constituted by the Primary Education, the Compulsory Secondary Education and the Basic Academic Training. Part 4 of the article 19: the comprehension and the oral expression of Spanish language or of an official language will be prioritized. The article 21 is now called “Final assessment of Primary Education” : When children finish the sixth grade they will make and assessment in which it will be check again the Basic Skills.
Article 18 “Organization” LOMCELOE 6 degrees3 cycles of two years each cycle Natural Science and Social ScienceKnowledge of natural, social and cultural environment. It’s eliminatedEducation for Citizenship and Human Rights
Article 20 “Assessment during the degree” LOMCELOE Assessment in third of Primary If it’s not positive the student could repeat The student could repeat with an specific recovery plan Special attention to the personal attention of students It didn’t exist
Changes in ESO This stage has two cycles, the first one of 3 years and the second one of 1 year. In Second of ESO, with the LOGSE Biology, Geology, Physics and Chemistry were joined into Natural Science, but with the LOMCE they’re separated into different subjects. In third of ESO, they have been added two modal subjects Design and Technology TIC Fourth of ESO: Baccalaureate or Basic Academic Training. Maths has two modalities One for Baccalaureate One for Basic Academic Training
ARTICLE 27 LOMCE "Improving learning and performance. “ Considering a student in need of reinforcement, the student begins with a specific methodology in the second year, having previously completed unsatisfactorily or having repeated a previous year. LOE “Curricular diversification programs “ Considering a student in need of reinforcement, that student would attend the third year of secondary education with a specific methodology for the title of the ESO.
ARTICLE 28. "Evaluation and Promotion" (END OF COMPULSORY SECONDARY) LOELOMCE 1- If a student has failed two subjects at most, measures proposed by the group of student teachers. 2- If all subjects are not exceeded there will be a special test for the failed subjects 1- If a student has failed a maximum of two subjects, educational care measures proposed by the orientation and guidance. 2- If all subjects will not exceed a personified with application reviews.
ARTICLE 29 ·At the end of the fourth year.·Two failed subjects. Qualified outside, by specialists·Those who fail the test can be resubmitted in the next call. At the end of 2º assessment of basic skills. (GUIDANCE) LOE. “Final evaluation of compulsory secondary“ LOMCE "Diagnostic evaluation"
ARTICLE 31 "Certificate in Secondary Education" 1-The students ended beating basic skills receive the title of ESO 2- The they not ended until the fourth course, receive a certificate contains the years studied 1- Students proceed to a final assessment (30%), course notes (70%). If they don’t pass not have access to Bachelor (Art. 32) If this passes you access to post- compulsory education. 2- Those who have not completed until the fourth course receive a certificate over the years studied and LEVEL of basic skills. LOMCE
ARTICLE 32 LOE: You can stay in 4 years Bachelor ordinary way. LOMCE: Each degree course can be repeated once ordinarily, if fails again will proceed to extraordinary measures. ARTICLE 34 LOE: subjects of bachelor are divided into COMMON MODALITY AND OPTIONAL. LOMCE: Subjects bachelors are divided into MANDATORY AND OPTIONAL SPECIFIC.
ARTICLE 37. " Baccalaureate Degree". LOELOMCE If you pass without any failed subject in bachelor get the title. Although Bachelor is passed, it proceeds to a final assessment (40%.) The course must have passed with more than 5 points or 5. In the title and grade obtained will be added.
NEW ARTICLE 37 «ACCESS TO UNIVERSITY(LOMCE)» Each university will have its own rules of admission. The bachelor will note at least 60% of value of admission.
ARTICLE 41. Access conditions. LOE LOMCE Professional formation of intermediate grade, have ESO. Professional formation of higher grade, have to pass Baccalaureate. Professional formation of intermediate grade, have ESO. Professional formation of higher grade, have to pass Baccalaureate. Professional formation of intermediate grade: 15 years, ESO, permission parents. Professional formation of higher grade: Baccalaureate, passing a admited test. Professional formation of intermediate grade: 15 years, ESO, permission parents. Professional formation of higher grade: Baccalaureate, passing a admited test.
ARTICLE 43. Evaluation. LOE and LOMCE has the same form to evaluate the Professional formation of intermediate grade ans the Professional formation of higher grade. They have to do a gith evaluation about the Professional Unit or about the Unit´s Materials.
ARTICLE 44. Titles and Convalidations. LOE LOMCE Professional formation of intermediate grade: title of Technical and accessing to Baccalaureate. Professional formation of higher grade: title of High Technical and accessing to University. Professional formation of intermediate grade: title of Technical and accessing to Baccalaureate. Professional formation of higher grade: title of High Technical and accessing to University. It is the same but in Professional formation of intermediate grade, if you want to access a Professional formation of middle grade, you have to pass a admited test.
ARTICLE 122 BIS. Tecnology of Information and Comunication. Is a new point and there is only in LOMCE The teachers have to use tecnology to improve the behavour of children and they have to permit that the Internet have to be at all areas of the School and the children can use wherever they want.
ARTICLE 47. Competences of School´s Council. LOE LOMCE Decide of the student´s admission. Decide the obtencion of resources. Decide about the rouls of the School. Decide of the student´s admission. Decide the obtencion of resources. Decide about the rouls of the School. Inform of the srudent´s admission. Inform the obtencion of resources. Inform about the rouls of the School. Inform of the srudent´s admission. Inform the obtencion of resources. Inform about the rouls of the School.
4 adds (LOMCE) : 1.Pass proyects and rules. 2.Pass anual programming. 3.Decides about student’s admission. 4.Cooperate with local organizations and governments * Process and way of principal’s selection changes.
Ed. System’s Evaluation Indicators Results of final stage and diagnostic evaluations. Measured by Equal in all schools LOMCE
School calendar = 175 Class Days – x days dedicated to evaluations LOMCE
Professional training Medium grade Higher grade LOMCE
Additional regulations. (LOMCE) Multilingual education stablished by Gov. + Autonomus Comunity -from 2nd cycle of Preschool to Baccalaureate Establishment of the new law. YEARPRIMARY COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION. BACCALAUREATE 2015 1st, 3rd, 5th grades 1st and 3rd grades 1st grade 2016 2nd, 4th,6th grades 2nd and 4th grades 2nd grade
T/F Questions According to LOE, the basic education is constituted by the Primary Education and by the Compulsory Secondary School. With the LOMCE subjects are divided into: mandatory, optional and specific. With LOMCE each university has its own rules. The students that get the professional formation of intermediate grade received a title of “High Technical” and it convalidates the access to the Baccalaureate. According with LOMCE days dedicated to evaluations are included in the 175 days of classes.
Option Questions 1)According to LOMCE, an assessment will be made in third of Primary Education to check the degree of acquisition of Basic Skills: a) It it’s not positive, the child could repeat. b) If it’s not positive, the child could pass to the next grade receiving reinforcement classes. c) Both are correct.
Option Questions 2) With the LOMCE you consider a student in need of reinforcement, that student begins with a specific methodology: a) In second year b) In third year c) At the last year 3) In LOMCE evaluations of the Ed. System are measured: a)indicators of each school b)indicators equal to every school c)both are correct
Option Questions 4) About Professional Training in LOMCE: a) There are medium and higher grade b)There are medium and higher grade for Scenic Arts c) There are no distinction between grades in Scenic Arts 5) To access to a grade of professional formation in grade intermediate in LOMCE you need: a)You have to be 15 years, pass ESO and you need the permission of your parents. b)You have to pass Baccalaureate. c)You have to pass an “admit test”
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