Stem Changing Verbs: o-ue ANTE TODO Stem-changing verbs deviate from the normal pattern of regular verbs. In stem-changing verbs, the stressed vowel of the stem changes when the verb is conjugated. INFINITIVE VERB STEM STEM CHANGE CONJUGATED FORM dormir dorm- duerm- duermo
Stem Changing Verbs: o-ue In many verbs, such as pensar (to think), the stem vowel changes from e to ie. Note that the nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms dont have a stem change. dormir (o:ue) SINGULAR FORMS yoduermo túduermes Ud. / él / ella duerme PLURAL FORMS nosotros/as dormimos vosotros/as dormís Uds. / ellos / ellas duermen
Stem Changing Verbs: o-ue poder to be able to Dormir to sleep
Stem Changing Verbs: o-ue poder (o:ue) 1. Ustedes ___. 2.Tú ___. 3. Nosotras ___. 4. Mi hermano ___. 5. Yo ___. 6. Usted ___. 7. Los chicos ___. 8. Ella ___.