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Direct Object Objeto Directo.

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Presentación del tema: "Direct Object Objeto Directo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Direct Object Objeto Directo

2 Direct Object The direct object is the noun that receives the action of the transitive verb (a verb that requires one or more objects). Typically, a direct object follows the verb and can be found by asking who or what received the action of the verb.

3 What are they? Direct objects can be nouns, pronouns, phrases, or clauses. If you can identify the subject and verb in a sentence, then finding the direct object—if one exists—is easy. Just remember this simple formula: subject + verb + what? or who? = direct object

4 How does it work? We can say: "Mary is American" Or we can say: "She is American". "She" is a SUBJECT PRONOUN (also personal pronouns) that substitutes "Mary". "Mary is looking at John” becomes "She is looking at him" because John is the OBJECT. In some cases the OBJECT PRONOUN is different from the SUBJECT PRONOUN. Look at the table below: PERSONAL PRONOUNS: SUBJECT OBJECT I me you Singular you he, she, it him, her, it we Plural us you you they them

5 Example The young girl always drinks hot cofee in the morning.
Subject? girl Verb? drinks Direct Object? coffee (answer the question, what does she drinks?) cofee

6 Soooo, Cofee is the direct object, and it is a third person object pronoun: (it) She always drinks it from Starbucks. Or My sister buys new books for friends. (3rd plural) She buys them non-fiction.


8 Pronombres Pronombres del Objeto Directo Singular Plural
yo me nosotros nos tú te vosotros os Él lo ustedes, ellos los Ella la ellas las Contesta las preguntas qué o quién

9 Ejemplo Ejemplo: Eugenia compra cinco bufandas nuevas. Sujeto: Eugenia
Verbo: compra Objeto directo. ?Que compra? las bufandas Bufandas = 3/p femenino = pronombre (las)

10 Eugenia compra cinco bufandas nuevas.
Ella las compra en la tienda. (The direct object pronoun is placed in front of the verb)

11 Objeto Directo Sometimes, the DO can be a first or second person singular or plural. That’s when you use: me, te, nos, os. Ejemplos in translations: My father calls me on my cel. (Mi padre me llama) 2. He loves you very much. (Él te quiere mucho) 3. Sam needs us to help him.(Él nos necesita)

12 Worksheet Mirta tiene muchos pantalones cortos. Ella ________ usa en el verano. 2. Nosotros queremos un refresco. Nosotros _______ queremos frío. 3. Miguel compra las camisas para la escuela. El _____ compra blancas. 4. El apartamento es pequeño. ________ comparto con mi hermano. 5. Los abuelos visitan a nosotros. Ellos ________ visitan los lunes. 6. Mi prima (me) quiere a mi. (Mi prima me quiere)

13 By Teri Jellad

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