Gustar What is pleasing to you?.


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Verbs like gustar Gustar and Similar Verbs l Even though we usually translate the verb gustar as “to like”, it literally means “to please”.
GUSTAR (and similar verbs). EXLPANATION GUSTAR is not conjugated like other regular verbs. It is NEVER used in the “yo”, “tú”, or “nosotros” forms. When.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Para hablar de actividades necesitamos usar verbos.  Los Verbos expresan: Acciones, o.
Verbos Como Gustar. El Verbo Gustar literally means “to be pleasing to” in English it translates “to like” only has 2 forms in each verb tense gustar.
Gustar- To like (to please)
Los complementos indirectos Me trae un…. por favor.
Verbos con complementos indirectos Verbs that use indirect object pronouns.
Spanish –er and –ir verbs. Verbs in General English and Spanish both conjugate verbs. They can be organized as 1rst, 2 nd, and 3 rd person. If you need.
What pleases you?. Gustar me te le nos les + gusta gustan el helado la fruta Comer y bailar las uvas las fresas los camarones + + Person(s)
TO LIKE Gustar. Primero… Let’s start by reviewing what you already know… Pronouns: menos teos leles.
Gustar with infinitives. WHAT IS AN INFINITIVE? An infinitive is the basic form of a verb, a word that expresses action or a state of being.
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Using Gustar Avancemos Level 1. Help me fill in the grid with Spanish pronouns.. Yo Tú Él, Ella, Usted Nosotros/as Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes X.
¡ GUSTAR! Gustar With Infinitive Verbs © 2011 The Enlightened Elephant.
Los apuntes de clase. The verb Gustar is unique from the other –AR verbs. It doesn’t use the subject pronouns… BUT a different set of pronouns. Gustar.
--AR verb conjugations in the Present tense.   Remember!  While watching the tutorial, take notes in your Spanish notebook.  You can pause, stop and.
Agenda del día 1.(~10 minutos?) Anuncios, sillas asignadas, (repartir las copias de Más práctica en algunas clases), etc. 2.(10-15 minutos) La práctica.
Indirect Object Pronouns
The verb “GUSTAR” Literally means “to be pleasing to” But in English, we would say “to like”
U1L1 GUSTAR. GUSTAR (TO LIKE) GUSTAR is the verb TO LIKE in Spanish It literally translates to “to be pleasing,” but we use it to mean “to like” in English.
Gustar… Cómo se lo conjuga y usa. Gustar—to be pleasing, to like Gustar is somewhat of an irregular verb because you will only use the 3 rd person forms.
Recuerdas? – We use gustar to say that things are pleasing to us. Me gusta la clase de español. Te gusta el arte. Le gusta el parque. To say “we like”
La Fecha: Hoy es jueves, 4 de septiembre Tema: Review of Unit 1 concepts Obj: SWBAT use activities vocabulary and the verbs ser and gustar to create basic.
Pagina 39.  The verb gustar is used to express what people like or don’t like to do  You will mainly use two forms of gustar: gusta and gustan  You.
Indirect Object Pronouns (always used with gustar) Me Nos Te Os Le Les.
GUSTAR. RULE 1 If you are going to include the person’s name specifically- you must include “a” before the name Ex: A Sra. Firestone le gusta/gustan__________.
Quiz yourself on the following verb slides. How many can you remember?
¿Que te gusta? = What do you like?
¡Hola clase! Take notes and answer questions on all upcoming slides. (except for the Tip of the Day slide) ¡Nos vemos el martes!
Gustar vs. Encantar Gustar means “to like” and encantar means “to love”, but these English meanings can cause confusion.
Los verbos: interesar; aburrir; gustar/(encantar)
El verbo «gustar» Voces 1 – Capítulo 6. GUSTAR El verbo «gustar» significa “to be pleasing to.” Por ejemplo: – A mí me gusta el helado. – Ice cream is.
Gustar + infinitive to like / to be pleasing to. How to form gustar To talk about what we like, we use the verb gustar. With gustar, we use indirect object.
And other verbs like gustar
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Gustar, ¿Por qué?, and Porque Capítulo 2. Use the definite articles when talking about nouns as a category or using gustar. Gustar means “to be pleasing.
INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Gustar, Interesar, Aburrir.
Essential ?: How do I use these irregular verbs? How are they different than the verbs I already know?
Gustar “to like” By Arianna and Sarah. Gustar- To like (to please) Me gusta (I like) Te gusta (you like) Singular Nos gusta (we like) Me gustan (I like)
Verbs like gustar Gustar and Similar Verbs l Even though we usually translate the verb gustar as “to like”, it literally means “to please”.
T HE VERB GUSTAR, ¿ POR QUÉ ? AND PORQUE. T HE VERB GUSTAR Use the verb gustar to say what people like. Use the form gusta if the thing they like is singular.
Gustar to like. Gustar A verb is an action or state of being. An infinitive is the basic form of the verb. In English, most infinitives include the word.
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar means “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
Indirect Object Pronouns Original PowerPoint was by Ms. Martin of Tri-Center Community Schools.
Copy the white notes.  There are three types of verbs in the Spanish language. Verbs that end in –ar, -er, and –ir  Example: hablar, comer, escribir.
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Preparacion Hoy es miércoles el 2 de diciembre. Today is Wednesday, December 2. DO NOW: Read Gramática pg 84: List to form –ar verbs: What do you do to.
LOS VERBOS!!!. We already know these phrases in Spanish:
El Verbo “GUSTAR & Similar Verbs” In English, the equivalent is “to like” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
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© 2010 Teacher’s Discovery The Verb gustar By Jami Sipe.
GUSTAR To like. GUSTAR The Spanish verb GUSTAR is usually translated into English as ‘To like’, however, it literally means ‘To be pleasing’.
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Nadarcomercaminarleer Escribirvivirpracticarescuchar Calentamiento Yo ___________ en el parque los fines de semana. María ______ el almuerzo en la cafeteria.
© 2010 Teacher’s Discovery The Verb gustar. © 2010 Teacher’s Discovery Gustar Gustar significa “to please” I like the book In English, we would say, “I.
Gustar y otros verbos similares Me gusta ese champú. ¿Te gustaron las clases? English equivalent I like that shampoo. Literal meaning That shampoo is pleasing.
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Verbs like Gustar Notes/ Examples.
use me gusta to say you like something
GUSTAR –to like, to be pleasing to
What pleases you? Gustar.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Gustar What is pleasing to you?

¿Te gusta la foca?

Me gusta la foca

¿Te gusta n las focas?

Me gusta n las focas

¿Te gusta la foca gordita?

¡Me gusta mucho la foca gordita!

¿Te gusta la rana?

No me gusta la rana. La rana es fea.

“Vicki, ¿te gusta la foca?” “Sí, me gusta.” A Vicki le gusta la foca.

“No me gusta la rana.” “Vicki, ¿te gusta la rana?” A Vicki no le gusta la rana.

Gustar is different from the other verbs we have learned. We have already learned that there are 5 groups of Subject Pronouns we use to conjugate Ar, Er, and Ir verbs: Yo Tú Él, ella, usted Nosotros/nosotras Ellos, ellas, ustedes

But Gustar is conjugated differently: We will use only two forms; and Gustar requires object pronouns

Gustar Person(s) being pleased + gusta/gustan + thing(s) that are pleasing me te le nos les Singular items: el helado la fruta comer y bailar (note: verbs are singular) gusta Singular gustan plural + + Plural items: las uvas las fresas los camarones +

Is this item pleasing to me? I need to use Is this item pleasing to you? I need to use Is this item pleasing to someone else? I need to use

Is this item pleasing to us? I need to use Is this item pleasing to you all or to them? I need to use

Nos is not short for Nosotros. Ojo (watch out!) Nos is not short for Nosotros. Nosotros is a subject pronoun. It means “we” and can ‘drive a verb’. In other words, we can conjugate verbs in the Nosotros form: Nosotros hacemos la tarea.

Nos means “us” It is an object pronoun and object pronouns cannot drive a verb. We cannot conjugate a verb for “nos”. Objects get stuff: La profe nos da la tarea. La profe gives us the homework or La profe gives the homework to us.

Gustar To clarify the meaning of le and les, add a + person in front of the object pronoun: Pedro y Ana toman el desayuno juntos. Para beber, a Pedro le gusta tomar el café, pero a ella le gusta el té. A Vicki no le gusta la rana fea. (Le refers to Vicki) A Kiera y a Debi les gusta ir al parque. (Les refers to Kiera and Debi)

For emphasis, add a mí, a ti, a usted, a nosotros Gustar For emphasis, add a mí, a ti, a usted, a nosotros A mí me gustan las fresas. Strawberries are pleasing to ME (emphatic opinion.) A nosotros nos gusta el español. Spanish is pleasing to US (emphatic opinion.)

To avoid repeating a question to ask someone else’s opinion, Gustar To avoid repeating a question to ask someone else’s opinion, You can use ¿Y a ti?, ¿Y a usted?, ¿Y a él?, etc. —¿Te gustan los hongos? —Sí, me gustan. ¿Y a ti, Vicki? --Sí, a mí también.

¿A ustedes les gusta la foca? Sí, nos gusta la foca.

¿A ustedes les gusta la rana? A nosotros no nos gusta la rana.

Gustar The definite article is used with the thing(s) pleasing to you: Important things to remember about gustar: The definite article is used with the thing(s) pleasing to you: Me gusta el helado. Me gustan las fresas. Les gusta la novela. Les gusta el sombrero y las botas.

Gustar Important things to remember about gustar: If what is pleasing is an activity, always use the singular form gusta with the infinitive of the verb: Nos gusta comer. Les gusta cenar en restaurantes y asistir a conciertos. Me gusta leer, navegar por internet, caminar con mi perro y mirar la televisión.

Me gusta el café

Me gustan las granadas.

Using Gustar with people Ojo: Using Gustar with people It indicates a physical attraction

Me gusta Keanu

Me gust o Do not make the mistake of conjugating Gustar in the Yo form. Me gust o If you make this mistake, do not say that you learned Spanish from me.

But using titles with people makes it ok: A Joann le gusta el arquitecto Ieoh Ming Pei.

Nos gustan los profesores este semestre.

But there are better expressions to indicate you like or get along with people: Caer bien Llevarse bien

check out the Gustar page at For more information, check out the Gustar page at www.

Me gusta mucho la foca.

Me gusta mucho la foca.

Practica con otros estudiantes.

Practica con otros estudiantes.