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Promoting participation spaces for young people Gerardo Berthin Asesor de Políticas de Gobernabilidad & Descentralización Centro Regional de Servicios.

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Presentación del tema: "Promoting participation spaces for young people Gerardo Berthin Asesor de Políticas de Gobernabilidad & Descentralización Centro Regional de Servicios."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Promoting participation spaces for young people Gerardo Berthin Asesor de Políticas de Gobernabilidad & Descentralización Centro Regional de Servicios del PNUD para América Latina Área de Practica de Gobernabilidad Democrática Comunidad de Práctica - COP México DF, México Octubre 16 – 17, 2012

2 MONTH/ YEAR October 2012 1.Politic Dialogue & systematization of experiences 2.Social Audit 3.ACT Campaign 3 Lines of action from the Regional Centre

3 Survey on Democratic Values 44 questions Youth participation experiences Knowledge related to participation Perception Interpersonal Trust Assessment human development public policies.


5 MONTH/ YEAR October 2012 Workshop on Social Audit for Youth Leaders and Entrepeneurs

6 Workshop Key Elements Present practical concepts related to social audits; Clarify the expectatives about tools, approaches, and strategies to design and implement social audit strategies; and Strengthen the managerial and technical capacities to design, to manage and to evaluate social audit process.

7 ¿Social Audit? An approach and a process to build accountability based on the civil society participation, by which citizens and non gubernamental organizations, directly or indirectly, can demand accountability and transparency Mechanism by which citizens Act collectively to asses on accountability and transparency issues in public and privates activities that affect their daily lives Propose corrective actions

8 Knowledge of the national legislation on transparency and accountability CON7. ¿Qué leyes importantes referidas a transparencia y rendición de cuentas podrías mencionar que ha aprobado la Asamblea Nacional en los últimos 5 años en tu país? (Nombrar a lo mínimo la temática) 56% Does not know/does not Respond The remaining 44% refers to laws and regulations on: -Transparency -Free Acces to Public Information -Accountability -Public Ethics -Anti-corruption Statutes -Citizen Engagement -Public Service -Public Procurement

9 Knowledge of national and municipal budgets National Budget Municipal Budget CON9. ¿Podrías decir cuánto es aproximadamente en dólares americanos el presupuesto nacional de tu país? CON10. ¿Podrías señalar cuánto es aproximadamente en dólares americanos el presupuesto de tu municipio? 67% NS/NR 65% NS/NR N= 126

10 N= 124

11 MONTH/ YEAR October 2012 9 December BDP UNDP & UNODC


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