Hacer to do / to make hago. salir to leave / to go out salgo.


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ANTE TODO In Spanish, several verbs have irregular yo forms in the present tense. You have already seen three examples of these verbs with the –go ending.
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-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Salir: to.
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Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella
©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
TOPICS: SABER/CONOCER AND YO-GO VERBS Essential questions: How do I say whom and what I know? How do I use some other irregular verbs?
Talk about activities you do at school Conjugations of verbs tener, poner, hacer y traer.
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
Some -ER/-IR Verbs With Irregular “Yo” Forms Página 140.
¿Saber o Conocer?, esta es la cuestión…
Repasar de los verbos irregulares en las formas de yo Yo / saber / hablar español Yo / hacer /mi tarea en la biblioteca Yo / oír / a mi hermano Yo / tener.
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ANTE TODO In Spanish, several verbs have irregular yo forms in the present tense. You have already seen three verbs with the –go ending in the yo form:
Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella. Los verbos irregulares Most verbs that are irregular in the present tense are irregular only in the yo form. All other forms.
ANTE TODO Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer.
Tener, Poner, Hacer Salir, Venir, Decir Traer
ANTE TODO In Spanish, several verbs have irregular yo forms in the present tense. You have already seen three examples of these verbs with the –go ending.
Saber/conocer (overview)  Saber: to know facts/info, HOW to DO something, to know about things/ideas  Conocer: to know people, know places WELL, know.
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-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Conocer : to know (people) Hacer: to make/do.
-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Decir: to say/tell Hacer: to make/do Poner:
TOPICS: SABER/CONOCER AND YO-GO VERBS Essential questions: How do I say whom and what I know? How do I use some other irregular verbs?
 Spanish 1b. Unidad 5, Lección 2.. TENER + que + infinitive yo TENGO que limpiar i have to clean tú TIENES que limpiar you have to clean él / ella /
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Verbs with irregular “YO” forms Spanish 1b. Unidad 5, Lección 2.
¿Cuántos años tienes tú? ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes tú?
Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably. Note the irregular yo forms. Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher.
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
Saber vs Conocer These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Pregunta Esencial: How do I use the verbs ‘saber’ and ‘conocer’ to talk about WHAT and WHOM I know? Tema: Conjugating ‘saber’ and ‘conocer’
The Verbs saber and conocer (Los verbos saber y conocer) The “to know” verbs.
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Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella. Los verbos irregulares Most verbs that are irregular in the present tense are irregular only in the yo form. All other forms.
-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Conocer : to know (people) Hacer: to make/do.
Saber y conocer To know. saber Yo sé Tú sabes Él. Ella, ud. sabe Nosotros sabemos Vosotros sabeis Ellos, ellas, uds. saben.
Saber vs. Conocer “To Know”. Saber = to know Yo - sé I know Nos. – sabemos We know Tú – sabes You know Vos. – sabéis Y’all know Él, ella, Ud. – sabe He.
-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Traer: to.
La vida escolarGramática 2 Some -er/-ir verbs with irregular yo forms Preview Irregular yo forms The preposition de.
Spanish Verb Conjugation
go and other irregular yo Verbs Conocer: means to know in the sense to be acquainted with. It is used with people and complex or abstract concepts rather.
The Verbs saber and conocer The “to know” verbs. Saber vs. conocer saber sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben its conjugation The verb saber is irregular.
SABER and CONOCER Page 56 Realidades 2 SABER & CONOCER Both saber and conocer mean “to know.” They both have irregular “yo” forms.
Saber vs. Conocer To Know Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Verbos Irregulares Irregular verbs. Verbos Irregulares Saber Salir Hacer Dar Traer Poner.
Transcripción de la presentación:

hacer to do / to make hago

salir to leave / to go out salgo

poner to put, place, set pongo

decir to say / to tell digo

traer to bring traigo

tener to have tengo






saber (fact, info, how to do) conocer (people, places, things) Cómo Dónde Cuándo

All of these verbs have irregular yo forms: salirsalgo ponerpongo traertraigo hacerhago decirdigo sabersé conocerconozco

salgo sales sale salimos salís salen pongo pones pone ponemos ponéis ponen

saliryo nosotros Uds. ponermis amigos tú yo deciryo ellos Carlos hacerel estudiante nosotros yo salimos salen ponen pones pongo digo dicen dice hace hacemos hago salgo

traeryo nosotros Uds. traigo traemos traen conoceryo nosotros Uds. conozco conocemos conocen saberel estudiante nosotros yo sabe sabemos sé

saber = to know fact, info, how to do something conocer = to know people, places, things sé sabes sabe sabemos sab é is saben conozco conoces conoce conocemos conoc é is conocen

saber vs. conocer Yo s é la capital de Espa ñ a. = I know the capital of Spain. (Madrid) Yo conozco la capital de Espa ñ a. = I am familiar with the capital of Spain. (I have visited, lived there, or studied about it).

The personal a The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. In the following sentences, the direct objects are underlined. Mike hits the ball. George calls Mary.

The personal a In Spanish, when the direct object is a person or a pet, it is preceded by the preposition "a." This word has no English translation. Jorge conoce a Mar í a. Jorge knows Mar í a.

The personal a From the perspective of English, the personal "a" seems to be an extra word, but in Spanish it is not. The personal "a" is not used when the direct object is not a person. Conozco Espa ñ a. I am familiar with Spain. -- Spain is not a person

Fill in the blank with saber or conocer: 1.¿Quién _____________ a Miguel? 2.Yo no _____________ qué hora es. 3.Nosotros ___________ ese restaurante. 4.¿ _____________ tú México? 5.Ellos __________ que es mi hermano. 6.¿_____________ Ud. hablar espa ñ ol? 7.Yo no _____________ cocinar. 8.Tú _____________ a Mónica. 9.Nosotros ________ jugar al f ú tbol bien. 10. Yo _____________ al chico. conoce sé conocemos Conoces saben Sabe sé conoces sabemos conozco sé sabes sabe sabemos sab é is saben conozco conoces conoce conocemos conoc é is conocen

Fill in the blank with saber or conocer: 1.¿_____________ tú a mis amigos? 2.¿_____________ tú cómo se llama el chico? 3.¿_____________ Uds. que mañana es jueves? 4.Yo no _____________ a Raúl. 5.Ella _____________ esquiar. 6.Tú _____________ bailar y cantar. 7.Ellos no _____________ Madrid. 8.Yo _____________ la capital de Honduras. 9.Ellas no _____________. 10. Ella _____________ al profesor. Conoces Sabes Saben conozco sabe sabes conocen sé saben conoce

Fill in the blank with saber or conocer: 1.Yo _____________ a tu abuela. 2.¿Ellos _____________ Barcelona? 3.El niño _____________ leer. 4.Tú _____________ a la alumna mexicana. 5.Nosotros _____________ que va a llover. 6.Uds. _____________ que tiene un hermano. 7.Yo _____________ que son las dos. 8.Ella _____________ jugar tenis. 9.¿ _____________ tú a Marcos? 10. Yo no _____________. conozco conocen sabe conoces sabemos saben sé sabe Conoces sé

1.Nosotros traemos los perros calientes. a. túb. yoc. ellos traestraigotraen 2.Yo pongo la mesa. a. ellosb. Ud.c. tú 3.Ella conduce como un loco. a. yo b. ¿Quién? c. nosotros 4. Sales a las dos. a. ellosb. mi papác. yo 5. Los alumnos hacen la tarea. a. nosotrosb. tú c. yo ponen ponepones conduzco conduce conducimos salen salesalgo hacemoshaceshago

1.we drive 2.they put 3.she leaves 4.I bring 5.you (inf.) do, make 6.you (pl.) know (fact) 7.I know (people) nosotros conducimos Uds. saben ella sale yo traigo tú haces ellos ponen yo conozco

1.she brings 2.I do, make 3.they know (fact) 4.he knows (people) 5.you (form) drive 6.we put 7.you (inf) leave ella trae nosotros ponemos ellos saben él conoce Ud. conduce yo hago tú sales