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Mandatos; usted, ustedes, nosotros repaso. How do you form affirmative usted, ustedes, and nosotros commands? Start with the yo form of the present tense.

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Presentación del tema: "Mandatos; usted, ustedes, nosotros repaso. How do you form affirmative usted, ustedes, and nosotros commands? Start with the yo form of the present tense."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Mandatos; usted, ustedes, nosotros repaso

2 How do you form affirmative usted, ustedes, and nosotros commands? Start with the yo form of the present tense. Ejemplo: tirar tiro hacer hago elegir elijo

3 For regular verbs drop the –o and add the command endings. tiro  tir  tire, tiren, tiremos hago  hag  haga, hagan, hagamos elijo  elij  elija, elijan, elijamos ustedustedesnosotros -ar verbs-e-en-emos -er verbs-a-an-amos -ir verbs-a-an-amos

4 How do you form negative usted, ustedes, and nosotros commands? Just add no before the verb. tirar no tire, no tiren, no tiremos hacer no haga, no hagan, no hagamos elegir no elija, no elijan, no elijamos

5 The verb ir (to go) Irregular usted  vaya ustedes  vayan nostros  vayamos To say lets go say: vamos To say lets not go say: no vayamos

6 -car –gar and –zar verbs Verbs with these endings require a spelling change -car: c  qu -gar:g  gu -zar:z  c

7 Ejemplo: organizar organizo organize  organice organizen  organicen organizemos  organicemos

8 pagar pago page  pague pagen  paguen pagemos  paguemos

9 sacar saco sace  saque sacen  saquen sacemos  saquemos

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