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Profesor de la Universidad de Oviedo
Armonizando la manera en que la gente ve el control Harmonizing the way people look to control el futuro está aquí Felipe Mateos Martín Profesor de la Universidad de Oviedo Esta presentación no es sobre estandares Es sobre como la gente ve el control industrial This presentation is not about standards It is about the way people look to control
Por qué? Cual es el problema?
Ficción? Imagine que * está en control industrial * trabajando con 4 clases diferentes de controladores * usando diferentes dialectos en sus lenguajes de programación * luchando strugling to match the level of your software engineers with the electrical engineers / maintenance on the factory floor * y viendo que la competencia lo hace mejor Por qué? Cual es el problema? Si la situación que se presenta encaja con la suya.... If the situation above looks like your reality………………
... and such a standard is available
Out of the jungle La actual variedad de problemas puede reducirse ampliamente a través de la estandarización ... and such a standard is available ... Tu harías bien en armonizar la manera en la que ves el control industrial …….. you’d better harmonize the way you all look to control
IEC 1131-3 “Lo mejor que ha ocurrido en el control industrial”
Sugar Lantic en Automation Maillist ... A través del estándar IEC En primer lugar, … via the IEC standard First, let us take a closer look into IEC This is the english version (waving with the standard itself). It contains a lot of information, so it is better if we focus to the benefits for you.
Las 5 partes del Estándar IEC 1131
- 1 Visión General, Definiciones EI - 2 Hardware EI - 3 Lenguajes de Programación EI - 4 Guías de Usuario - 5 Especificación de Servicios de Mensajes EI = Estándar Internacional As you can see it consists of five parts. Part 1 till 3 are International Standards Part 1 provides the general overview Part 2 defines the requirements and test procedures for the hardware. These include elelctrical, mechanical and functional requirements service, storage and transportation conditions and test methods and procedures for verification of compliancy Part 3 deals with Programming Languages. These programming languages not only suit Programmable Controllers, but effectively every environment within industrial control and automation. There are many ways to look at this standard…...
Lenguajes de Programación IEC 1131-3 / Industrial Control Programming
… but just to make sure we are all talking about the same: the programming languages deals with the interface between the programmer and the control system or more direct: what this man sees on his screen El interface entre el programador y el sistema de control
Lenguajes de Programación IEC 1131-3 / Industrial Control Programming
...con soporte para personas con diferentes niveles de formación or, within IEC , how these people interface to ther control, no matter which background / color, or level current environments incorporate them all Meaning: support for teams with people of different level or background
El Estándar IEC 1131-3 Elementos Comunes Lenguajes de Programación
There are a lot of ways to look to this part 3 of IEC 1131. The one we use here is very simple: the standard consists of two main blocks: the Common Elements, valid throughout the specification and the Programming Languages Let us take a closer look to the common elements…….
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
a.o. Tipos de Datos y Variables Representación simbólica vía etiquetas Area restringida para mapeo de I/O Independencia hardware del código Qué es esto? The first to mention are Datatypes and Variables With datatyping every variable is assigned to a datatype. Why? Well, IEC is designed to help you to find errors as early as possible in the programming phase. As you all know, that is the fastest and cheapest way. Now you know if the data is a string, a date, and integer or 16 bits of Boolean input. There is no confusion about this anymore, and there is no conflict between different people using the textual representation (that means, the name of the variable)
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
a.o. Tipos de Datos y Variables como: BOOL BYTE INTEGER REAL DATE TIME_OF_DAY STRING Examples of standard data types are Boolean, Byte Integer, Real, which you all probably know, but also Date, Time_of_Day and String. Datatyping avoids a lot of errors, like dividing an integer with a date.
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
Tipos de datos y Variables además: Sus propios tipos de datos In addition to these standard dataypes, you can create your own Once defined you can use them all over again This can be very helpful within your own systems
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
a.o. Tipos de Datos y Variables Configuración Recursos Tareas Back to the common elements For this following part , we look at the defined Software Model.
Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Configuración At the highest level, the entire software required to solve a particular control problem is called a Configuration. Función de Comunicación
Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Configuración Recurso Recurso Within a configuration, one or more Resources can be defined. A resource is like a CPU in your system. Función de Comunicación
Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Tarea Recurso Configuración A resource include one or more Tasks . Tasks control the execution of different parts of programs….. Función de Comunicación
Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Tarea Programa Recurso Configuracion Función de Comunicación Programs can be written in any of the IEC languages Control de la ejecución
Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Vías de Acceso Control de la ejecución FB Tarea Programa Recurso Configuración Bloque Funcional In the end programs call Functions or Function Blocks These are the basic building blocks with datastructure and algorithm Función de Comunicación
Modelo Software IEC 1131 Configuración Variable vía de acceso Recurso
Tarea Programa Programa FB Tarea Programa Tarea Programa FB Tarea FB Bloque Funcional Variable All these can exchange their information via the global or direct variables, even to the outside world via the communication function Let us compare this to a conventional PLC………. Variables globales y directas Control de la ejecución Vía de Acceso Función de Comunicación
IEC 1131-3 vs PLC convencional
Variables Globales y Directas Vía de Acceso Control de la ejecución Variable vía de acceso FB Tarea Programa Recurso Configuración Función de Comunicación Bloque Funcional Variable As shown here in red, a conventional PLC consists of one resource, running one task, controlling one program As you can easily see, IEC can go well beyond conventional PLCs. It can provide you with a state-of-the-art multitasking, real-time environment This also makes IEC 1131 applicable to a much broader area as just PLCs. It can be used in a broad range of application area’s, without having to learn additional programming languages.
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
a.o. Tipos de Datos & Variables Configuración, Recursos, Tareas Unidades de Organización de Programas Funciones Bloques Funcionales Programas Within the common elements, the Functions, Function Blocks and Programs are called Program Organization Units. They provide you re-usability from macro level to micro level. Let us have a closer look at them,. First the functions…...
Funciones ….. * Funciones Estándar
ADD, SQRT, SIN, COS, GT, MIN, MAX, AND, OR, etc. * Sus propias funciones: FUNCTION SIMPLE_FUN : REAL VAR_INPUT A, B : REAL; C : REAL := 1.0; END_VAR SIMPLE_FUN := A*B/C; END FUNCTION We all know functions like Add, Square root, SINus, COSinus, Greater Than, etc., IEC has a enormous set of these defined. You also can create your own functions like this simple_function Once defined, you can use it over and over again….. The same is valid for Function Blocks…..
…. & Bloques Funcionales
Bloques Funcionales Estándar Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL They are like the software equivalent of Integrated Circuits, ICs. Like black boxes that represent a specialized control function You have standard defined function blocks, like timers, counters and triggers….
…. & Bloques Funcionales
Bloques Funcionales Estándar Bloques Funcionales suministrados adicionalmente Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL ..and each supplier can add their own library of blocks, as long as they comply to the defined structure A temperaure control loop, or PID, is an excellent example of such a Function Block.
…. & Bloques Funcionales
Bloques Funcionales Estándar Bloques Funcionales suministrados adicionalmente Sus propios Bloques Funcionales Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL And you can add your own library of Function Blocks
…. & Bloques Funcionales
Bloques Funcionales Estándar Bloques Funcionales suministrados adicionalmente Sus propios Bloques Funcionales Todos los FBs son altamente reutilizables en el mismo programa, diferentes programas e incluso en diferentes proyectos Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL No matter which Function Block, they are highly re-usable : in the same program, different programs or even different projects. You can use them with any of the IEC programming languages, giving you a clear separation between different levels of programmers, or maintenance people. Their re-usability increases your efficiency, and reduces the number of errors.
Ejemplo de Bloque Funcional
Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL 1 EPS XIN2 Q Let’s look at an example. Here shown is a function block in the programming language Function Block Diagram The FB has the name Hysterisis It has three inputs, named XIN1, XIN2 and EPS, on the left They are all of datatype REAL It has one output (on the right hand side), called Q, of type BOOL Internally, the FB cotains body code…..
Ejemplo de Bloque Funcional
FUNCTION_BLOCK HYSTERISIS VAR_INPUT XIN1, XIN2 : REAL; EPS : REAL; (* Hysterisis band *) END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT Q : BOOL := 0 IF Q THEN IF XIN1 < (XIN2-EPS) THEN Q := 0 (* XIN1 decreasing *) END_IF; ELSIF XIN1 > (XIN2 + EPS ) THEN Q := 1; (* XIN1 increasing *) END_FUNCTION_BLOCK Hysterisis Q XIN1 XIN2 EPS BOOL REAL 1 In this example, the body code is written in the language Structured Text It uses the inputs,does some calculation, and sets the outputs. The first part deals with the data structure, the second half with the algorithm In this case it does not use additional data. But it could. No matter which name was used for this local data inside the body, there would be no conflict with its name: one could use this name on different places, without conflict, This examle of data encapsulation takes away a big source of errors.
Programas : diseño jerárquico
Automation application Start : BOOL; Emergency : BOOL; Limit : INT; PROGRAM GLOBAL Local Type FUNCTION INPUT FUNCTION_BLOCK OUTPUT IN_OUT EXTERNAL With these Functions and Function Blocks , you can look at a program as a network of these basic building blocks. In this way complex programs can be broken down into function blocks, which again can be broken down into smaller function blocks. This decomposition helps you increasing your efficiency .
IEC 1131-3 : Elementos Comunes
a.o. Tipos de Datos Variables Unidades de Organización de Programas * Funciones * Bloques Funcionales * Programas Configuración, Recursos, Tareas Cuadro Funcional Secuencial * Etapas * Transiciones * Bloques de Acción Back to the overview of the common elements. As you can see there is one topic left. Let’s deal with it now
Cuadro Funcional Secuencial, SFC
Potente técnica gráfica para describir el comportamiento secuencial de un programa de control Se usa para particionar un problema de control Facilita el rápido diagnóstico de problemas en el algoritmo de control Etapa N FILL Etapa 3 Etapa S Empty Transición 1 Transición 2 When two or more transitions are associated with leaving a step, one can select alternative steps in a sequence using a divergence construct One can use this also to provide alternative sequences. As ultimate, the standard also support parallel sequences, such as commonly required in batch applications. For instance, one sequence is is used for the primary process, and the second for monitoring the overall operating constraints. And this all within the same overview and structure.
Cuadro Funcional Secuencial, SFC
Potente técnica gráfica para describir el comportamiento secuencial de un programa de control Se usa para particionar un problema de control Facilita el rápido diagnóstico de problemas en el algoritmo de control Los elementos son ETAPAS con BLOQUES DE ACCIÓN y TRANSICIONES Permite secuencias alternativas y paralelas Step N FILL Step 3 Step S Empty Transition 1 Transition 2 When two or more transitions are associated with leaving a step, one can select alternative steps in a sequence using a divergence construct One can use this also to provide alternative sequences. As ultimate, the standard also support parallel sequences, such as commonly required in batch applications. For instance, one sequence is is used for the primary process, and the second for monitoring the overall operating constraints. And this all within the same overview and structure.
SFC : Secuencias en paralelo
Etapa N FILL Etapa 3 Etapa 2 b S Empty Transición 1b Transición 2b Transición 1a Transición 2a Etapa 2 a S Empty
El Estándar IEC 1131-3 Elementos Comunes Lenguajes de Programación
So much about the common elements. Now to the next group: the programming languages
Los Lenguajes de Programación IEC 1131-3
Lista de Instrucciones Texto Estructurado LD A ANDN B ST C AND A C B C:= A AND NOT B A B C -| |--|/| ( ) Diagrama de Bloques Funcionales Diagrama de Escalera Regarding the five standardised programming languages no one should be too worried, because all languages except Structured Text have been widely known and utilised for years. Different regions of the industrial world as well as different fields of applications have contributed to the selection of those languages. 15
Diagrama de Escalera (LD)
Estandarizado, rationalized set of relay ladder programming symbols Based on well-known North american style of programming, resembling US-type of electrical drawing standard A B C -| |--|/| ( ) see slide 16
Lista de Instrucciones (IL)
Single Accumulator based execution model Basado en el Alemán “Anweisungsliste’, AWL Una operación como almacenar un valor en el registro acumulador es permitida por línea LD A ANDN B ST C see slide 17
Texto Estructurado (ST)
Lenguaje de alto nivel, estructurado en bloques Sintaxis parecida a PASCAL Posibilidad de utilizar expresiones complejas e instrucciones anidadas Soporte para Bucles (REPEAT-UNTIL; WHILE-DO) Ejecucion condicional (IF-THEN-ELSE; CASE) Funciones (SQRT(), SIN()) see slide C:= A AND NOT B 18
Diagrama de Bloques Funcionales (FBD)
Lenguaje gráfico ampliamente usado en Europa Permite elementos de programa que aparecen como bloques ser conectados en una forma análoga a un diagrama de circuito Se usa en muchas aplicaciones que implican el flujo de información o datos entre componentes de control AND A C B see slide Química 19
El Estándar IEC 1131-3 Elementos Comunes Lenguajes de Programación
Top Down Bottom Up There is more, and it is directly related to the development systems, which by the way are called PSE’s in IEC, or Program Support Environments. If we look to the simple picture of the IEC standard, the standard allows two ways to develop your program: bottom up and top down Whichever you chose, the environment will help you through the whole process After all, software is here to help us……..
Entornos de Programación IEC
Muchos de ellos ofrecen: Pantallas de programación gráfica Soporte para múltiples ventanas Operaciones con el ratón Menús desplegables Ayuda en línea Verificación del software durante el diseño and they do.. Many IEC programming systems offer you all you expect from modern environments. Some of the features are listed here Compare that to the cryptic character based systems, and you have an additional reason We mentioned several advantages of this standard Let us summarize them…….
Caraterísticas claves calidad IEC 1131-3
Software Estructurado - a través del uso de Configuraciones, Recursos y Unidades de Organización de Programa (POUs) Tipeado de Datos - a través de lenguajes que restringen las operaciones a los tipos de datos adecuados Control de la Ejecución - a través del uso de Tareas Comportamiento Secuencial Complejo - a través de los Esquemas Funcional Secuencial Encapsulación del Software - a través del uso de POUs, estructuras y tipos de datos complejos In general, one can reconcile the following strong points of IEC see slide
Sistema de Control de Fermentación cortesía de Omron Electronics
Un ejemplo Sistema de Control de Fermentación cortesía de Omron Electronics But how does this help you in practice. Let us look at another example, in this case a fermentation process
Proceso de Fermentación
Heater band Acidic reagent Alkali reagent Harvest valve pH sensor Temperature sensor Feed valve Agitator The whole process is drawn here. There is a large vessel, which vcan be filled (Feed Valve) with the liquid, can be heated with the heater band (cooling via convection), which can be stirred via the motor, and where acid and alcalic fluid can be added into.
Fermentation control decomposition
MainSequence e.g. top level process steps - filling, heating, agitating, fermenting, harvesting, cleaning. Valve control e.g. operating valves used to fill and empty the fermentation vessel Temperature control for monitoring the temperature of the vessel and modulating the heater. Agitator control for the agitator motor activated as demanded by the main process sequence. pH Control for monitoring the acidity of the fermentation contents and adding acidic or alkali reagents. Overall, one can decompose the process into the following sections (see slide)
Fermentation control program
If we would present those in the programming language Function Block Diagram, it could look like this In this case all basic blocks have been defined, which is one of the basic steps needed to convert the problem to a solution (read from left to right side) (On the left the inputs, on the right the outputs)
Main sequence SFC Shows the main process states
For the main sequence we would use the structuring tool Sequential Function Chart. We start at the top with the Initialization: since we do not know the status of the system when we first switch it on, we got to check here the position of the valves, etc. Then we start filling till the right level has been reached. Next phase is the heating till the fermentation process starts If it starts, we get to the next phase: the actual fermentation process control part After completion, we harvest, and after that clean, and we are ready to restart at the top. This decomposition gives everybody involved a clear overview which sequences are involved, and how it is further decomposed into the function blocks which can be programmed in any of the four languages. Or, stated differently: our user requirement specification is (nearly) done!
Las Acciones y Transiciones se pueden programar en cualquiera de los cuatro Lenguajes de Programación IEC
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
see above
Usuarios? Qué Usuarios? Discrete Mnf Process cntrl
Integrador de sistemas Usted ?? Educación Programación Thefirst problem is: which users? Where are you, or your company, in this picture? Mantenimiento Instalación
Usuarios? Qué Usuarios? Líneas de producción de automóviles
Plantas de tratamiento de agua Industria de la alimentación Cable manufacturing Semi-conductor clean room automation Theme-park roller coasters Planta de tratamiento de residuos nucleares This wide range encompass different skills IEC is used in such a tremendous broad area, that we only can make some general statements about the advantages
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) see above One has to learn it only once, and can use it on all systems
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) see above That creates a focus to the real problem solving part
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) Reduced misunderstandings and errors because the dialects are gone and the structuring tools are available, it lead to a better understanding between the people involved, and to less errors
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) Reduced misunderstandings and errors Programming techniques usable in more environments (general industrial control) IEC is used, and can be used, in a very broad area: industrial control in general
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) Reduced misunderstandings and errors Programming techniques usable in more environments (general industrial control) Combining harmonously different components from different locations, companies or countries, or projects and is not restricited to one location or project: for instance function blocks can be reused over an over again
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) Reduced misunderstandings and errors Programming techniques usable in more environments (general industrial control) Combining harmonously different components from different locations, companies or countries, or projects taking care that your investment is not lost: you are open to the future Increased connectivity (investment protection)
¿Cual es el beneficio de este Estándar?
Reduced waste of human resources (in training, debugging, maintenance and consultancy) Creating a focus to problem solving via software re-usability (reduced application investment and supplier dependency) Reduced misunderstandings and errors Programming techniques usable in more environments (general industrial control) Combining harmonously different components from different locations, companies or countries, or projects Increased connectivity (investment protection) <<no text initially>> …. . But there was this other buzzword .. PLCopen
Ventajas para el nivel educativo
Los cursos de programación IEC son: Independientes del proveedor Independientes del producto Encaja mejor la teoría con la prácitca Basados en técnicas de programación actuales y pensamiento estructurado <<Additional slide with advantages>>
1993: IEC 1131-3 is reality as a paper standard and now…...
Initially the standard was just paper ware..
.. El problema de la Gallina y el Huevo
Usuarios vs. Ven los beneficios del estándar pero necesitan productos que cubran sus necesidades Proveedores uncertainty about its effect elección estrátegica high investment (SW + HW) uncertain on ROI creating a checken and egg problem: the users were interested, but could not yet buy the suppliers wanted to make sure the investment in the development was a right one..
What does PLCopen want and do and how does it effect you
La Associación PLCopen Standardization in Industrial Control Programming What does PLCopen want and do and how does it effect you This is were PLCopen as independent association comes in..
La Tecnología necesita estandares
nadie / ninguna compañía puede hacerlo por sí misma see above
Cambio en la importancia de los estándares
Standards, be it international or de facto, play an ever increasing role in our society
Queremos ser la asociación líder
La Misión de PLCopen Queremos ser la asociación líder resolviendo temas relacionados con la programación de controladores para apoyar el uso de estándares internacionales en este campo. This is the mission PLCopen is a vendor and product independent world wide organization. It focus to users benefits in the pursuit of the IEC standard. 26
¿Y eso qué significa? Todos los miembros son iguales: un miembro = un voto PLCopen se enfoca hacia servicios independientes no hacia productos Focus towards users’ awareness Dedicación a los usuarios y proveedores miembros PLCopen is not dedicated to one member As association, it is focussed to providing services to increase the acceptance of the IEC standard For this reason, the members have to commit themselves to this standard.
Programando en su entorno
Programming is just one aspect in solving the whole problem. Clearly we need to standardize the interfaces between oprgramming and the other environments.
BOM, MD & General Meeting
Organización PLCopen Standardization in Industrial Control programming BOM, MD & General Meeting TC1 TC3 TC4 TC5 PC2 PC3 TC2 PC4 PC1 TECNICOS MARKETING COMITÉS The Board of management, the managing director, and the general meeting provide the guidelines and co-ordinate the strategic goals of PLCopen. The Technical Committees specify further developments like special application area profiles and compliancy levels. The Promotional Committees, take care of the PLCopen representation, also at fairs and seminars. Let us look at some of them
TC1: Estándares IEC 1131-3 es mejorado con Corrigendum & Amendments
Development of joint PLCopen position for IEC Comunicación de información desde IEC a PLCopen Propuesta de mejoras Focussed to upcoming update: end 1997 see abaove
TC2: Funciones Convenios de llamadas a Bloques Funcionales
Definición de librerías de Bloques Funcionales … por ejemplo: Motion Control Profile: the integration of different technologies see above
TC3 : La esencia de la conformaidad sin pruebas no hay estándar
El estándar IEC 1131 solo da unas reglas básicas para la conformidad La certificación es una guía para los usuarios en el camino hacia sistemas de programación realmente conformes con IEC (p.e. PLCopen certifica la conformidad de los productos) Compliancy certification procedures provided by PLCopen assist users with judging the quality and feasability of programming tools. It provides a commonly agreed, verifiable basis for module re-usability and for safe investments in further developments. 27
TC3: Niveles de conformidad de PLCopen
Full Compliance Level Portability of applications Application Program FB Variable Code Body Application Program FB Variable Code Body Portability Level & X-Reusability Level Portability of Function (Block) libraries PLCopen has defined three levels for compliance, aimed at different levels: Base level as lowest, harmonizing the body code Portability level adds the exchange of Function and Function Blocks between different systems, providing reusability of the core of the programs Full compliance is aimed towards the exchange of applications, but has yet to be defined Base Level Portability of minimal systems
Compliancy: Portability Level
Definition Portability Level Portability Level provides the exchange of Functions and Function Blocks between programming systems of different manufacturers, with the same functionality to the user NB. this is NOT a part of IEC see above
Compliancy: Results and Status (Oct. ‘99)
Accredition installed: two institutes accredited Base Level definition ready for IL, ST and SFC. LD and FBD in progress Test software ready for IL, ST and SFC. FBD and LD in preparation 17 software packages certified (see newsletter and website for status) see above
Conformidad: Resultados
Certfied comapnies are allowed to use the se logo’s
Compliancy levels build a foundation for:
a common understanding of automation system programming worldwide the development of new tools like additional programming languages the definition of function blocks for communication procedures independent of underlying bus sytems the creation of libraries, be it for special branch applications or for standard solutions Communications Libraries Languages Simulation Without this commonly agreed foundation further developments aiming towards unification and protability would not be feasible. If evaluation criteria are not verifiable nothing at all will ever change the present situation of many incompatible variations with the resulting expenditure for automation users. PLCopen Compliancy Levels
TC4: Comunicaciones Interfaces de comunicaciones
Interfaces to add-on packages Formato de intercambio entre aplicaciones Se ha realizado el mapeo de Profibus El mapeo de CANopen está en fase de realización see above
TC5: Safe software guidelines
Support for safe programming techniques Focus to IEC 1508 “Functional Safety of Safety Related systems” Guidelines for the use of the IEC standard Function Blocks can be certified Basis for easier commissioning see above
General Promotion PC1: General Promotion PC3: Promotion North America
PC4: Promotion Japan see above
PC2: Common training program
The effect of training is often underestimated Standardization can be very usefull and provide a better interface between study and reality PC2 defined common basics for training.. .. for instance: a IEC training guideline is published Training facilities fulfilling basic requirements can be certified and listed / referenced to (see newsletter and website for listing) see above
PLCopen como una asociación de carácter mundial
> 100 miembros (Oct. 1999) de 21 paises de todo el mundo Proveedores, Institutos y usuarios Visite PLCopen en Internet para una lista completa see above
PLCopen as a World-wide association
Sede Principal en Europa Sede en EE.UU. Sede en Japon see above
PLCopen Tel: 31-418-541139 Fax: 31-418-516336
Eelco van der Wal P.O. Box 2015 NL 5300 CA Zaltbommel Netherlands Tel: Fax: see above Headquarters see above
PLCopen N.A. Jeremy Pollard Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Yoshio Jamaguchi san 3rd Floor, , Wada Suginami-ku Tokyo 166, Japan Tel: (+81) Fax: (+81)
La Asociación PLCopen Juntos podemos hacer que suceda:
Estandarización en la programación industrial
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