The Imperfect Tense: Describing a Situation Realidades 2, P. 219 Powerpoint edited from


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The Imperfect Tense: Describing a Situation
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El Pretérito y El Imperfecto
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EL IMPERFECTO What’s the story?. “Used to” Expresses the idea that something happened repeatedly in the past.
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EL IMPERFECTO We use the imperfect to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the past. In English we often say “used to” or “would” to express.
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El pasado PRETERITE or IMPERFECT ?. El imperfecto Uses: Used to ____ Used to ____ Was/were ____-ing Was/were ____-ing Describing people, things or situations.
EL IMPERFECTO We use the imperfect to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the past. In English we often say “used to” or “would” to express.
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The Imperfect Tense: Other Uses
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Transcripción de la presentación:

The Imperfect Tense: Describing a Situation Realidades 2, P. 219 Powerpoint edited from

Describing a Situation  The imperfect gives a ‘background’ view of what is happening and paints with a large brush while the preterit has more eventful details.

Describing a Situation  The imperfect tense is often used:  To describe people, places, and situations in the past

¿Cómo era la casa? era Tenía La casa de mis abuelos era enorme. Tenía cinco dormitorios.

Describing a Situation  To talk about a past action or situation when no beginning or end is specified  Había mucha gente en la casa para el aniversario de mis abuelos.

¿Qué pasó? Había Se sentaban estaban Había mucha gente. Se sentaban en el piso, y estaban en cada cuarto.

Describing a Situation  To describe the situation or background information when something else happened or interrupted the ongoing action.

¿Qué pasó? leía escuché Mamá me leía un cuentito, cuando de repente escuché un ruido.

Describing a Situation  In these cases, the imperfect tense is used to tell what someone was doing when something happened (preterite.)

Describing a Situation  Todos mis parientes bailaban cuando llegamos.  All my relatives were dancing when we arrived.

comía sonó llovía era vivía era conocí era bailaban llegamos Practiquemos 1. Marcos (comer) cuando el teléfono (sonar). 2. Ayer (llover) mucho. 3. Cuando (ser) niño, (vivir) en una casa que (ser) azul. 4. La primera vez que (conocer) a Pablo, (ser) un poco mal educado… pero ahora no lo es. 5. Todos (bailar) cuando nosotros (llegar).

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