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Publicada porΦιλομήλα Αναγνωστάκης Modificado hace 5 años
L.O.: To revise the module BLP: Revising Comm: Reading
lunes el 19 de octubre I Can… L.O.: To revise the module BLP: Revising Comm: Reading
Compré recuerdos Me gustó Fui a Francia Visité la playa Comí en
un restaurante Porque Normalmente También Me alojé en un hotel Muy Visité un museo Tomé el sol Lo pasé muy bien Fui al polideportivo Jugué el fútbol Comí el pollo Nadé en la piscina Nadamos todo los días A veces Fui a la playa Bebí una limonada Fui en avión Siempre Fuimos Game split class into 2 Con mis amigos Hizo sol Fui con mi familia llovió Hubo tormenta nunca
Post-it note worry Write down something you are unsure about at the moment in Spanish. Example: transport, verbs in past tense, countries, … L.O.: To revise the module BLP – Revising Comm - Reading
I Can…. I feel very confident about this.
I feel okay but I need to revise this more. I don’t know this and need to learn it. When you have finished challenge someone on your table by testing them! L.O.: To revise the module BLP – Revising Comm - Reading
I can… I know this I think I know this I don’t know this
Using the past tense: El año pasado last year Hace dos años 2 years ago Antes before Era it was Forming the past tense: Take the infinitive Remove the AR/ ER/ IR Add the correct ending Past tense phrases Fui a I went to Fui con I went with Fuimos a We went to Me alojé en I stayed in Visité un museo I visited a museum Compré recuerdos I bought souvenirs Nadé en la piscina I swam in the pool Jugué al fútbol I played football Tomé el sol I sunbathed Comí en un restaurante I ate in a restaurant Mandé textos I sent texts Bailé I danced Me alojé I stayed Tenía it had Había there was Countries Italia Italy Francia France Alemania Germany Grecia Greece España Spain Inglaterra England AR ER IR Yo (I) é í El/ ella (He/ she/ it) ó ió Nosotros (we) amos imos Ellos/ ellas (they) aron ieron Weather Hizo sol It was sunny Hizo viento It was windy Hizo calor It was hot Hizo frío It was cold Llovió It was rainy Nevó It was snowy Hubo niebla It was foggy Hubo tormenta It was stormy Using the future tense: En el futuro In the future Me gustaría + infinitive I would like to… Quisiera + infinitive I would like to… Forming the future tense: Take the correct part of ‘ir’ Add ‘a’ Add the infinitive Past tense opinions Me encantó I loved Me gustó I liked No me gustó I didn’t like Odié / Detesté I hated Lo pasé bomba I had a blast! Lo pasé bien I had a good time Lo pasé mal I had a bad time Era aburrido It was boring Era divertido It was fun Le gustó He/ she liked Le encantó He/ she loved Transport En bici By bike En avión By plane En barco By boat En tren By train En coche By car A pie On foot Voy a comer I am going to Va beber He/ she is going to Vamos jugar We are going to Van visitar They are going to
¿Cómo estás? To miss, I feel more confident with……
L.O.: To revise the module BLP – Revising Comm - Reading
BLP: Managing distractions Comm: Reading
Challenge me L.O. To revise transport, countries, activities, weather and opinions in the past tense. BLP: Managing distractions Comm: Reading
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