(loose translation).  Gusta – is used when you like one thing, or to do something (verb)  I like food. -> Me gusta la comida.  I like to talk (verb)


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© 2010 Teacher’s Discovery The Verb gustar By Jami Sipe.
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GUSTAR NP33 To please (Like). 1. Use “Gustar” to say…  What pleases someone or what someone likes. A mí me gusta(n) = I like A tí te gusta(n) = you like.
GUSTAR To like, to be pleasing to. Gustar when what follows is singular or a verb me gustanos gusta ___________________________________ te gustaos gusta.
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Unit 2 Gusta(n) note taking guide
When forming sentences, you don’t have to use the subject pronouns yo, tú, nosotros, and vosotros. You do have to use the pronouns Ud., él, ella, Uds.,
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Transcripción de la presentación:

(loose translation)

 Gusta – is used when you like one thing, or to do something (verb)  I like food. -> Me gusta la comida.  I like to talk (verb) -> Me gusta hablar.  Gustan – is used when you like more than one thing  I like vegetables -> Me gustan las verduras.

 me – Inos - we  te – you (familiar) os – y’all (SPAIN)  le – you(formal)les – y’all (ANYONE) he/she they She likes movies. ->Le gustan las peliculas.

 When I use “le” or “les” it can stand for several different people.  In order to know who I’m talking about, I have to add: A + subject or subject pronoun  Ex: She likes movies. -> A ella le gustan las peliculas.  *When asking a question “who” – add A quien(singular) or A quienes (plural) Who likes pizza? -> A quien le gusta la pizza. **ALWAYS HAVE TO USE ME, TE, LE, NOS, OS, or LES WITH GUSTAR**

1. I like books. 2. We like horror movies. 3. You (fam.) like ice cream. 4. They like cars. 5. She likes pizza. 6. Carlos likes fruit. 1. Me gustan los libros. 2. Nos gustan peliculas de terror. 3. Te gusta el helado. 4. A ellos les gustan los carros 5. A ella le gusta la pizza. 6. A Carlos le gusta la fruta.

 To say someone doesn’t like something:  Put no in front of the PRONOUN.  I don’t like horror movies. -> No me gusta las peliculas de terror.  Santiago and I don’t like vegetables. -> A Santiago y a mi no nos gustan las verduras

Subject Pronouns Pronouns before gustar “to” pronouns A + pronouns YomeA mi TuteA ti UstedleA usted El/ellaleA el/ a ella NosotrosnosA nosotros (Vosotros)(os)A vosotros UstedeslesA ustedes Ellos/EllaslesA ellos/ a ellas

To ask why… ¿Por qué? - why? To answer because… porque