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-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Salir: to.

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Presentación del tema: "-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Salir: to."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 -go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Salir: to leave Tener : to have Traer: to bring Venir: to come

3 Why are these grouped together?? The first verb from this family of verbs that we learned was…… tener. Do you remember why the yo form was different?

4 ¡Correcto! The yo form ends in –go. yo ten go And what is the yo form of venir ?

5 On the “go” yo vengo How about the yo form for: Traer ?

6 On the “go” yo traigo How about the yo forms for: Salir ? Poner ?

7 “Go” for it! yo salgo yo pongo

8 And a couple of others…. are also different: hacer poner ha go pon go

9 Let’s look at those “yo” forms again… Hacer: yo hago Poner: yo pongo Salir: yo salgo Tener : yo tengo Traer: yo traigo Venir: yo vengo

10 What about those other forms?? Like tú, él, nosotros…?? Most are regular !! For example: HACER yo hago tú haces él hace nosotros hacemos nosotros hacéis ellos hacen PONER yo pongo tú pones él pone nosotros ponemos vosotros ponéis ellos ponen

11 Venir and Tener But VENIR and TENER change their stems: VENIR – to come yo vengo tú v ie nes él,ella Ud. v ie ne nosotros venimos vosotros venís ellos, ellas, Uds. v ie nen TENER – to have yo tengo tú t ie nes él t ie ne nosotros tenemos vosotros tenéis ellos t ie nen Also decir!

12 How about… > Salir – to leave or go out yo ______ tú ______ él ______ nosotros ______ vosotros ______ ellos ______

13 Salir – to leave or go out yo salgo tú sales él sale nosotros salimos vosotros salís ellos salen

14 Una mezcla (mixture) para practicar Cuando yo _______ (tener) tiempo, _______ (salir) al parque. Si _______ (venir) unos amigos, _______ (hacer) algo diferente.

15 Una mezcla - soluci ó n Cuando yo tengo tiempo, salgo al parque. Si mis amigos vienen, hacemos algo diferente. Notice how the subjects change in this sentence!

16 In conclusion… The – go verbs have an irregular yo form: hago, pongo, salgo, tengo, traigo, vengo. The other forms are regular according to their conjugations. For example, trai go, traes, trae, traemos, traéis, traen. Venir & tener are –go verbs that also change in the stem, in the tú, él, and ellos forms: tienes, tiene, tienen; vienes, viene, vienen.

17 That’s all, folks! Bravo!

Descargar ppt "-go Verbs There is a small but very important group of verbs that we call the “-go” verbs. These verbs are: Hacer: to make/do Poner: to put Salir: to."

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