El país de México The country of Mexico.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

El país de México The country of Mexico

Essential Question (EQ): What do we know about Spanish speaking countries? What colors are in the Mexican flag? The flag is Red, White, and Green. What is the capital of Mexico? The capital of Mexico is Mexico City What type of government does Mexico have? Mexico is a Federal Republic. The country is run by a President. Where is Mexico located? Mexico is located in North America. What are the most popular sports in Mexico? The most popular sport is soccer. The second most popular is boxing. ¿Qué colores son en la bandera de México? La bandera es Roja, Blanca, y Verde. ¿Cuál es la capital de México? La capital de México es la Ciudad de México. ¿Qué tipo de gobierno tiene México? México es una republica federal. El país está dirigido por un presidente. ¿Dónde está ubicado México? México está ubicado en América del Norte. ¿Cuáles son los deportes más populares en México? El deporte más popular es fútbol. El segundo más popular es el boxeo.

Vocabulary The colors → Los colores The flag → La bandera Essential Question (EQ): What do we know about Spanish speaking countries? Vocabulary The colors → Los colores The flag → La bandera The capital → La capital The government → El gobierno The President → El presidente The sports → Los deportes Soccer → El fútbol Boxing → El boxeo

What similarities do Mexico and Spain have? Essential Question (EQ): What do we know about Spanish speaking countries? What similarities do Mexico and Spain have? Please take a few minutes to create a Venn Diagram to compare Mexico and Spain

Why do we think Mexico and Spain might be so similar? Essential Question (EQ): What do we know about Spanish speaking countries? Why do we think Mexico and Spain might be so similar?

Additional Facts Mexico was once part of the Spanish Empire Mexico combines Spanish and Indigenous cultures The people of Mexico have a strong connection to their Indigenous roots Some of the cultures from Mexico descend from the Aztec, Maya, Izapa, Olmec, and Toltec peoples.

Homework Using your iPads (if possible), you will formally create the Venn Diagram we worked on in class. Please be sure to include at least 7 facts (per section)! A rubric will be posted on the website.