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Subject Pronouns & Ser Spanish II.

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Presentación del tema: "Subject Pronouns & Ser Spanish II."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Subject Pronouns & Ser Spanish II

2 Selecting Pronouns Singular Subject Pronoun I You (informal/familiar)
You (formal/polite) He, she We You They Spanish Yo Ud. Él, ella Nosotros Uds. Ellos, ellas

3 Helpful Hints If you are talking about someone, use ____or _____ as the pronoun. (______) If you are talking to someone, use _____ as the pronoun. (______) If the you is a group, use _______. A group of people that you are not a part of, use ______. (_________) If you are talking about a group of people and you are part of the group, use _____. (_______) he she él, ella you tú, Ud. Uds. they ellos, ellas we nosotros

4 Subject Pronoun Practice
Subject Pronouns 1. Los maestros 2. Mis amigos y yo 3. Beto y Laura 4. Mi mamá 5. El Señor Gómez English Pronoun Span. Pronoun they Uds. nosotros we Uds. they ella she Ud. you (formal)

5 Ser Subject Yo Ud. Nosotros Uds. Ser Soy Eres Es Somos Son

6 Present tense of SER Los alumnos _______ Tú y yo ___________
Glenda __________ Tú __________ Ustedes ________ Usted _________ Usted y mi hermana ________ Paco y Carlos ________ son somos es eres son es son son

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