Unidad 4 Etapa 3.


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And other verbs like gustar

English Spanish Singular Spanish plural I like me gusta(n)
In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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Affirmative and Negative Words
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Affirmative and Negative Words
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved Indefinite words refer to people and things that are not specific, for example, someone.
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Gustar, fascinar, chocar, encantar
Palabras afirmativas y Negativas
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Negative words deny the existence of people and things or contradict statements, for instance, no one or nothing. Spanish negative words have corresponding.
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Gustar- To like (to please)
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Transcripción de la presentación:

Unidad 4 Etapa 3

Grammar Points Using gustar to talk about things you like- Gustar can be used to talk about liking verbs or nouns. When talking about things that people like change gustar to agree with the noun. -When talking about liking singular nouns, conjugate gustar regularly as if you were talking about liking a verb. -When talking about liking plural nouns, conjugate gustar regularly except the “gusta” will change to “gustan”. Singular Plural Me gusta Nos gusta Me gustan Nos gustan Te gusta Os gusta Te gustan Os gustan Le gusta Les gusta Le gustan Les gustan

More Grammar Points Affirmative and negative words- When talking about indefinite or negative solutions use affirmative or negative words. -A sentence with an affirmative or negative word is either all positive or all negative. -The words “nunca” and “nadie” do not need to be followed by another negative in the sentence -The affirmative or negative word must agree in gender and number if it is describing a noun. -When using alguno (a) or nunguno (a) to describe a singular masculine noun use algún or ningún. Use alguno to answer about “some” of a singular masculine noun without repeating it in your sentence.

More Grammar Points Stem changing verbs ei- When using eI stem changing verbs the same rules apply as in oue and eie verbs. Example: Pedir- to order, to ask for Pido Pedimos Pides Pedís Pide Piden

Practice Dice si te gusta la comida y dice por qué. Escribe un razón. Example- Chicken: Me gusta el pollo poque es rico. 1. Rice: 2. Enchiladas: 3. Soup: 4. Steak: 5. Salad: 6. Deserts:

More Practice Vas a un resturante. Escribe oraciones describiendo el resturante usando las palabras. Example- Nada: Nada es picante en el resturante. 1. Nadie: 2. Nunca: 3. Algo: 4. Ninguno(a): 5. Alguien:

More Practice Conjuega los verbos correctos para terminar los oraciones. Verbos- Pedir, Servir, Traer, Poner. 1. El mesero me________ una una taza. 2. Mi madre__________ pollo para la cena. 3. Mi hermano y yo_____________ la mesa. 4. Yo________ unas enchiladas. 5. Juan__________ dinero para comprar un almuerzo.