Saber v. Conocer y Se Permite v. Se ProhÍbe. Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." saber and conocer. These.


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ANTE TODO Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer.
Saber and Conocer Both verbs mean “to know” Both are regular verbs, except in the “yo” form –Saber: Yo sé, tú sabes, él sabe, nosotros sabemos, ellos.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
TOPICS: SABER/CONOCER AND YO-GO VERBS Essential questions: How do I say whom and what I know? How do I use some other irregular verbs?
Saber o Conocer (to know)
Saber y conocer to know.
Apuntes #2 SABER Y CONOCER. Both verbs SABER y CONOCER mean Both verbs SABER y CONOCER follow the regular present tense conjugation pattern for –ER verbs.
SABER AND CONOCER Both mean to know. Irregular in the first person yo. Saber: sé Conocer: conozco Saber: *To express knowledge of facts or pieces of information.
 Saber and Conocer both mean TO KNOW but they are used differently.  First lets look at the conjugations…  Both verbs are irregular in the YO form.
Saber vs Conocer “to know”. In Spanish, there are two words for the verb “to know” Saber Yo sé Nosotros sabemos Tú sabes Él, ella, Usted sabe Ellos, ellas,
 Both SABER and CONOCER mean “to know” Conocer Conocer is used in the context of: 1) To meet a person 2) To know (have met) a person 3) To know (have.
Department of Modern Languages. Gramática nueva saber sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben its conjugation The verb saber is irregular in its yo form.
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
La campana (Write Everything!!!!) Write the english translations for these words on page hacer gimnasia 2.Estar en línea 3.Saber 4.Conocer.
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¿Saber o Conocer?, esta es la cuestión…
 Both saber and conocer mean “to know” but they have different uses. (like ser and estar)  Both verbs are irregular in the yo form but are regular in.
Saber vs. Conocer (To know). ¿Cuál es la diferencia? Español Tocar el piano Jugar el fútbol Hablar portugués Montar una bicicleta e= mc2 Argentina Philadelphia.
Saber vs. Conocer (To know)
 In Spanish there are two verbs for the verb ‘to know’  One of the verbs is : “Conocer” “Conocer”  We use conocer with people and places or to express.
Did you know… there are 2 verbs that mean “to know” and both have irregular “yo” forms SABER & CONOCER.
¿Saber o Conocer?.
ANTE TODO Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer.
Saber vs. Conocer.
Both SABER and CONOCER mean “to know” Conocer 1) To meet a person 2) To know (have met) a person 3) To know (have been to) a place “To be familiar with.
Saber/conocer (overview)  Saber: to know facts/info, HOW to DO something, to know about things/ideas  Conocer: to know people, know places WELL, know.
Me llamo __________ Clase 8IM La fecha es el 11de abril del 2013 Propósito # 45: ¿Conoces un país extranjero? Actividad Inicial: In the following sentences,
TOPICS: SABER/CONOCER AND YO-GO VERBS Essential questions: How do I say whom and what I know? How do I use some other irregular verbs?
SABER and CONOCER Page 460 Realidades 1 SABER SABER means…. To Know We use SABER to talk about knowing facts or information.
SABER VS. CONOCER TO KNOW. Saber and conocer can both be translated to the English verb: to know. But they are used in completely different situations.
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SABER VS. CONOCER Telling what and whom you know.
Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably. Note the irregular yo forms. Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher.
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
Saber vs Conocer These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
SABER VS. CONOCER. Saber-to know  To express knowledge or ignorance of a fact  Yo sé su numero de teléfono.  Ella no sabe donde esta su pluma.  To.
Pregunta Esencial: How do I use the verbs ‘saber’ and ‘conocer’ to talk about WHAT and WHOM I know? Tema: Conjugating ‘saber’ and ‘conocer’
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
Me llamo __________ Clase 8IM La fecha es el 6 de diciembre del 2011 Propósito # 19: ¿Conoces una persona famosa? Actividad Inicial: In the following sentences,
Objetivo: to identify phrases that express someone must do something. Ahora: List 3 adverbs and where are they placed in a sentence.
 Both SABER and CONOCER mean “to know” Conocer Conocer is used in the context of: 1) To meet a person 2) To know (have met) a person 3) To know (have.
Did you know… there are 2 verbs that mean “to know” and both have irregular “yo” forms SABER & CONOCER.
Essential ?: How do I use these irregular verbs? How are they different than the verbs I already know?
Saber y conocer To know. saber Yo sé Tú sabes Él. Ella, ud. sabe Nosotros sabemos Vosotros sabeis Ellos, ellas, uds. saben.
Saber vs Conocer Both mean TO KNOW SABER To know facts or information Yo sé que tenemos una prueba mañana. Tú sabes la dirección de Ana Yo sé donde está.
Saber vs. Conocer “To Know”. Saber = to know Yo - sé I know Nos. – sabemos We know Tú – sabes You know Vos. – sabéis Y’all know Él, ella, Ud. – sabe He.
Saber and Conocer. Both “saber” and “conocer” mean “to know.” But before we look at the difference, let’s look at the conjugation of these two verbs,
Copy the white notes.  There are three types of verbs in the Spanish language. Verbs that end in –ar, -er, and –ir  Example: hablar, comer, escribir.
Tema: Conjugating ‘saber’ Pregunta Esencial: How do I use the verb ‘saber’ to talk about WHAT I know?
SABER and CONOCER Page 56 Realidades 2 SABER & CONOCER Both saber and conocer mean “to know.” They both have irregular “yo” forms.
Saber vs. Conocer To Know Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Español 1412 Capítulo Siete Saber and Conocer. Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably. Note the.
UNIDAD 3 ETAPA 2. El Campanero –Complete each sentence by saying if you like something or not. Ejemplo: -To eat tacos  Si, a mi me gusta comer los tacos.
Saber vs. Conocer To Know. Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Capítulo 1B Saber vs. Conocer. You already know the present-tense forms of saber and conocer. Saber and conocer both follow the pattern of regular -er.
Saber & Conocer. saber & conocer both words mean “to know.”
Transcripción de la presentación:

Saber v. Conocer y Se Permite v. Se ProhÍbe

Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." saber and conocer. These verbs are not interchangeable

Conjugations Irregular in the YO form Saber Yo sé Tú Sabes Él/Ella/Ud Sabe Nosotros/as Sabemos Ellos/Ellas/Uds Saben

Basic Rules Saber means to know a fact or piece of information or to know how to do something No sé tu número de armario. I don’t know your locker number. Mi hermana sabe hablar francés. My sister knows how to speak French.

Saber Yo sé usar la computadora. I know how to use the computer. Juan sabe donde está la clase de la química. Juan knows where chemistry class is. Ellos no saben como escribir el informe de literatura. They don't know how to write the literature report.

saber + infinitive How to do something, use saber + infinitive. María sabe usar la computadora. Maria knows how to use the computer. Los jovenes no saben jugar fútbol americano. The young people don’t know how to play football.

Juan no ______ la respuesta. Sara y yo _____ hablar en alemán. ¿Por qué no ______ la materia. Mis padres _______ hablar japonés. Yo _______ a qué hora es la clase de algebra. Practicamos 1. Sabe 2. sabemos3. sabes4. saben 5.Sé

Conocer Yo Conozco Tú Conoces Él/Ella/Ud Conoce Nosotros/as Conocemos Ellos/Ellas/Uds Conocen Conjugations Irregular in the YO form

Basic Rules Conocer means to know or be familiar/acquainted with a person or place. ¿Conoces la ciudad de Nueva York? Do you know New York City? Juan y Pedro conocen mi colegio. Juan and Pedro know my high school.

When referring to a person or pet, the personal “a,” is used after the conjugated form of conocer. ¿Conoces a Russell Wilson? Do you know Russell Wilson? Ellas conocen a la consejera. They know the counselor. Mi amigo conoce a mi perro Krypto. My friend knows my dog Krypto. Basic Rules

Yo no ________ a la profesora de historia. Nosotros __________ a los maestros. Tú ________ a mi gatito. Ella no _______a tu hermanita. ¿Ustedes ________ Costa Rica? Practicamos 1. Conozco 2. Conocemos 3. Conoces 4. Conoce 5. Conocen

Se Permite means that it is permitted Se permite comer en la cafetería. It is permitted to eat in the cafeteria. Se Prohíbe means that it is prohibited Se prohíbe usar una calculadora en la clase de historia. It is prohibited to use a calculator in history class. Se Permite y Se Prohíbe (Cognados)

Se ______ escribir en la clase de literatura. Se ______ comer en el laboratorio. Se ______ usar el mapa en la clase de historia. Se ______ cantar en el auditorio. Se ______ textiar en la clase de geometría. Practicamos 1. Permite 2. Prohíbe 3. Permite 4. Permite 5.Prohíbe

¿Saber vs. Conocer? ¿Se Permite vs. Se Prohibe?