¿Qué Están Haciendo? Use the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE tense to tell what the characters are doing in each scene.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

¿Qué Están Haciendo? Use the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE tense to tell what the characters are doing in each scene

 You will see one scene at a time.  With your group, write as many sentences as you can using the present progressive to tell what the characters, or other items in the picture are doing.  If you come up with an original sentence that NO OTHER group thinks of, you will get 1 point for your team.  The team with the most points at the end of reviewing wins! Instrucciones:

#1 Timón  insectos

#2  Pájaros  Conejos

#3  Pinocho  Geppeto

#4  Pájaro

#5  Cartas


#7 Taquillas 

#8 Enanitos 

#9  Tocadiscos