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Chapter 3A Breakfast, Lunch, Gusta vs. Gustan, Encanta vs. Encantan, and Conjugation of –er and –ir endings By Erica Bloom.

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Presentación del tema: "Chapter 3A Breakfast, Lunch, Gusta vs. Gustan, Encanta vs. Encantan, and Conjugation of –er and –ir endings By Erica Bloom."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chapter 3A Breakfast, Lunch, Gusta vs. Gustan, Encanta vs. Encantan, and Conjugation of –er and –ir endings By Erica Bloom

Él, ella, ud. COME Ellos, ellas, uds. COMEN Are there any questions on this?

Él, ella, ud. VIVE Ellos, ellas, uds. VIVEN Are there any questions on –ir verbs?

4 So, what’s the difference?
The difference is the nosotros and vosotros forms because the nosotros and vosotros endings with an –er verb are –emos and –éis, but with an –ir verb, they are –imos, and –ís. Are there any questions on the difference?

5 Me gusta vs. Me gustan There is only one difference between me gusta and me gustan that gets mixed up all the time. Me/te/le GUSTA is followed by a SINGULAR noun like el pan. Me/te/le GUSTAN is followed by a PLURAL noun like las uvas. So you could say, Me gusta el pan, but you couldn’t say me gustan el pan because el pan is singular and me gustan needs to be followed by a plural noun. You can say me gustan las uvas because both the noun and form of gustar are plural, but you couldn’t say me gustan el pan because el pan is singular and me gustan is plural. Is this clear to everyone?

6 Me encanta vs. Me encantan
The differnence between me encanta and me encantan is the same as me gusta and me gustan. Me/te/le encanta is singular and needs to be followed by a singular noun while me/te/le encantan is plural and needs to be followed by a plural noun.

7 Time for a speaking activity!
The next few slides will be a game and I will read the questions aloud in Spanish. Then, I will call on one of you to answer a question. Everyone will get a chance to answer at least one.

8 Numero 1 Yo como mí hamburgesa con algo verde, rojo, y armarillo. ¿Qué comidas está en mí hamburgesa? La lechuga El queso El Tomate

9 Numero 2 Yo no se mis colores.  ¿Es una fresa roja o armarilla?
¿Son las uvas verde o azul? ¿Es una naranja morada o rosa? ¿Es el plátano gris o armarillo?

10 Numero 3 Conjugar compartir y usar una forma de compartir en una oracion. COMPARTO COMPARTIMOS COMPARTES COMPARTÍS COMPARTE COMPARTEN

11 Numero 4 ¿Qué es tu comida favorita para el desayuno; huevos o yogur?

12 Numero 5 Conjugar “beber” y usar una forma de beber en una oración.

13 Numero 6 ¿Cuál es caliente? La limonada El jugo de manzana El té

14 Numero 7 ¿Cuál es mas tipico comer a una partido de beísbol?
Una ensalada Un perrito caliente Una sopa de verduras

15 Numero 8 Conjugar “escribir” y usar una forma de “escribir” en una oración. ESCRIBO ESCRIBIMOS ESCRIBES ESCRIBÍS ESCRIBE ESCRIBEN

16 Numero 9 ¿Te gustan las salchichas?

17 Numero 10 ¿Comes pan con tocino o mantequilla?

18 Numero 11 ¿Te encantan las galletas?

19 Good Job! Now it’s time for one more activity. I have printed out and will now hand out a worksheet for you to do individually that we will then go over as a class in order to compare answers. It is all about what we just learned or relearned in this PowerPoint. Now it’s time to put your knowledge to the test.

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