©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.2.1-1  Para hablar de actividades necesitamos usar verbos.  Los Verbos expresan: Acciones, o.


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GUSTAR REPASO WE NEVER SAY YO, TÚ, USTED, ÉL or ELLA when using the verb gustar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you remember what we use?

GUSTAR (and similar verbs). EXLPANATION GUSTAR is not conjugated like other regular verbs. It is NEVER used in the “yo”, “tú”, or “nosotros” forms. When.
Copyright © 2011 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved ► You already know that ir and ser are irregular in the preterite. Here are some other.
In Lesson 2, you learned how to form the present tense of regular –ar verbs. The chart below contains the forms of the regular –ar verb trabajar, which.
Gustar- To like (to please)
Like other compound tenses you have learned, the future perfect (el futuro perfecto) is formed with a form of haber and the past participle. It is used.
1 Voces 1 Cap. 4 Los verbos regulares: -ar verbs.
Verbos con complementos indirectos Verbs that use indirect object pronouns.
Srta. Forgue El 6 de mayo de  Elige la palabra que completa correctamente cada una de las oraciones. (Usa págs ) 1.__ representa al acusado.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
1 Present tense conjugations of regular –AR verbs Los Verbos Regulares.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Present tense conjugations of regular –AR verbs Los Verbos Regulares.
Gustar What is pleasing to you?.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  You will now learn how to use the subjunctive with verbs and expressions of will and influence.
Gustar+ infinitive.
Unit 2A: Lesson 2 How to Talk About Your Schedule Gramática- Present tense of –ar verbs.
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs. To create the present-tense forms of -er and -ir verbs, drop the endings from the infinitives, then add the verb endings.
Viernes, 6 de febrero Agenda: Devolver las composiciones (Return compositions) Cultura Gramática 2.1: Present tense of regular – ar verbs Practicar el.
Hagan ahora: Copy notes on “GUSTAR” means to like, or to please
¡Vámonos! (Do Now) Translate. 1.Mi padre es ingeniero. 2.Your sister talks in class. -2 min -Callado e Independiente.
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  You will now learn how to use the subjunctive with verbs and expressions of will and.
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  The conditional tense in Spanish expresses what you would do or what would happen under.
conjugation of –ar Verbs
The present perfect subjunctive (el pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo), like the present perfect indicative, is used to talk about what has happened. The.
Standard and objective Notes # 16   Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics  Objective: Students.
Pagina 39.  The verb gustar is used to express what people like or don’t like to do  You will mainly use two forms of gustar: gusta and gustan  You.
In Lección 1, you learned how to conjugate and use the verb ser (to be). You will now learn a second verb which means to be, the verb estar. Although.
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Capítulo 3 -ar verb conjugations.
¿Que te gusta? = What do you like?
¡Hola clase! Take notes and answer questions on all upcoming slides. (except for the Tip of the Day slide) ¡Nos vemos el martes!
En español, hay varias maneras para expresar acciones que pasan en el futuro… Este fin de semana, yo voy a llamar a mi novia por teléfono. = Este fin de.
Vocab: el día escolar Grammar: Subject Pronouns & Present Tense of –ar Verbs.
The Future Tense -original PowerPoint created by Mrs. Shirley of North Intermediate High School in Broken Arrow, OK.
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  The conditional tense in Spanish expresses what you would do or what would happen under.
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved In Lección 1, you learned how to conjugate and use the verb ser (to be). You will now.
decir  (yo) digo tener  (yo) tengo venir  (yo) vengo
Review of Indirect Objects and Indirect Object Pronouns ¿Me puede mostrar los modelos más económicos?
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5.2-1 Both Spanish and English use the present progressive, which consists of the present tense of the verb to be and the present participle of another.
Present tense conjugations of regular –AR, -ER, - IR verbs Los Verbos Regulares.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved The verbs tener (to have) and venir (to come) are among the most frequently used in Spanish.
4.1-1 El verbo Ir =to go except for the yo-form (voy) has the same endings as those for regular present tense –ar verbs.
T HE VERB GUSTAR, ¿ POR QUÉ ? AND PORQUE. T HE VERB GUSTAR Use the verb gustar to say what people like. Use the form gusta if the thing they like is singular.
Gustar to like. Gustar A verb is an action or state of being. An infinitive is the basic form of the verb. In English, most infinitives include the word.
3.3-1 In Lección 2, you learned how to form the present tense of regular -ar verbs. You also learned about the importance of verb forms, which change to.
Verbos que terminan en -AR In order to talk about activities, we need to use verbs (action words). In English & Spanish, the infinitive (infinitivo) is.
Preparacion Hoy es viernes el 4 de diciembre. Today is Friday, December 4. DO NOW: In preparation for some exercises in class do the following with the.
Copy the white notes.  There are three types of verbs in the Spanish language. Verbs that end in –ar, -er, and –ir  Example: hablar, comer, escribir.
How to conjugate an AR verb. We already know that in Spanish infinitives can end in: AR (bailar, cantar) ER (correr, ver) IR (escribir) In Spanish the.
Gustar & Similar Verbs. I.To say what people like in Spanish, we use the verb gustar. This verb literally means to be pleasing So instead of saying, “I.
AVANCEMOS Gustar with an infinitive. GUSTAR WITH AN INFINITIVE We use the verb GUSTAR to talk about what people like to do in Spanish. This verb.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved You have learned that reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of a sentence does the action.
Copy this on pagína 7 of your cuaderno. Campana # 21 Oct 29 th Campana # 22 Nov. 2 nd Campana # 23 Nov 4 th Campana #24 Nov 6 th Campana #25 Nov 10 th.
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Although estar ends in -ar, it does not follow the pattern of regular -ar verbs. Yo estoy.
LunesMartesMiércolesJuevesViernes 1. Nadar Escuchar música2. Ir al ensayo Escuchar música3. Nadar Escuchar música4. Ver videos Escuchar música5. Salir.
Verbs like Gustar Notes/ Examples.
Regular Present Tense Verbs in Spanish Profesora: Señora Urquiza.
Fill in the blanks. 1.Yo soy muy artística y me gusta dibujar. Mi clase favorita es ____________. 2.Me gusta practicar deportes y correr. Yo soy muy deportista.
Present Tense of AR Verbs Las clases de Sra. Schwarz Realidades 1.
Present Tense of –ar Verbs
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved The verb ir (to go) is irregular in the present tense. Note that, except for the yo form.
--To be pleasing to --Your likes & dislikes
What subject pronoun would you use to talk about these people?
LOS VERBOS  --ar en el presente.
Transcripción de la presentación:

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Para hablar de actividades necesitamos usar verbos.  Los Verbos expresan: Acciones, o estados (states of being).  La forma básica de los verbos es el infinitivo.  El infinitivo tiene tres terminaciones:-ar, -er, or -ir.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.2.1-2

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.2.1-3

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Conjugación de Los Verbos que Terminan en –ar

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  To create the forms of most regular verbs in Spanish, drop the infinitive endings (-ar, -er, -ir). You then add to the stem the endings that correspond to the different subject pronouns. This diagram will help you visualize the process by which verb forms are created.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Modelos  A: ¿Señor Fernández-Velasco, qué busca?  B: Busco mis llaves. Sabes dónde están?  A: Si. Sus llaves están en el suelo/en el piso.  B: Oh. Ya las veo. Gracias, _____.  A: No hay de que.

Presente Simple y Presente Progresivo  A; Hola ________. ¿Qué haces?  B: Escucho música  A: ¿Qué tipo de música escuchas?  B: Rock ‘n Roll.  A: Hola ______. ¿ Que estas haciendo?  B: Estoy escuchando música.  A: ¿Qué tipo de música estas escuchando?  B: Rock ‘n Roll Copyright © 2012 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved.2.1-7

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Paco Trabaja en la cafetería. 2. Paco está trabajando en la cafetería. 3. Paco sí trabaja en la cafetería

Uso del Presente Para Expresar accion Futura El tren parte a las diez de la manana. Copyright © 2012 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved.2.1-9

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Dos verbos y un mismo sujeto (subject)  Para hacer una oracion negativa ponemos no antes del verbo que si se conjuga.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  Spanish speakers often omit subject pronouns because the verb endings indicate who the subject is. In Spanish, subject pronouns are used for emphasis, clarification, or contrast.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved El Verbo Gustar  To express your likes and dislikes, use the expression (no) me gusta + la pizza  or (no) me gustan + las hamburguesas.  Note: You may use the phrase a mí for emphasis, but never the subject pronoun yo.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  To talk about what you like and don’t like to do,

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  To ask a classmate about likes and dislikes, use the pronoun te instead of me. Note: You may use a ti for emphasis, but never the subject pronoun tú.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved  You can use this same structure to talk about other people by using the pronouns nos, le, and les.

©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Provide the present tense forms of these verbs. The first items have been done for you. 1.Yo _____ español. 2.Ellos _____ español. 3.Inés _____ español. 4.Nosotras _____ español. 5.Tú _____ español. 1._________ el café. ( a mí) 2.¿ _____ las clases? (a ti) 3.No _____ el café. (a ti) 4.No _____ las clases. (a mí) 5.No _____ el café. (a mí) gustarhablar habloMe gusta