Affirmative Informal Commands


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Affirmative informal commands with pronouns

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Direct Object Pronouns
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Direct Object Pronouns
Direct Object & Direct Object Pronouns
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Direct Object Pronouns
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Repaso: Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
Direct Object Pronouns
In Lecciones 5 and 6, you learned that direct and indirect object pronouns replace nouns and that they often refer to nouns that have already been referenced.
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Tú Commands (Los mandatos de la forma tú) Dame la linterna, por favor.
Placement of Reflexive Pronouns
You have learned that direct and indirect object pronouns replace nouns and that they often refer to nouns that have already been referenced. You will.
Transcripción de la presentación:

Affirmative Informal Commands With pronouns

Affirmative informal Commands with pronouns direct You know that the __________ object pronoun goes _____________ the conjugated verb. It can also be attached to the end of an ________________. Modelo: ¿Siempre preparas la cena? No, no ______ preparo siempre, pero hoy sí voy a preparar___. before infinitive la la

Affirmative informal Commands with pronouns When you use a _______________ with an affirmative informal command, attach the pronoun to the _________ of the command. Add an accent to the stressed ______________ of the verb, unless the verb is only one _____________ long. Modelo: 1. ¿Preparo la cena? Sí, prepára___. 2. ¿Pongo los vasos en la mesa? Sí, pon____ allí. end syllable syllable

Vamos a practicar Indentifica los pronombres de complemento directo en cada oración. 1. Ponlo en el regrigerador. a. el queso b. la leche c. el libro 2. Sácala del horno. a. la basura b. el tocino c. la pizza 3. Ábrelo otra vez. a. el duranzno b. el refrigerador c. la puerta 4. Ćotalas con el cuchillo. a. las zanahorias b. las servilletas c. la manzana 5. Sírvelos en el plato hondo. a. los cereales b. la sopa c. los refescos 6. Mézclalo con el bróculi. a. el queso b. el flan c. las espinacas 7. Mézclalos en el plato hondo. a. los huevos b. las naranjas c. los tenedores