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Preparacion Hoy es viernes el 4 de diciembre. Today is Friday, December 4. DO NOW: In preparation for some exercises in class do the following with the.

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Presentación del tema: "Preparacion Hoy es viernes el 4 de diciembre. Today is Friday, December 4. DO NOW: In preparation for some exercises in class do the following with the."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Preparacion Hoy es viernes el 4 de diciembre. Today is Friday, December 4. DO NOW: In preparation for some exercises in class do the following with the sheet on your desk: On top of the page write the verb endings we have been learning to help you. 1.fill out in the proper boxes the subject pronouns the proper way: on the left side all single subject pronouns, on the right the plural. You don’t have to do vosotros. Cross the second middle box with a large X. (See next slide for example) 2. On first box write the verb dibujar. Underline the stem or root (take out the –ar ending) 3. Conjugate each of the following verbs: dibujar, usar, practicar, enseñar, hablar. 4. Write in front of the verb what it means in English. Ex: dibujar = to draw

2 Forms of hablar -ar verbs video: watch it! (Yo ) hablo nosotros hablamos Nosotras (Tú ) hablas XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxx Usted Él habla ella Ustedes Ellos habl an Ellas

3 Objectives/Objetivos  Students will be able to know: what are objectives? (whole class answer)  Learn to use verbs that end in –ar with 100% accuracy by  Filling out graphic organizers with correct singular and plural subject pronouns and practice using the verbs: dibujar, usar, practicar, enseñar and hablar in preparatio for ex 16.  Review exercise 16 quiz. (We are going to correct it in class)  Learn to ask questions about –ar verbs with help of Venn diagram by drawing and writing complete sentences from Exercises 18 and 19. Textbook pg 87.  Don’t forget to conjugate verb ending of  left side of diagram for Yo (ex: yo paso tiempo con amigos)  Middle side conjugate for nosotros (ex: nosotros pasamos tiempo con amigos)  Right side conjugate él or ella (ex: ella or él pasa tiempo con amigos)

4 Venn diagram of Ex 18, pg 87 HOMEWORK DONE IN CLASS On left side label Yo (5 things you like to do), on right side label it with the name of your friend and write 5 things your classmate likes to do. In the middle write nosotros and write what is common for both. Then use the proper verb ending for each phrase. See sample on pg87. Don’t forget to conjugate verb ending of left side of diagram for Yo (ex: yo paso tiempo con amigos) Middle side conjugate for nosotros (ex: nosotros pasamos tiempo con amigos) Right side conjugate él or ella (ex: ella or él pasa tiempo con amigos)

5 Singular and Plural Subject Pronouns SingularPlural I = Yo1st personNosotros Nosotras You = tú (familiar) * usted (formal) 2 nd person He = él She = ella 3 rd personUstedes Ellos Ellas

6 tengo (I have) Question: ¿Tienes la tarea? Do you have homework? tarea (homework) estudio (I study) necesito (I need) Question: ¿Necesitas una calculadora? Do you need a calculator? enseña (he teaches, or she teaches) habla (he speaks or she speaks) carpeta de argollas (three-ring binder) Vocabulario en contexto

7 ¿Qué te gusta hacer?


9 Only –ar verbs: dibujar, bailar, patinar, nadar, montar en bicicleta, esquiar,practicar deportes.

10 How do you create the forms for –ar verbs? 1.Know the infinitive or verb ending in –ar such as HABLAR 2.Drop the –ar ending and make changes 3.Add the verb endings –o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, or –an to the stem Stem for verb hablar = habl (Yo ) habl nosotros habl Nosotras (Tú ) habl vosotros habl vosotras Usted Él habl ella Ustedes Ellos habl Ellas

11 Homework PRACTICE VERB ENDINGS For several –ar verbs you know already. 1. On your notebook practice writing 3 phrases per verb. Use the correct endings for 4 –ar verbs or any –ar verbs you do not know well.. Ex: 1. Tú hablas español. 2. Carlos y yo hablamos español. (you are including yourself and Carlos = we 3. Tú y Maria hablan español. (this is like you all) Practice phrases with: estudiar, escuchar, montar en bicicleta, pasar tiempo con amigos. (Yo ) hablo nosotros habl Nosotras (Tú ) habl vosotros habl vosotras Usted Él habl ella Ustedes Ellos habl Ellas

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