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Verbos Irregulares en la forma "YO" del pretérito.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos Irregulares en la forma "YO" del pretérito."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos Irregulares en la forma "YO" del pretérito

2 In order to preserve their infinitive sound,
there are verbs that are regular in the present, but have irregular endings in the “YO” form in the preterit. This slide is self-explanatory.

3 qué -car gué -gar -zar

4 along with the infinitive sound.
#1 Take off the ending along with the infinitive sound. sa car #2 Add the irregular "YO" ending. qué sa #3 Add the rest of the endings of the original infinitive sound. Show the steps. ó aste sac aron amos

5 sa car sa qué sac aste sac ó sac amos sac aron
Show the spelling change in the first person singular. sac amos sac aron

6 pa gar gué pa pag aste pag ó Same as previous slide. pag amos pag aron

7 almor zar almor cé almorz aste almorz ó almorz amos almorz aron
Same as previous slide. almorz amos almorz aron

8 jugar jugué buscar busqué empecé empezar practiqué practicar abracé
Students write on their RCWS or say the “yo” form of the verb in a sentence. abracé abrazar llegar llegué

9 1. paguó 2. comencé 8. jugé 5. abrazaste 11. jugó 7. busquaste
3. apagé 12. practicaron 6. llegamos Students number from 1 to 12 on their RCWS. As the verb forms appear, students decide if the form that appears is correct or not . They then write sí or no on their RCWS. NOTE: The numbers will not appear in order. This way the students must pay close attention. Students correct the ones that are incorrect and then make up sentences with the verbs. They may write sentences or do the activity orally. Finally, have “Vanna Volunteers” come to the board and make the corrections. 4. pegué 9. empezaste 10. toqué

10 comenzamos pagué empezó jugaste abrazaste buscaron apagué practicaron
llegamos This is a game much like the “Fly Swatter” game…without the fly swatters. Divide the class into two teams. Number students on each team from 1 to however many you have per team. Have two colors of dry erase markers- one color for each team. Call out a number. The students with that number from each team come to the board. Call out, in English, a subject and verb such as: You (familiar) began. The first student to circle the correct verb receives a point for his/her team. You can allow the teams to help the players with the answers if you’d like. It’s better not to let students call out the answer, but maybe say that they are “frío” or “caliente” so that they know they are close to the answer. pegó empezaste toqué

11 Verbos con cambios radicales -ir Solamente hay cambios en la
3era persona singular y plural. Explain that, with this type of verb, the stem changes only in the he / she / it / you (formal) forms and the you (pl.) / they forms.

12 1 Quita la terminación. 2 Haz los cambios necesarios. Show the steps.

13 mentir pedir morir 1 i u ieron Emphasize the changes.

14 dormir preferir sentir servir
First have students write on their RCWS the third person singular and plural forms of the verbs as they appear. Then have them either individually, or in groups of two tell ( they may write, but oral practice is important) about “Elena la Enfermita”. Elena is always sick! Last night, instead of going to the party, she stayed home. Using these verbs, students tell what was wrong with her, why she stayed home and what she did instead of going to the party. Have groups share their versions of the story with the class. servir

15 Verbos un poco irregulares:
terminaciones de verbos de -ir ver dar vi di viste diste vio dio vimos dimos vieron dieron No hay acentos Indicate that BOTH verbs have –IR endings and that THERE ARE NO ACCENTS.

16 Verbos MUY irregulares:
ser ir fui fuiste fue fuimos fueron ¡No hay acentos! Show students that this conjugation means BOTH was/were and went AND HAS NO ACCENTS.

17 2. 1. 3. Students look at the pictures and write the following about each one: Where they went Who they saw What they gave to them 4.

18 Verbos MUY irregulares:
1. Quita la terminación. 2. Cambia la sílaba radical. Explain that with this group of verbs,the endings are a COMBINATION of regular preterit endings. 3. Usa la terminación correcta. según el sujeto

19 decir > dij- traer > traj- producir> produj- estar >
estuv- tener > tuv- andar> anduv- yo -e -iste él, ella, Ud. -o nosotros -imos ellos, ellas, Uds. -ieron saber > sup- caber > cup- haber > hub- poder> pud- poner> pus- Show students the changes in the stem and emphasize that there are NO ACCENTS used with these verbs. Tell them that if they memorize these verbs in these like groups, it’ll be easier. Choose various verbs from these lists and have students write the conjugations for them on their RCWS. No hay acentos querer> quis- venir > vin- hacer > hic-

20 upiste upieron upe upimos upo uviste uve uvieron uvimos uvo ino iniste
saber upiste upieron upe upimos upo estar uviste uve uvieron uvimos uvo venir ino iniste ine inieron inimos Emphasize the stem changes and the endings being a mixture of -ar and –er/-ir endings. Emphasize that the verbs that use the “j” do NOT have and “i” in the 3rd person plural endings. traer jiste je jeron jo jimos

21 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 ser saber decir tocar ir caber traer empezar ver
querer producir preferir dar venir llegar servir estar hacer mentir sentir tener poder pedir buscar andar poner dormir jugar #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Fueron de Fiesta! Felipe y Fernanda went to a party! This is a repetitious oral activity that will have all students practicing all types of irregular preterit verbs. Print out enough of this slide one for each group. Cut out the lists of words. and put them into packets. Divide the class into groups of 5-7 students. Have students number from 1- 5/6/7 depending on the number of people per group. Give each group a packet of lists. Students take the list of words that corresponds with their number. Going in numerical order, students say statements about what happened when Felipe and Fernanda went to the party on Friday. #1 starts out by saying Felipe y Fernanda fueron de fiesta then he/she has to finish the statement using the first verb on his/her list, for example: fueron con Josefina. The whole statement would be: Felipe y Fernanda fueron de fiesta y fueron muy elegantes. #2 then repeats what #1 said and adds a statement using the first verb on his/her list. For example: Felipe y Fernanda fueron de fiesta y fueron muy elegantes pero fueron en un carro viejo y feo. #3 repeats what #1 and #2 said and adds a statement using the first verb on their list. The pattern continues until they’ve used all the words on their lists. #6 #7

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