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Placement of Reflexive Pronouns

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Presentación del tema: "Placement of Reflexive Pronouns"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Placement of Reflexive Pronouns

2 Placement of Pronouns Reflexive pronouns, as well as direct and indirect object pronouns, may be placed in 2 different places in a sentence. --before a conjugated verb --attached to an infinitive

3 Placement of Pronouns Estamos divirtiéndonos mucho.
Nos estamos divirtiendo mucho. We are having a lot of fun. Voy a acostarme temprano. Me voy a acostar temprano. I am going to go to bed early.

4 Placement of Pronouns If the sentence is negative, place the pronoun between no and the verb. No me estoy aburriendo. I am not bored. No las voy a comprar. I´m not going to buy them.

5 Placement of Pronouns In affirmative commands, pronouns are attached to the end of the verb. Carlos, despiértate. Chicos, lávense las manos. ¿Los niños? Cuídalos. ¿El parque? Límpielo. In negative commands, place the pronoun between no and the verb. Esa película es mala. No la veas.

6 Placement of Pronouns Notice that written accent marks must often be added when a pronoun is attached to a verb. Recoge la basura. (Pick up the trash) Recógela. (Pick it up) Estoy lavando los platos. (I am washing the dishes.) Estoy lavándolos. (I am washing them.)

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