Impersonal “se” Capítulo 7A. In English, you use they, you, one, or people in an impersonal or indefinite sense to mean “people in general” or as a passive.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Impersonal “se” Capítulo 7A

In English, you use they, you, one, or people in an impersonal or indefinite sense to mean “people in general” or as a passive voice (are served). In English, you use they, you, one, or people in an impersonal or indefinite sense to mean “people in general” or as a passive voice (are served).

In Spanish, you use: In Spanish, you use: se + the Ud./él/ella se + the Ud./él/ella form form se + Uds./ellos/ellas se + Uds./ellos/ellas form form

Se prohíbe fumar en el restaurante. Se prohíbe fumar en el restaurante. They don’t allow smoking in a restaurant. They don’t allow smoking in a restaurant. Smoking isn’t allowed. Smoking isn’t allowed.

Se vende el pan aquí. Se vende el pan aquí. They sell bread here. They sell bread here. One sells bread here. One sells bread here. Bread is sold here. Bread is sold here.

A menudo se sirven las papas fritas con la pizza. A menudo se sirven las papas fritas con la pizza. They often serve french fries with the pizza. They often serve french fries with the pizza. French fries are often served with the pizza. French fries are often served with the pizza. Note: plural form of verb Note: plural form of verb

Se habla español aquí. Se habla español aquí. They speak Spanish here. They speak Spanish here. People speak Spanish here. People speak Spanish here. Spanish is spoken here. Spanish is spoken here. One speaks Spanish here One speaks Spanish here