Warm Up, el miércoles, el 24 de octubre Entrega el paquete Completa: Cuaderno p. 56.


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From Singing the Basics: Beginning Spanish by Mental Note Music All songs written and performed by Todd Hawkins ©
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-ER and –IR Verbs.
PRESENT TENSE OF -AR VERBS A verb usually names the action in a sentence. We call the verb that ends in -r the INFINITIVE.
Present Tense of -ar Verbs
-ar, -er and –ir verbs in the present tense
-ER and –IR Verbs.
How do we conjugate these verbs?
Present Tense of -ar Verbs
AR VERBS (Present Tense)
How do we conjugate these verbs?
Día número 59 Español 1—Acelerado
-ER and –IR Verbs.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Warm Up, el miércoles, el 24 de octubre Entrega el paquete Completa: Cuaderno p. 56

Con los grupos Combinan los pares (combine the pairs) Ex: Yo llego. After your answers have been checked, mix up the cards and trade with another group.

Anuncios Reminder about classzone/studying every night Tener/tener que and –ar verb quiz EL JUEVES -Know when to use tener or tener que -conjugate tener or tener que correctly to match the subject of the sentence -conjugate –ar verbs to match the subject of the sentence

Tarea TAREA: -Review grammar on tener/tener que and AR verbs for Quiz TOMORROW -Recommend doing practice on

Objetivos Repasar tener/tener que Practicar usando verbos con -ar

from Singing the Basics: Beginning Spanish by Mental Note Music All songs written and performed by Todd Hawkins ©

yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds. -as -a -amos -áis -an -o

Present tense – AR endings are yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds. -as -a -amos -áis -an -o

The –AR ending’s infinitive. To ask To speak To buy To swim

Take off the –AR you get a stem Put these endings on the end.

I ask. You speak. We buy. They swim.

yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds. -as -a -amos -áis -an -o

Present tense – AR endings are yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds. -as -a -amos -áis -an -o

The –AR ending’s infinitive. To ask To speak To buy To swim

Take off the –AR you get a stem Put these endings on the end.

I ask. You speak. We buy. They swim.

Practica con tener/tener que Repasamos del paquete – B5 (writing) – C4

Dos Líneas Actividad En el libro, p. 98 Actividad 14 – (write answers as you go) La preguntaLa respuesta 1. ¿Estudias en la Estudio mucho en escuela?la escuela.

¿Más práctica? – Libro p. 97 Act 11, 12 – Escucha, Cuaderno p. 63 – Leer C, p. 66

En el libro, p Lee 2.Completa Act. 16 y 17 en p. 100

El jueves WU: correct sentences w common errors Hand back quiz, paragraph, HW packet Check answers Integracion/vocab 2.2? Take quiz