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Spanish 10/27 Ms. Wrigley. Rewards 3 points possible for class period. 6 points – 1 extra credit sticker (3 stickers = 1pt extra credit) 9 points – 2.

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Presentación del tema: "Spanish 10/27 Ms. Wrigley. Rewards 3 points possible for class period. 6 points – 1 extra credit sticker (3 stickers = 1pt extra credit) 9 points – 2."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Spanish 10/27 Ms. Wrigley

2 Rewards 3 points possible for class period. 6 points – 1 extra credit sticker (3 stickers = 1pt extra credit) 9 points – 2 song dance party in Spanish 15 points – cookies/nachos/donuts Points reset every 5 class periods.

3 Rewards If you meet our goals for… Cell Phones (I don’t have to take anybody’s phone away), Do Now (everybody is ready at 2 mins and everyone finishes the Do Now in 5 mins), and Activities (everyone keeps the voice level expectations and finishes on time) then the class will earn points.

4 Cell Phones 1)Warning. 2)I take it until the end of class (if you choose not to give up your phone to me then you will give it to administration). 3)If I have to take it 2 periods in a row, it goes to the office.

5 Activities Expectations: Voice level: Use your inside quiet voices. Talking at a low volume is fine, but no yelling. Stay on task during activities in order to complete them in the allotted time. I will be timing you and letting you know how much time you have to complete the activity.

6 Announcements Expectations: Voice level: 0 – Please be silent so everyone can hear the announcements. Take 2 mins to get ready to do the Do Now silently. If you have any questions about it, please save them until after announcements. After the announcements finish, quiet talking about the Do Now is okay. You will have 5 min to complete it.

7 DO NOW Expectations: Voice level: quiet talking about the work is okay. You have 2 mins after the bell rings to get your supplies ready, find paper/notebook, sharpen pencils etc. Everyone should be working on getting ready. After the 2 mins are up, you have 5 mins to complete the do now. Everyone should be working.

8 Spanish 2 slides

9 -ER and -IR verbs Present Tense Yo (I) O Nosotros (we) emos (-ER) imos (-IR) Tú (You) es Vosotros (used in Spain only) Él (he), ella (she) Usted (you formal) e Ustedes (you all) Ellos (they) en

10 Step by Step 1.Choose your verb: comer (to eat) 2.Remove the –er ending “comer” -> “com” 3.Add the new appropriate ending: I want to say “I eat” so I’ll choose “o” and put it on the verb: “com” + “o” = “Como” (I eat).

11 Verb Practice Translate into Spanish: I eat grapes. You eat pancakes. She eats carrots. We eat apples. They eat oranges. You all drink milk. I drink coffee. You drink tea. (Verbs: comer – to eat; beber – to drink)

12 I fry chicken. (Freír-to fry) You fry potatoes. They fry tomatoes. We fry eggs. He fries breakfast.

13 Reading Me llamo Andres. Soy de Mexico. En el desayuno, como pan dulce y bebo una taza de café. Como el desayuno a las 7 de la mañana normalmente. El sabado como el desayuno a las ocho y como huevos con tortillas, aguacate, frijoles y salsa. En el almuerzo como un taco a las once. Durante la comida como mucho. Como un aperitivo, una ensalada, mariscos, y un trozo de pastel con café. En la cena como tacos al pastor de la casa de una vecina. Como la cena a las nueve de la noche.

14 Writing IN SPANISH, write about what you eat and what Andres eats. Finally, write what you and your family usually eat for dinner on a certain day of the week. Write 4 full sentences. Example: Yo como cereal y Andres come pan dulce o huevos rancheros. Comemos bistec, una ensalada y pan.

15 Receta para pozole (Recipe for Pozole) Para la sopa: 4 litros de agua 1 kilo de carne de puerco cortada en cubos 1/2 kilo de costilla de puerco cortada en trozos 3 latas de maíz para pozole, enjuagado y escurrido (425 gramos c/u). 1 cebolla blanca cortada en cuatro partes 8 dientes de ajo grandes Sal para sazonar al gusto

16 Para la salsa: 5 chiles anchos limpios, sin semillas y desvenados. 5 chiles guajillo limpios, sin semillas y desvenados. 6 dientes de ajo 2 cucharadas soperas de aceite vegetal 1/2 cucharadita cafetera de orégano mexicano Sal al gusto para sazonar

17 Para la guarnición: 1 lechuga finamente picada 1 1/2 taza de cebolla blanca finamente picada 1 1/2 taza de rábanos finamente rebanados Chile piquín recién molido al gusto Orégano mexicano al gusto para sazonar Tortillas doradas ó tostadas de paquete (2–3 por persona) Limones cortados en cuartos Aguacate cortado en cubos (opcional)

18 como-hacer-pozole-rojo.html como-hacer-pozole-rojo.html

19 Spanish 1

20 SER – To Be Soy - Eres - Es - Somos - Son –

21 Pronouns - Pronombres Yo – Tú – Él – Ella – Usted – Nosotros/nosotras – Ellos/ellas- Ustedes –

22 Tener – to have Tengo – Tienes – Tiene – Tenemos – Tienen –

23 Body Vocab Head – la cabeza Arms – los brazos Legs – las piernas Knees – las rodillas Hands – las manos Hips – las cadenas Elbows – los codos Body – el cuerpo Skin – la piel Eyes – los ojos Eyebrows – las cejas Nose – la nariz Face – la cara Ears – las orejas Mouth- la boca Teeth – los dientes Feet- los pies Hair – el pelo

24 Describing Describe the people in the pictures that follow in Spanish. Use the vocab from the describing sheet and the verbs “Es” (he/she is) and “Tiene” (he/she has). Extra vocab: pelo corto (short hair), pelo largo (long hair), pelo rizado (curly hair), pelo liso (straight hair), pelo ondulado (wavy hair), pelo al estilo rastafari (dreadlocks), una barba (a beard).





29 Reading

30 Tiene pelo rubio. Tiene los ojos azules. Tiene una trenza. Es pelirroja. Tiene el pelo rizado. Tiene el pelo largo. Tiene el pelo negro. Tiene los ojos negros. Tiene los ojos castaños. Es delgada.

31 Writing Activity Describe your perfect novio/novia with a personality and description of appearance. Write at least 5 sentences. Then, read what you wrote to a classmate.

32 Drawing Draw an alien and label its body parts in Spanish. At the bottom of the page write a physical description of your alien. 4 sentences.

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