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Conjugation of some “regular” verbs ending in “ar”, “er”, “ir”

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1 Conjugation of some “regular” verbs ending in “ar”, “er”, “ir”
Pronouns practicar (to practice) beber (to drink) escribir (to write) yo (I) practico bebo escribo tu (you-informal) practicas bebes escribes usted (you-formal) el (he) practica bebe escribe ella (she) nosotros (we) practicamos bebemos escribimos ellos (they-boys) ellas (they-girls) practican beben escriben ustedes (you all) All regular verbs ending in either one of these three terminations (ar, er, ir) will maintain its root word (shown in color in these examples). To conjugate, you need to drop the last two letters and add the correct termination according to the pronoun needed.

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