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Presentación del tema: "CONTENT OBJECTIVE I will be able to replace INDIRECT OBJECT NOUNS with INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE I will be able to use the Indirect."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 CONTENT OBJECTIVE I will be able to replace INDIRECT OBJECT NOUNS with INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE I will be able to use the Indirect Object Pronouns me, te, le, nos, os & les to say what gifts people receive.

2 Español 1 Unidad 4 Etapa 2 Sra. Lear

3 You learned that direct object pronouns can be used to avoid repetition of the noun and answer the question whom? or what? about the verb. os direct object pronouns te lo/lalos/las nosme -Pues ya tienes ropa de verano. -Claro que la tengo.

4 Indirect objects are nouns that tell to whom/what or for whom/what. Indirect object pronouns replace or accompany indirect objects.

5 What does an indirect object pronoun do? An indirect object pronoun takes the place of an indirect object. For example: Are you giving the flowers to Sofía? Yes, I am giving the flowers to her. indirect object indirect object pronoun

6 os indirect object pronouns te leles nosme Rosa le compra un collar a su madre. Rosa le compra un collar. le accompanies madre le replaces (su madre )

7 The pronouns le and les can refer to different indirect objects. To clarify what they mean, they are often accompanied by: Rosa le compra un collar. Rosa buys a necklace for her. Rosa le compra un collar a su madre. Rosa buys a necklace for her mother. to add emphasis use a+prounoun A mí me compro unos aretes. Im buying myself some earrings.

8 Practica con los objetos indirectos. Say what people buy for each other using I.O.P.s Yo ___compro unos aretes a mi novia. le Yo ___compro unos discos compactos a mis amigas. les Mis padres ___compran unas botas a mi. me Mis padres ___compran unas botas a mi hermano. le os indirect object pronouns te leles nos me

9 Practica con los objetos indirectos. Say what people buy for each other using I.O.P.s Ella ___compra una cartera a su novio. le Nuestros abuelos ___compran unos videojuegos a mis hermanos y yo. nos Nosotros___compramos (a ti) un disco compacto de los hermanos Jonas. te Tú __ compras un anillo a mi. me os indirect object pronouns te leles nos me

10 Todays Activities: p.282 ACTS 12-13 ACT 12 El Mercado WORD ONLY Use I.O.Ps to say for whom they buy things. 1. Mis padres ____ compran unas botas de cuero a mi hermano. le 2. Ellos ____ compran unos aretes a mí.me ACT 13 (1-6) Cuántos regalos Use I.O.Ps to say what gifts they buy for Rosas mother. 1. su esposo: un collar de oro Su esposo le da un collar de oro. dar-to give doy, das, da, damos, dan

11 Indirect Object Pronouns & Placement ¿Recuerdas? We use Indirect Object Pronouns to replace or accompany…. Indirect Object Nouns Indirect objects are nouns that tell… …whom/what or for whom/what. os indirect object pronouns te leles nosme

12 How do you know where indirect object pronouns go in a sentence? They work just like… direct object pronouns. When the pronoun accompanies a conjugated verb… the pronoun comes before the verb. Rosa le compra una olla a su madre. before

13 But when the pronoun accompanies a sentence with an infinitive, it can either go before the conjugated verb or be attached to the end of the infinitive: Rosa quiere comprarle una olla a su madre. Or…Rosa le quiere comprar una olla a su madre. attached

14 Todays Work: p.284 ACTS 16-17 ACT 16 (1-6): ¿Qué quieres darles? 1. papá/ llevar artículos de cuero A mi papá le gusta llevar artículos de cuero. Quiero darle unas botas. Le quiero dar unas botas.

15 ACT 17 En la tienda 1.un refresco…a Rosa acabar de Carlos acaba de comprarle un refresco a Rosa. / Carlos le acaba de comprar un refresco a Rosa.

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