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Unidad 1, Etapa 3 Los Ángeles La Familia “México-Tenochitlán—The Wall That Talks,” is located at Avenue 61 and Figueroa, across from La Estrella Restaurant.

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Presentación del tema: "Unidad 1, Etapa 3 Los Ángeles La Familia “México-Tenochitlán—The Wall That Talks,” is located at Avenue 61 and Figueroa, across from La Estrella Restaurant."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Unidad 1, Etapa 3 Los Ángeles La Familia “México-Tenochitlán—The Wall That Talks,” is located at Avenue 61 and Figueroa, across from La Estrella Restaurant in Highland Park. Muralists want to secure private and public funding to keep murals in pristine condition. (EGP Photo by Gloria Angelina Castillo)

3 Unit Objectives Identify and Describe Family Members Talk about what people have Express Age Express Possession Give Dates Understand rich cultural influence of Hispanics in Los Angeles (Chicano Art)

4 Big Ideas/ Essential Questions Write these questions in your “Diario Section”. Respond to the questions as we move through the unit. What are some grammatical differences in Spanish and English? What are some similarities in Spanish and English? How have hispanics influenced the United States? How can one learn history through art? What are some similarities and differences in hispanic families and the typical American (U.S.A.) family?

5 Day 1:Goals Identify Family and Express Possession Hay siete personas en la foto de la familia. ¿Quiénes son las personas?

6 ¿Quiénes son las personas de tu familia? Some questions are not applicable to all students. For example: If you do not have a sister, write (No tengo una hermana.) Mi padre se llama ____________________. Mi madre se llama ____________________. Mis padres se llaman __________________. Mi hermano se llama ___________________. Mis hermanos se llaman ________________________. Mis abuelos se llaman_______________________. Mi hermana se llama____________________. Mi gato se llama ___________________. Las Mascotas Mi perro se llama ______________________.

7 Expressing Possession using De Examples: La madre de Selena es Marcela. “Selena’s mother is Marcela.” Los hijos de Abrahim son A.B., Suzette, y Selena. “Abrahim’s children are A.B., Suzette, y Selena.

8 Selena es la hija de Abrahim y Marcela. Abrahim y Marcela son los padres de Selena.

9 Identifying Family Write down new vocabulary for family and pay attention to how he expresses who different people are to him and to others using “de”.

10 ¿Quiénes son? La señorita Fannoney es ____________ de Nazirah. Nazirah es _________________de señorita Fannoney.

11 Expressing Possession El padre de mi padre es mi ________________. Los hermanos de mi padre son mis ___________. El esposo de mi madre es mi __________________.

12 Expressing Possession Using Possessive Adjectives Mi / Mis MyNuestro (a) Our Nuestros (as) Tu/ Tus Your (famiiar)Vuestro (a) Vuestros(as) Your ★ Used in Spain (Plural and Familiar) Su / Sus His/ Her/ ItsSu / Sus Your/ Their La madre de Selena es Marcela. Su madre es simpáticay trabajadora. Los hijos de mis tíos son mis primos. Los padres de mis primos son mis tíos. Possessive adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify too. Note, they agree with the noun not the person that possesses the noun.

13 Identify the family members: El hombre es ____________________________. La chica es _______________.

14 Practiquemos Tu madre Your mother (familiar & singular) Our mother Nuestra madre Her father Su Padre Our GrandparentsNuestros abuelos

15 Games for more practice are available on the WIKI! Hangman More games to practice vocabulary;learn=Spanish;play=listening-game;lesson=474;game=L Additional Support (videos, tutorials, and more games):

16 ¿Cómo es tu familia?

17 La Tarea Draw a family tree that represents your family. Label the members with the Spanish vocabulary and their names. Upcoming Dates: 1.Journal Entries are due on Friday. Please review the guidelines and the FCA’s. 2.Quiz on Thursday: Family vocabulary and possession

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