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Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 52-50Write Objectives 50-20Practice Activities.

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Presentación del tema: "Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 52-50Write Objectives 50-20Practice Activities."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 52-50Write Objectives 50-20Practice Activities 20-5Application Activities 5-0Exit Quiz Objectives: 1. Write about and say things that happened in the past. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 2 discussion posts on our class web page (due Friday). Daily Dictionary: (Read through the past tenses handout)

2 Yo trabajé en un reportaje. Yo fui a un restaurante. Yo pedí un taco grande. Yo lo comí muy lentamente. Yo conduje a casa ayer. En la niebla no pude ver. Pero, por fin, llegué a casa. Dije, con respeto, -Gracias. Yo hice una pintura bonita. Yo la di a mi esposa bonita. Yo vi a mi perrita linda. Yo quise darle una merienda. Es claro y ustedes pueden ver: Yo tuve un buen día ayer.

3 Competetition, Part 1 of 3: Conjugate the verb in the past preterite. Ex: servir (ella) Ella sirvió.

4 llegar (tú) Tú llegaste.

5 tener (nosotros) Nosotros tuvimos.

6 andar (yo) Yo anduve.

7 traer (ellos) Ellos trajeron.

8 ver (ustedes) Ustedes vieron.

9 ir (él) Él fue.

10 dar (tú) Tú diste.

11 saber (yo) Yo supe.

12 hablar (usted) Usted habló.

13 Decir (nosotros) Nosotros dijimos.

14 poner (ustedes) Ustedes pusieron.

15 Speaking Practice!

16 Competition, Part 2 of 3: Translate the following into English.

17 Yo produje un filme. I produced a film.

18 Ella supo la verdad. She knew the truth.

19 Nosotros vinimos a casa. We came home.

20 Yo puse el sándwich en el plato. I put the sandwich on the plate.

21 ¿Usted condujo a escuela? Did you drive to school?

22 Ella tradujo la novela. She translated the novel.

23 Yo no dormí bien anoche. I did not sleep well last night.

24 Mis padres hicieron un pastel para mí. My parents made a cake for me.

25 Yo estuve en la escuela todo el día. I was at (the) school all day.

26 Mi amigo no vino a la fiesta. My friend did not come to the party.

27 Act. 12, p.87. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the past preterite.

28 Competition, Part 3 of 3: Translate the following into Spanish.

29 I went to school. Yo fui a escuela.

30 At the restaurant, I wanted to eat a salad. En el restaurante, yo quise comer una ensalada.

31 My friend brought the salsa. Mi amigo/amiga trajo la salsa.

32 My friends and I saw something interesting. Mis amigos y yo vimos algo interesante.

33 Did you drive to school? ¿Usted condujo a escuela? Or ¿Tú condujiste a escuela?

34 We came home early. Nosotros vinimos a casa temprano.

35 They put the ice in the freezer. Ellos pusieron el helado en el congelador.

36 She produced the play. Ella produjo el teatro.

37 Did you order anything? ¿Usted pidió algo? Or ¿Tú pediste algo?

38 Act. 13, p.65 Write when Pedro probably did different things.

39 Write a number of things that you did yesterday. Rap or poetic format is optional. Use the past preterite, and as many irregular verbs as you can.

40 Prepare to take the Exit Quiz. Turn to the right hand page for this week’s exit quizzes. Write the date and “Exit Quiz.” Number 1-8.

41 Exit Quiz: 1. Dije __A. I said 2. Traduje __B. I gave 3. Fui __C. I knew 4. Di __D. I walked 5. Pedí __E. I put 6. Anduve __F. I translated 7. Supe __G. I asked for 8. Puse __H. I went

42 Trade journals with someone.

43 Incorrect = X 1. A 2. F 3. H 4. B 5. G 6. Dzero mistakes = 3/3 7. C1-3 mistakes = 2/3 8. E4+ mistakes = 1/3

44 10% Culture Project: ► Each student will present, in English, one project per semester to the class. ► In the first week of the semester, students drop by to sign up for the topic and date of their presentations (outside of class time). ► Projects are graded on a Scale of 5 points:  Student presents project on scheduled date.  Student speaks audibly and without reading directly from notes.  Student seems interested in the topic and makes the topic interesting to the class.  A typed Bibliography of sources is emailed or turned in to the teacher.  Student completes a reflection after presenting their project. ► Note to Audience: the Friday quiz will contain questions from the previous week’s project presentations, so listen carefully to your classmates!

45 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 55-52Objectives 52-42Question Cards 42-32Act.11, p.64 32-22Art Critique, p.66 22-10Rap Hero or Act.13, p.65 10-0Exit Quiz / Extension Objectives: 1. Ask and answer questions in the past preterite tense. 2. Talk about an art exhibit you saw. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 2 discussion posts on our class web page (due Friday). Daily Dictionary: (Review your handout from yesterday)

46 Exit Quiz: ex: She walked. Ella anduvo. 1. They drove ______________________ 2. He went. _____________________ 3. We had. _________________ 1. Ellos condujeron. 2. Él fue. 3. Nosotros tuvimos.

47 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 55-50Objectives 50-5Learning Activities 5-0Exit Quiz / Extension Objectives: 1. Identify verbs conjugated in the past. 2. Write and say verbs in the past imperfect. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 2 discussion posts on our class web page (due Friday). Daily Dictionary: el cantante (the singer), el escenario (the stage), la gente (the people), ruidoso (noisy)

48 Write this paragraph, correcting all the mistakes that you find. El verano pasada, mis amigos y yo fuemos a un concierto. Yo condujo. La banda fui interesante. Yo bailó mucho. Mis amigos comeron mucha comida. El cantante anduve en el escenario y la gente gritaron. Después del concierto, yo no pude oír.

49 El verano pasada, mis amigos y yo fuemos a un concierto. Yo condujo. La banda fui interesante. Yo bailó mucho. Mis amigos comeron mucha comida. El cantante anduve en el escenario y la gente gritaron. Después del concierto, yo no pudo oír. Corrected Version: El verano pasado, mis amigos y yo fuimos a un concierto. Yo conduje. La banda fue interesante. Yo bailé mucho. Mis amigos comieron mucha comida. El cantante anduvo en el escenario y la gente gritó. Después del concierto, yo no pude oír.

50 Write this email, correcting all the mistakes that you find. A: Juancito, ¿Tú tuvo una fiesta ayer? Yo no lo supo. Mis padres y yo estuvieron en casa. Mi hermano toqué la guitarra. Yo leo una novela. ¿Quién viniste a la fiesta? Adióse, Fernando

51 A: Juancito, ¿Tú tuvo un fiesta ayer? Yo no lo supo. Mis padres y yo estuvieron en casa. Mi hermano toqué la guitarra. Yo leo una novela. ¿Quién viniste a la fiesta? Adióse, Fernando Juancito, ¿Tú tuviste una fiesta ayer? Yo no lo supe. Mis padres y yo estuvimos en casa. Mi hermano tocó la guitarra. Yo leí una novela. ¿Quién vino a la fiesta? Adiós, Fernando

52 Río, por Silvio Rodriguez Mientras escuchas, escribe cada verbo que está conjugado en el pasado pretérito. While you listen, write each verb that is conjugated in the past preterite.

53 ¿Cómo fue la canción? Write down one sentence in Spanish about the song.

54 Past Imperfect ► Check out the back of your handout on past tenses.

55 Act.11, p.117. Identify and change the verbs in numbers 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 into the past imperfect.

56 Write these questions in your notebooks, skipping lines in between: 1. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿dónde vivías? 2. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿con quién vivías? 3. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿qué juguetes tenías? 4. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿con quién jugabas? 5. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿qué había en tu cuarto?

57 Interview a classmate, asking them the questions you just wrote down. Write down their responses.

58 p.120-121 Lectura: El Monte de Nuestro Alimento In your notebooks, create 2 columns: Past PreteritePast Imperfect As you pair-read this story, write down all verbs you see that are conjugated in either of these forms.

59 Exit Quiz: Write one sentence that contains the proper use of both the past preterite and the past imperfect.

60 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 55-50Objectives 50-20Learning Activities 20-0Weekly Journal Objectives: 1. Identify verbs conjugated in the past. 2. Write and say verbs in the past imperfect. 3. Finish Weekly Journal #5. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 1 discussion post about a film from last week. Daily Dictionary: NA

61 House Standings, 1 st p

62 p.120-121 Lectura: El Monte de Nuestro Alimento In your notebooks, create 2 columns: Past PreteritePast Imperfect As you pair-read this story, write down all verbs you see that are conjugated in either of these forms.

63 Write these questions in your notebooks, skipping lines in between: 1. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿dónde vivías? 2. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿con quién vivías? 3. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿qué juguetes tenías? 4. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿con quién jugabas? 5. Cuando eras niño/niña, ¿qué había en tu cuarto?

64 Interview a classmate, asking them the questions you just wrote down. Write down their responses.

65 Compete: Translate Spanish into English. Ex: Cuando yo era joven, yo tenía un perro. When I was young, I had a dog.

66 Mientras yo caminaba por la calle, mi padre me llamó. While I walked on the street, my father called me.

67 Cuando mi abuelo tenía diez años, él comió una hormiga. When my grandfather was ten years old, he ate an ant.

68 Mientras nosotros éramos jóvenes, mi hermana y yo íbamos al parque mucho. While we were young, my sister and I went to the park a lot.

69 Yo siempre iba a escuela cuando yo era joven. I always went to school when I was young.

70 Cuando mis amigos veían la televisión, ellos vieron algo increíble. When my friends were watching television, they saw something incredible.

71 Compete: Translate from English to Spanish. Ex: While I was walking, I saw the moon. Mientras yo caminaba, yo vi la luna.

72 When I was young, I went to Mexico. Cuando yo era joven, yo fui a México. Or Cuando yo era joven, yo iba a México.

73 I used to see a lot of movies. Yo veía muchas películas.

74 While we were at the restaurant, my friend ordered a taco. Mientras nosotros estábamos en el restaurante, mi amigo pidió un taco.

75 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 55-52Objectives 52-42WQ5 42-0Weekly Journal & Friday Film Objectives: 1. Take Weekly Quiz #5. 2. Finish Weekly Journal #5. 3. Finish Friday Film #5. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: None. Daily Dictionary: NA

76 House Standings, 1 st p

77 House Standings, 6th period

78 Weekly Quiz #5, 9-16-2011 Rewrite this passage, correcting all of the mistakes. Ayar, yo escribé un reportage. Meintras escribé, yo llamó a mi amigo. Mi amigo esteba en casa cuando yo llamó. Ayer, yo escribí un reportaje. Mientras escribía, yo llamé a mi amigo. Mi amigo estaba en casa cuando yo llamé.

79 Quiz Tracker ► Record your weekly quiz grade on your quiz tracker form.

80 Weekly Journal #5, 9-15-2011 Write a journal entry that contains: ► 1 regular verb in the past preterite ► 5 irregular verbs in the past preterite ► 4 regular verbs in the past imperfect ► 2 irregular verbs in the past imperfect

81 Weekly Film #5 ► All students speak audibly, and if off camera speaking. ► Include period number and group name. ► All words are correctly pronounced. ► All students speak an equal amount by themselves. ► Each student reads his or her own Weekly Journal #5 to the camera.

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