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Gestión de riesgos en Servidores y Puestos de Trabajo

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Presentación del tema: "Gestión de riesgos en Servidores y Puestos de Trabajo"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Gestión de riesgos en Servidores y Puestos de Trabajo
Soluciones Gestion de Parches Gestion de configuracion Control de dispositivos Control de Aplicaciones Integración con NAC Cifrado de dispositivos Riesgos de los puestos Vulnerabilidades de Software Configuraciones no seguras Robo/evasion de informacion Malware/ Uso no autorizado de aplicaciones Acceso no autorizado a la red Pedida de datos There are many risks that manifest at the endpoint. And there are many solutions that address each risk. All of our solutions are best-of-breed, and focus on managing risk and securing the endpoint through policy development and enforcement. Objections? We don’t perform AV cleanup functions, but are you more worried about deadware or preventing zero-day threats. Our approach is definitive. No such guarantees with AV. We enhance Network Access Control solutions, to bring out-of-compliant machines back online quickly once issues are remediated. Disk Encryption – Today we partner with best-of-breed vendors such as Safeboot for disk encryption Proteccion y Control Unificados

2 Sinergias de las Soluciones
Se descubren los dispositivos y vulnerabilidades. Estas son eliminadas segun su criticidad, Las listas blancas son actualizadas automaticamante con los ultimos parches y las politicas se pueden automatizar para reforzar de forma continua la politica de seguridad. Descubrimiento de Asets y vulnerabilidades Reporte a Patchlink para eliminar los problemas de seguridad Most Secure Most Vulnerable Synergies between the 3 solution sets (VA, Patching and Remediation, Endpoint Policy Enforcement) include: Discovery of IT assets and vulnerabilities provides actionable information to rapidly and effectively patch and remediate vulnerabilities and configuration issues Patching subscription service enables automated maintenance of whitelist, which allows only the known good to execute or be accessible. This enables the benefits of the whitelist without the issues of maintaining it. Integration of these 3 solutions consolidates the data and reporting capabilities, which enables disparate groups (IT, security, business) to interact at a policy level and make the best decisions for the enterprise as a whole Refuerzo de la politica de seguridad mediante el uso de lists blancas ( Definir lo que se autoriza ) el resto no se permitirá

3 Lumension Security Solución Basada en Políticas
Requerimientos de una Politica Solucion PatchLink Scan Descubrir y evaluar Todos los sistemas para evaluar el cumplimiento de la politica Remediar y Mantener Software sin Problemas de seguridad PatchLink Update PatchLink NAC Integrator Reforzar la politica Control de acceso a la red PatchLink Developers Kit Configuraciones seguras En todos los sistemas Best-of-breed products/solutions all based on policy enforcement to achieve that desired state of environment. Maps policy to the specific solution. PatchLink Scan - Stand-alone network-based scanning solution that that allows you to assess and analyze network threats through a comprehensive external scan of all of the devices on your network, including servers, desktop computers, laptops, routers, printers, switches and more. PatchLink Update - Proactively manages threats by automating the collection, analysis, and delivery of 19,000 patches (all major operating systems and applications) throughout your heterogeneous network. PatchLink NAC Integrator - Seamlessly incorporates PatchLink’s patented threat remediation into your access control solution via integrations with leading vendors and support for all major industry standards. PatchLink Developer’s Kit (PDK) - Quickly eliminate hardware configuration issues, update application settings, remove unauthorized files and applications, enforce security policies, patch custom software, respond to zero-day vulnerabilities and more.  Sanctuary Device Control - policy-based enforcement of removable device use to control the flow of inbound and outbound data from your endpoints. Sanctuary Application Control – provides policy-based enforcement of application use to secure endpoints from malware, spyware, zero-day threats and unwanted or unlicensed software. Sanctuary Device Control Definir el uso autorizado De todos los dispositivos Sanctuary Application Control Imponer el uso de software autorizado Para todas las aplicaciones

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