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Normas generales de la industria
Equipo de protección personal Normas generales de la industria
Equipo de protección personal: EPP
Today’s topic is Respiratory Safety. This training is required by OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR ). You will learn about: The reasons respirators are necessary. The capabilities and limitations of different respirators. How to inspect, put on and maintain respirators. What to do if something goes wrong while wearing a respirator. Suggestions for the Speaker An effective ice breaker is to ask the trainees the following questions: Has anyone ever worn a respirator? Does anyone know why respirators are necessary?
Temas del día Ustedes aprenderán cómo los temas del Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP) están relacionados con nuestras instalaciones. Comentaremos: Reglas para el uso del EPP. Tipos de EPP disponibles. Que requisitos se ponen en práctica en nuestras instalaciones. Qué requisitos se aplican a nuestras instalaciones.
EPP: ¿Qué es? EPP incluye:
El Equipo de protección personal, o EPP, se diseña para proteger a los empleados de lesiones graves en el lugar de trabajo o enfermedades que resulten por el contacto con esos riesgos, tales como: - Químicos - Eléctricos - Radiológicos - Mecánicos - Físicos - Otros riesgos EPP incluye: - Máscaras Overoles - Gafas de seguridad - Guantes - Casco de protección - Chalecos - Zapatos protectores - Tapones de oído/orejeras - Anteojos protectores - Equipo respiratorio Working without proper protection in an area with hazardous particles in the air can cause cancer, lung disease and death, as well as problems with the liver, kidneys, heart and nervous system. Some of the most common hazards that can harm you are dust, fog, smoke, mists, fumes, gases, vapors, sprays, and the lack of oxygen. Use a respirator whenever you enter an area with hazardous particles in the air. Management will let you know where all of the hazardous conditions are located. If you are unsure if you need to wear a respirator, ask your supervisor. You must make the decision as to whether or not a respirator is required before work begins. Many times you will not be able to see or smell hazardous particles in the air, and it’ll be too late once you realize you’re in danger. Suggestions for the Speaker Ask the trainees if they can name the areas within your facility that require a respirator.
Importancia del EPP El EPP se lo conoce como la última línea de defensa contra las lesiones. Ante cualquier pregunta con respecto al EPP debe dirigirse a su supervisor. Working without proper protection in an area with hazardous particles in the air can cause cancer, lung disease and death, as well as problems with the liver, kidneys, heart and nervous system. Some of the most common hazards that can harm you are dust, fog, smoke, mists, fumes, gases, vapors, sprays, and the lack of oxygen. Use a respirator whenever you enter an area with hazardous particles in the air. Management will let you know where all of the hazardous conditions are located. If you are unsure if you need to wear a respirator, ask your supervisor. You must make the decision as to whether or not a respirator is required before work begins. Many times you will not be able to see or smell hazardous particles in the air, and it’ll be too late once you realize you’re in danger. Suggestions for the Speaker Ask the trainees if they can name the areas within your facility that require a respirator.
Las normas del EPP Los usuarios del EPP deben estar capacitados y autorizados. Los procedimientos del EPP deben cumplirse en todo momento. El EPP debe inspeccionarse antes de cada uso. Nunca use EPP dañado o defectuoso. El EPP no suministrado por la Compañía debe estar aprobado por su supervisor. El EPP tiene una vida útil prolongada; reemplácelo a su término o antes de esa fecha. El no cumplimiento de los procedimientos de seguridad puede derivar en sanciones, incluso el despido; de cualquier manera, el verdadero motivo para cumplir con los procedimientos de seguridad es la prevención de accidentes. The two most common respirators are air purifying respirators and supplied air respirators. We will discuss the capabilities and limitation of these different respirators. Air purifying respirators remove harmful substances from the air by passing the contaminated air through filters, cartridges or canisters to clean the air as you breathe it. Supplied air respirators provide air from a clean source outside of the contaminated work area. The clean source is usually a compressed air tank that you carry on your back, or an air line that leads outside of the room.
Cómo usar un EPP Contrólelo para estar seguro de tener la medida y el modelo de EPP para el que fue capacitado y adaptado. Inspeccione el equipo antes de usarlo. Cumpla con los procedimientos adecuados para ponérselo y quitárselo. Mantenga el EPP limpio y guardado en el lugar asignado, limpio y seco. A benefit of air purifying respirators (APRs) is they are lightweight and portable, allowing you to easily move around the facility. APRs won’t protect you if the purifying filter or cartridge becomes saturated with hazardous particles. These respirators don’t have an indicator to let you know when saturation has occurred. For that reason, you must strictly follow the changing schedule for your equipment. APRs don’t provide oxygen or protection from conditions that are immediately dangerous to your life and health. Only use APRs in conditions where there’s no question what the dangers are and that the APR will provide adequate protection. If you can’t determine the concentration of hazardous particles, the environment should be treated as immediately dangerous to life and health and you should not enter. Such an environment poses an immediate threat to life, could cause irreversible adverse health effects and impair your ability to escape. Surgical masks don’t provide protection against air contaminants. They’re never to be used in place of an air-purifying respirator. They’re for medical use only. Suggestions for the Speaker Describe your facility’s schedule for changing filters and cartridges.
Protección ocular y facial
Gafas de seguridad con protección lateral contra partículas del aire. Gafas de protección contra el polvo y la salpicadura de sustancias químicas. Máscaras para proteger la cara, pero debe usarlas con anteojos de seguridad. Se requiere protección especial para la exposición a soldaduras, corte con oxígeno y láser. Supplied air respirators (SARs) provide breathing air that is independent from the environment. They range from air-line supplied respirators and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to protective suits that totally encapsulate your body and incorporate a life-support system. There are two types of SARs: Negative Pressure - where the respirator supplies air to you only when you breathe in, which creates a negative pressure within the facepiece, and Positive Pressure - which provide a continuous flow of fresh air to the facepiece. Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units supply air from a tank of compressed air or oxygen. For this type of respirator, the source of the breathing air is transported with the equipment user. Other SARs, such as protection suits, receive air from a connecting hose that is attached to fresh air outside the room. The source of the air for these respirators is either a pressurized cylinder or an air compressor. Suggestions for the Speaker Show examples of the supplied air respirators in your facility.
Protección para la cabeza
Las gorras antigolpes no resguardan contra impactos, sólo ofrecen la mínima protección contra obstrucciones o proyecciones en el área de trabajo. Los cascos brindan protección contra impactos y algunos brindan protección contra descargas eléctricas. The benefit of wearing supplied air respirators (SARs) is that they can be used for any type of contaminant or exposure level. Since the air is coming from a place outside of the contaminated air zone, you can safely work in environments with hazardous particles as long as safe air is supplied and the contaminated material doesn’t penetrate your protective personal equipment. An advantage of air line respirators is that they cause less discomfort than air-purifying respirators because you don’t need to overcome filter resistance when you try to inhale. SARs do have some limitations. Supplied Air Respirators with trailing hoses restrict the area you can cover and present a potential hazard where the trailing hose can come into contact with machinery. Self-contained units give you complete independence from a fixed source of air and offer the greatest degree of protection. But your time is limited to the amount of air in your cylinder, and the air cylinders are heavy to wear and may restrict climbing and moving in tight places.
EPP para los pies Los zapatos de punta metálica o botas proporcionan protección en el trabajo contra objetos penetrantes que caigan o rueden. Se puede solicitar EPP especial para los pies cuando esté trabajando en áreas húmedas o donde haya sustancias químicas. Do not use a respirator until it’s been determined that you are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. Based on a medical evaluation, a health care professional will determine whether you’re capable of wearing a respirator. They’ll also detail any physical limitations to you. Any of the following signs or symptoms may influence your ability to use a respirator, and can cause injury or death if you attempt to do so: Cardiovascular respiratory disease such as high blood pressure, angina, asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Cardiovascular damage caused by a heart attack or stroke. Reduced lung function caused by factors such as smoking or prior exposure to respiratory hazards. Neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Musculoskeletal disorders such as lower back pain. Psychological conditions such as claustrophobia and severe anxiety. Shortness of breath, dizziness, coughing, wheezing or chest pain. Suggestions for the Speaker Explain the medical evaluation process. You may want to hand out a medical questionnaire and talk about the health care provider that performs the testing.
EPP eléctrico Mangueras y mantas aislantes. Herramientas aislantes.
Guantes y otras vestimentas de protección. Fit testing ensures the respirator fits your face and hazardous particles don’t leak around the edges of the facepiece into your breathing air. You must wear a tight-fitting facepiece to ensure your safety. When using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator, you must pass both a qualitative and quantitative fit test prior to initial use, whenever you are issued a different respirator facepiece and at least annually thereafter. Qualitative fit testing is a pass/fail test that relies on your response to the introduction of a harmless, odorous, or irritating substance into your breathing space. If you can detect the substance, this indicates the respirator won’t protect you because a good facepiece-to-face seal hasn’t been achieved. A proper fit is only assured if you can’t detect the substance. Suggestions for the Speaker Ask someone to come up and demonstrate how to perform a qualitative fit test. Ask the employee wearing the respirator to perform a series of exercises to simulate movements they would make while working, such as turning their head from side to side, jogging in place and bending their waist to touch their toes.
EPP para protección de manos
Guantes resistentes a cortes y abrasión. Guantes resistentes al calor. Guantes resistentes a sustancias químicas. Quantitative fit testing is a way to measure the amount of hazardous particles that could leak into your respirator. A fit factor is the result of the test, which is a numerical assessment of how well the respirator fits you. The fit factor is the ratio of the amount of contaminant in your environment compared to the amount inside your mask. For example, if the environment contains 300 parts per million (ppm) of aerosol and the air within your mask contains 3 ppm of the substance, the fit factor would be 100, which is calculated by dividing 300 by 3. The larger the number, the safer you are. The fit factor for a half or quarter facepiece should be greater than or equal to 100. For a full facepiece, the fit factor should be greater than or equal to 500. To quantitatively fit test a respirator, devices used to measure aerosol concentrations are placed both inside and outside the respirator facepiece. While standing in a test chamber, a harmless substance is introduced while you perform exercises that could cause the facepiece to leak. Examples of these exercises are deep breathing and talking, and moving your head up, down and side to side.
EPP para el cuerpo Delantales Calzas y polainas Overoles
It’s important to check the fit before every use. New conditions such as facial hair, jewelry, corrective glasses/goggles or protective headgear can alter the seal and result in injury or death from overexposure to hazardous particles or suffocation from oxygen deficiency. A tight fit is necessary to prevent leaks. A good way to ensure your respirator is fitting properly is to perform positive and negative pressure fit checks before every use. These checks are not a substitute for quantitative and qualitative fit testing. Positive pressure fit checks are for supplied air respirators that provide continuous air to the facepiece. To perform the check, cover the exhalation valve and exhale into the facepiece. The facepiece should hold the pressure for a few seconds. Don’t use the respirator if you hear or feel the air leaking out of the facepiece. Negative pressure fit checks are for air purifying respirators. To perform the check, close off the respirator cartridges, inhale gently so the facepiece collapses slightly, and hold your breath for ten seconds. Only use the respirator if the facepiece remains in its slightly collapsed condition and no air leaks are detected. Overoles Mangas de protección Suggestions for the Speaker Ask someone to come up and perform positive and negative fit tests.
Requisitos de nuestro EPP
EPP necesario en nuestra planta y cómo usarlo: [insertar la información] Lugares de almacenamiento y desinfección del EPP: Las preguntas con respecto al EPP puede dirigirlas a su supervisor: El EPP especial y de repuesto puede encontrarlo en: [insertar la información ]
El EPP correcto mantiene el peligro bajo control.
Conclusión El EPP es la última línea de defensa. Siempre use EPP cuando se requiera. Inspeccione el EPP antes de cada uso. Limpie y guarde de la forma adecuada después de usarlo. El EPP correcto mantiene el peligro bajo control. Respirators used on a regular basis should be inspected before and after each use. Respirators that aren’t regularly used but are kept for emergencies must be inspected at least monthly to ensure they’re working properly. Respirators shouldn’t be used if they are defective in any way. Tagging respirators out of service helps ensure that defective respirators aren’t accidentally used. Following are examples of parts that should be inspected: Examine head straps for breaks, loss of elasticity and broken buckles. Check respirator valves for holes, distortion, cracks or dirt. Remove the valve cover and look for detergent residue, dust particles or human hair. Check filters, cartridges and canisters for saturation or expired dates. Examine breathing tubes for broken or missing end connectors, gaskets or “O” rings. Deterioration of the tubes can be determined by stretching the breathing tube and looking for cracks. Check the respirator facepiece for cracked, scratched or loose-fitting lenses and ensure that metal nose clips form easily over the bridge of the nose on disposable respirators. Suggestions for the Speaker Show examples of equipment that is damaged and point out what the employees should be looking for.
Para más información Para obtener más información con respecto al Equipo de protección personal u otros asuntos de seguridad, comuníquese con: Gregory & Appel Insurance Mike Salazar, Vice President Direct:
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