 The verb SER is an: irregular verb in Spanish  It means “to be”  It also means “am,” “is,” and “are”


Presentaciones similares
SER To be o. ESTAR to be SER Yo soyNosotros somos Nosotras somos Tú eresVosotros sois Vosotras sois Él esEllos son Ella esEllas son Usted esUstedes son.

Pronombres personales
Ser means to be It can be used to: Identify yourself and others Date Origin (where something comes from) Nationality Time Personal description/profession.
Ser = to be. Ser – to be Singular Singular 1) Yo soy = I am 1) Yo soy = I am 2) Tú eres =You (fam.) are 2) Tú eres =You (fam.) are 3) Ud. es = You (for)
U1E1 U1E1 En Español saludos el verbo ser “to be” Bienvenido a Miami.
Los verbos estar y ser “to be”
How do I use the verb ser to say where someone is from?
SER deo.php?video_id=107782&title=Ser.
SER V. ESTAR. EL VERBO ESTAR The verb ESTAR means: yonosotros túvosotros él/ella/Ustedellos(as)/Ustedes to be estoy estás está estamos estáis están.
Mi Familia ¿Quiénes son los miembros de tu familia? ¿Tienes una familia grande o pequeño?
Using ser de to express origin

“To Be” verbs in Spanish
SER and subject pronouns Ch 1.1. Subject pronouns Subjects – do the action of the verb –Located in the subject of the sentence Pronouns – take the place.
The Present Tense of ser (to be) (El tiempo presente del verbo ser)
CONJUGATE SER IN THE PRESENT TENSE. SER = TO BE It can be used for showing~ Date Occupation Time Characteristics (physical/personality/nationality) Origin.
Origin, nacionality, likes and dislikes
El verbo ser (to be) y sus usos
SER To Be. Infinitives  An infinitive is a verb that has NOT been conjugated.  Conjugating a verb means to break it down into speaking terms using subject.
Subject Pronouns and the verb “ser” E.Q. ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde es la Sra. Girardin? ¿De dónde es tu amigo?
Department of Modern Languages. Gramática nueva (New Grammar)
The verb to be. WHAT IS IT USED FOR?HOW DO YOU USE SER?  To identify a person  To saw where someone is from. Yo soyNosotros(as) somos Tú eresVosotros(as)
The Verb SER. SER ■ The verb SER means “to be” ■ In Spanish, a verb has different forms to tell you who the subject is. ■ Changing a verb form so that.
PAGINAS: 34 Y 35 Ser y Estar Tú y Usted. Ser= To be Ser is an irregular verb in Spanish It is the permanent “to be” It is used to:  Describe physical.
1 Ser “to be” 2 ¿Cuáles son las formas? Yo Soy Tú Eres Él/ella/Usted Es Nosotros (as) Somos Ellos/ellas/Uds. Son I am You are He/ She is We are They/you.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
Page 258 Realidades 1 SER vs. ESTAR SER VS. ESTAR You already know the verb ESTAR. It means “to be”
Ser vs estar. BELL RINGER Copy and complete the conjugation chart of SER and ESTAR, writing the missing word. Verbo SER – to be SingularPlural Yo soyNosotros.
The verb “ser” To be.
The present tense of ser (to be) (El tiempo presente del verbo ser) Modified by M. Sincioco.
By D Mibelli. SUBJECT PRONOUNS They substitute the noun. Mary is pretty. is pretty. She José and I are good friends.We are good friends. Elena and you.
Ahora – Copy down the following questions, then answer it in a complete sentence in Spanish. 1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer después de la escuela? 2. ¿De dónde.
El verbo “Ser” To be.
Page 86 Realidades 2 Ser Vs. Estar SER VS. ESTAR You already know the verb ESTAR. It means “to be”
Ser Vs. Estar SER VS. ESTAR Both verbs mean “to be”
¡Buenos Dias! Hoy es el 16 o 17 de septiembre Ahorita/Do Now: When do you use the following:  Un  Los  Unas  el.
The Verb SER SER The verb Ser means “to be” SER There is another verb in Spanish that means “to be.” It is the verb Estar.
Page 5 Realidades 2 The Verb SER SER VS. ESTAR You already know the verb ESTAR. It means “to be”
Los pronombres Persona nosotros/as yo vosotros/as tú él/ella -usted
ESTAR The Verb Estar  Estar is an IRREGULAR verb.  It means “to be” in English.
SER (to be) Forms and uses Ser (to be) yo soy tú eres usted es él es ella es nosotros somos nosotras somos vosotros sois vosotras sois ustedes son ellos.
SER = to be. SER IS USED TO TALK ABOUT: 1.Who someone is 2.Origin (where someone is from) 3.Time, date, day Elena es mi amiga. Yo soy de Burlington. Mañana.
Semester 1 Irregular Verbs Srta. Phillips. The verb ser means to be. It is used to describe characteristics, occupations, and to tell time. Yo – soyNosotros.
Subject Pronouns Saquen las guias de gramatica. Subject Pronouns Noun: person, place, thing or idea Pronoun: replaces a noun ▫Not as specific as a noun.
Subject Pronouns and ser. Pronouns ★ Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. ○ We are friends. Nosotros somos amigos. ★ There are 12 subject.
Ser Yo no soy de España, soy de Nueva York en los Estados Unidos. ¿De dónde eres tú? ¿Eres de España? Iliana vive en Alicante. Ella.
Page 258 Realidades 1 The verbs SER and ESTAR.
To be or not to be…. Inglés IWe YouY´all He/She/ItThem.
Review: Adjectives and the verb SER Para Empezar 1 Realidades 2.
Gramática Ser. Present tense of ser In Spanish, a verb has different forms to tell you who is the subject. Changing a verb form so that it matches its.
Expresiones Lección 1 Expressing from where someone comes.
Cornell Notes Set up your notes page like that one  Notes will always go on the RIGHT side; if you need to use more pages, tape them in! The present tense.
SER = TO BE. Conjugation = to list the different forms of a verb that show number, person, tense, SER = to be AFFIRMATIVE Yo soy - I am Nosotros/as somos.
Avancemos 1 Undad 1 Lección 1 THE VERB SER. The verb SER Ser is a verb that means TO BE. We use the verb SER to identify a person or to say where he or.
The present tense of ser (to be) (El tiempo presente del verbo ser)
The Verb SER SER The verb SER means “to be” In Spanish, a verb has different forms to tell you who the subject is. Changing a verb form so that it matches.
The verb “ser” “Ser” means “to be” We’ve already seen forms of it used in some phrases:  Yo soy Señora Kobs.  ¿Quién es? “To be or not to be.”
El verbo ser. The verb ser means “to be” -All sentences have a subject and a verb -In Spanish, you have to change the form of the verb so that it matches.
Hoy es lunes. Es el primero de octubre ¿De dónde eres? ¿Puedes expresar el orígen nacional de una persona? PARA HACER AHORA: ¿Qué bandera es? Los Estados.
 This means that I know all of the personal pronoun s in Spanish, such as yo (I), tú (you), nosotros (we), etc.  I know that the verb ser means to be,
Las clases de Sra. Schwarz Realidades 1 The “To Be” Verbs Ser and Estar.
Page 5 Realidades 2 The Verb SER SER VS. ESTAR You already know the verb ESTAR. It means “to be”
Present Tense of Ser ¿Quién es? ¿Qué es? Identify people & things Express possession with the preposition de To express origin, using the preposition.
Ser - To be yo tútú Ud. él ella nosotros vosotros Uds. ellos ellas soy eres es somos sois son.
To be, or not to be? Let’s start out with one of the most important verbs in Spanish: ser, which means “to be.”
Capítulo 1 30 of Study the following forms of the verb ser. yo ___ tú ____ Ud., él, ella __ nosotros(as) ______ vosotros(as) ____ Uds., ellos, ellas.
Ser 1 “to be” or not “to be”…? Ser conjugated soysomos eressois esson 2.
EL VERBO “SER” Capítulo 3B. SER: to be Ser is used with…....time/ date …profession …physical characteristics …personality traits …”takes place in” …possession…nationality…origin.
Español 1411 El Verbo SER y Sus Usos.
Ser: to be (irregular verb) yo soy nosotros somos tú eres x
Transcripción de la presentación:

 The verb SER is an: irregular verb in Spanish  It means “to be”  It also means “am,” “is,” and “are”

SingularPlural Yo soyNosotros(as) somos Tú eresVosotros(as) sois Usted Él es Ella Ustedes Ellos son Ellas

C: Characteristics (Identify) Ejemplos: ¿Quién es él? Es Felipe Díaz. ¿Qué es? Es un mapa de España.

O: Origin Ejemplos: ¿De dónde eres tú? Soy de Argentina. ¿De dónde es Marisol? Ella es de Costa Rica.

P: Profession (Occupation) Ejemplos: Yo soy estudiante. Marta es profesora. Don Francisco es conductor. ***Marta es una profesora excelente. ***Yo soy un estudiante fantástico.

 There are NOT ‘s in Spanish!  Use NOUN + DE + OWNER Ejemplos: ¿De quién es? Es el diario de Isabel. ¿De quién son? Son los lápices de la chica.

 DE (of/from) + EL (the) = ?  Form the contraction DEL  There is NOT a contraction with la, los, las Ejemplos: Es la computadora del conductor. Son las maletas del chico. Es el cuaderno de la profesora.